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The new gold portal is a scam.

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It take 20 token to complete Isane mission.

Warning ⚠️: Mighty cannon *top weapon* shot 800-1200+ dmg, stonger that divine falcon.

Best thing to do is avoid it. Siriusly you don't want get shot by that.

Hopely this tips help yall at camping, gl.

Ps: counter coner it👍👍👍

Edited by Xynt (see edit history)

What the point?

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Just now, The Nun said:

the hp so low can get through it without revive?

yes, i did get a hb box but i am pretty sure i could have done it without if i refined the build a bit, my first try on this portal i survived w 500 hp

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I recommend you this build. I didnt spend any tokens to respawn. Good luck everyone




1 minute ago, ISayMeow said:

I recommend you this build. I didnt spend any tokens to respawn. Good luck everyone




I realised something, u should use MPV for torso xd

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I mean ... you need premium items like swoop and the VIP resis modules to beat the insane mode. In other words: give your credit card to GatoGames in order to win 120 tokens. A scam.

The same as the 3x3 campaign, buy multiple revives, buy premium items to earn a certain amount of tokens that doesn't even reach 10% of what you invested. 


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5 hours ago, Xynt said:


It take 20 token to complete Isane mission.

Warning ⚠️: Mighty cannon *top weapon* shot 800-1200+ dmg, stonger that divine falcon.

Best thing to do is avoid it. Siriusly you don't want get shot by that.

Hopely this tips help yall at camping, gl.

Ps: counter coner it👍👍👍

But, the chicken is okay? 🤔




PS: No, I didn't pass the third attempt either.
I didn't even bother to revive, I only agree to spend fuel, not the tokens that are to be spent on buying weapon deals, nothing more.

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7 hours ago, Nefertary Meriten-Mut said:

The gold portal is a scam. The insane mission is for you to spend tokens on revive over and over again. If you do not want to lose the tokens you acquired in normal and hard, don't be stubborn with the insane mission.

How easily an event that once was more or less good can be ruined!

It is actually do able.  I'll share the build I used. Also you get 2 repair kits.

To play this out right:


- Buggy: Be in HB range, use it first. Then use Supreme Cannon and 2nd HB. The rest is simple

- Tank: Be in far range. Use drone. Then HB, and SC. Then use Savagery and the rest up to you

- Red Mechs: be in hb range. First move use drone. Next use SC, then HB. Then Savagery HB. Then Savagery.

- Boss: Be in HB range.  Use drone on first move. Then use HB.  If you get push back, that is great. Use savagery. If you get pulled, use MR. Then us the 2nd HB and Savagery or SC.  Just keep using savagery.

bandicam 2021-05-12 10-54-44-798.jpg

bandicam 2021-05-12 10-54-39-339.jpg

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7 hours ago, Nefertary Meriten-Mut said:

Nooooo .... Heat bomb doesn't work for insane. You will need at least 2 revives to get to the bigboy. And once you reach the bigboy you will find a 3000 HP mech that will deal 1000 damage with his weapons. Try everything, up close, far, with electric, with phys, with heat ...

What is the point of doing an event that 99% of the players will not be able to complete? 

I need 1 revive per mech (the buggies and tanks can be dealt with in 1 life) even with my previously decent portal grinder


trade epik empiss for epik heat bombs when

I polish rocks

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9 hours ago, Nefertary Meriten-Mut said:

The gold portal is a scam. The insane mission is for you to spend tokens on revive over and over again. If you do not want to lose the tokens you acquired in normal and hard, don't be stubborn with the insane mission.

How easily an event that once was more or less good can be ruined!

Im quite happy with it, I didn't spend on insane, and got more than the 45 tokens I would have gotten on the typical gold portal.

I literally pulled an MPV from r3 box, and from the other r3 box I opened, I puleld plat fortress, so its holy sry whiteout

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Well you know wep, just because you failed once during the portal, it doesn't mean that this event is ruined.

I'll say a couple of things.

1. This event is now WAY better thanks to Alexander, you get more tokens from normal difficulty alone than what you did with all 3 difficulties with TS.

2. Even if you spend 110 tokens on revives on insane, you're still at a net positive.

3. Alex reads all, he can and will change it back to 15 tokens/difficulty.

What i'm trying to say is that you should start seeing the bright side of things. On top of that, i think this is extremely ironic coming from you, a top player, with one of the deepest inventories in the game, complaining about the difficulty of a portal.

Personally, i really enjoy the more difficult portals, because it requires: 1, a mech build and 2, actual brains. Before you would just slap your dual frantics and click hurr durr you win 45 tokens in 10mins.

Take all of this with a grain of salt, obviously.

Edit: thought i'd show you guys my mech for this portal, only took 1 revive.

Edited by Asther
Portal mech mfw (see edit history)

silly goober

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Ah, Wepwawet, you’re funny. I meant no disrespect when I say that. I just think you’re funny. I decline on arguing with you on this topic. Anyone else is fair game though.

9 hours ago, Chef Riot said:

this is for insane, we have had alex give us harder portals in the past tbh

Chef Riot, that’s incorrect. This is the first time I had to use a revive for the Gold Portal.

Regardless of that, if what you say were true, then people would have complained about it, just like in this topic. I’m very active on the forum, and this is the first time I’ve seen a lot of complaints on the Gold Portal’s difficulty.

In regards to the revive, I could have made it on this build with a revive.


After getting shot multiple times with 1k damage from the Mighty Cannon, I tried this build instead.


Since I had no HP Kit, I required a revive on it. I was too impatient to waste any further time on waiting for a HP Kit to finish this portal.

In hindsight, it’d have been better to use a TerrorBlade instead of the Crimson Rapture since I ran out of ammo on the Crimson Rapture.


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The portal is very worth it, stop looking for reasons to be angry at the game. Multiple people completed it on insane are satisfied.

Completing normal already gives you more tokens than you would get from a TacticSoft portal if you completed the 3 difficulties, so your argument about portals being ruined doesn't even makes sense Wep..

It's even funny due to the fact that 3v3 campaign is way harder, doesn't give as many tokens and tends to crash even if you win, which results in a defeat, and nobody is ranting about it! 😄

Off-beat heat mechs ™image.png Spitfire

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41 minutes ago, Raul said:

The portal is very worth it, stop looking for reasons to be angry at the game. Multiple people completed it on insane are satisfied.

Completing normal already gives you more tokens than you would get from a TacticSoft portal if you completed the 3 difficulties, so your argument about portals being ruined doesn't even makes sense Wep..

It's even funny due to the fact that 3v3 campaign is way harder, doesn't give as many tokens and tends to crash even if you win, which results in a defeat, and nobody is ranting about it! 😄

That's great ! Too bad I wasted all the tokens earned by the portals in premium boxes that are not really so premium.

2 hours ago, MAFIA SALVATRUCHA said:

Hola. porque es una estafa?

Porque es muy dificil ganar el nivel insano incluso teniendo un buen mech de rango 1 con todos los items en divino.


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