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OKI DOKI last won the day on July 25

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  1. In order to make the corrupt light Mythical as free to play player, it does require to grind "farm" for gold a lot. If the game hasn't provided useless Legends to use as meat, you need to create the meat. Creating meat, it is expensive but necessary to move faster if trying to rush becoming a top player. Sacrifices to do will be time farming at least 3 times per day but better 4 times full fuel consumption. 1-You can make rare parts from common parts then common to epic. 2- It is best to look for rare parts if no epics around and make epics for transformation 3- Will need a trash epic that can go to Legend status 1 then use it for transformation 4- Will require 5 trashy legends for meat transformation. It does takes time. 5- Recommendations is to focus on modules, torso and legs. 6- Corrupt light it is base for starting point, but long run won't be the best. It is better for now to keep it as L40 and focus on other parts to level up until reach L40 then think into what part to transform. The cost to do that now is heavy when other parts are in need to sustain attacks and to progress in the campaign. Will say few things here. In the long run it is bad. You can L40 part but do not cross for now. If having bad luck with parts, it is best go for Nightmare torso and can get it easy as COMMON and RARE item This item is good for heat and phys as best and the weight can help a lot starting the game and can be use in top. The current torso you have, it is a heavy torso. Com paring Nightmare vs Zark a-Nightmare weight is better b-Energy cap and regeneration are identical b- Het cap and cooling Zark is better c- Nightmare resistances are better. d- HP Zark it is a bit better Note: Even Zark it is a bit better on heat side, the weight it is a lot more than Nightmare which will make it harder to add modules and weapons etc for configurations in which nightmare can compensate the gap plus will poses more resistance making Nightmare better not investment waste. Sure, your Zark it is now Legend 1 and can be used for now as it is or go to L40 not more than that waiting for a better part to show up or go for nightmare. About parts... As mentioned, you need to farm and make the parts. This is me making parts L30 for future EPIC to Legend transformation for legend meat. As you can see, I have 10 L30 making 10 legends to transform 2 L40 parts to make them MYTH just as example. When the game does not provide epics to move on nor legends, you have to make the EPICS for sacrifices and level up one then makes a legend to meat for your corrupt. If you are low in farming, it is better going to go for the modules and move them to L30 because cost less and is faster and will provide mech support.
  2. Sad to know. Having the e-mail might help if you have access to the e-mail. If you haven't gave access to others, the account might be around. reloading SM back to the phone or a pc can work.
  3. love the end when wining against TWISTED REALITY That was twisted. Cool fights. I saw some familiar players. My kids as always playing fooling around. They love to tease losing . They get bored if get wins. Sure, are testing things for me but they go sometimes too far messing around.
  4. Because you are starting, the changes will be really often at this point. If there are no other parts, use whatever can help you out to increase power and move on at campaign areas. Starting the game, the FUEL CAP is lower than an account developed like mine. You will be in the 40's and in my case is 95 max in the game. Normally is good to keep farming a lot before max parts but because we do not know when to get a decent one, we level up whatever we can for constant progress. There is no rule in this case. Sometimes we have to stop and stay put in one place to increase power. Check achievement area and to look what can be complete and that provide tokens. Save them till can get some premium boxes in offers like today offer. Every account act different in the grants. Some are good and some others are bad. You can max parts until reach level 30 transforming them to EPIC if no other in RARE status. You are adding shield and plating plus 2 cooling, one regens and one energy cap. Because later you will need others for a second mech as free to play, leveling up them are not a waste. Sure, in the future will be meat after getting the premium parts. Farming will keep granting EPICS.
  5. yes, the picture added it is what you need but that mech it is oriented to destroy energy shield to create damage in that way. That means, it is harder to paralyze the opponent with this kind of energy mech. Part easy to get in your case because are granted as RARE" Blue" corners or as EPIC "Purple". Both parts can be max without issues and won't be a loss of time or investment. The torso in use as mentioned above, it does have a good energy and heat cap or better say the best in the game but the really bad on cooling and energy regeneration. You can use it for now but the investment in the long run will be a waste. Basic torso as free Nightmare. easy to get in common or rare status farming. Best for heat/phys less for energy but works for energy in some ways. Also good in weight been very low so can set up some modules to start in the beginning. Windigo granted as EPIC goof for heat and phys mechs then energy but work in some ways. People use this one more often. Naga better for energy between them. Good to use if need for energy mech. For legs all types will be in need, but this one is granted as EPIC and can be obtained less frequently but as free can be. Your current leg, it is the old one used to be in use. Sure, can be put to use but the one above is best in average between weight, damage to shield and HP. Then modules drone etc. For now, farm as much you can and pay attention to collect the parts farming on rare or epic status.
  6. Energy parts are the heavier in the game reason generally speaking there are not that many energy mechs at tops. Sure, still in use but weight makes this a bit harder to fight. Normally the heat mech can be number 1 as general population used then phys then energy. The one with a bit less weight it is physical then heat then too heavy energy and lacking a bit damage. In order to help better, it is best for you to summit your mechs set up and inventory and the forum members can help
  7. good for you. It is time to spend today let's give the money a good use on today offers.
  8. I do not know, but to me is like the torsos does have pilots.
  9. to mention Flintstone, man you are old school.
  10. yup I did not want to include the best way up, cheating factor best way to progress as Besty indicate. Bump rank and get easy medals with other personal accounts or friends accounts and collect illegal tokens.
  11. it is possible but require real evidence and time to check and summit the concern according to the game rules.
  12. there are some limitations on data. For example, you can use same video code and pass the season and use same code and will be different video. Some data still save for some time then require erasing. Hacker's watch is related to players normally in the industry. The game developers work on it, but the players are the one that normally provide tips. This game does have limitations on personal doing many things even players think it is not true. Sure, takes time to check players. Not easy task to do having just few employees dedicated to issues and basic updates on servers and extras having more than one game to manage. Sure, there are few things around to work on and I think it is about to change some gears on attitudes. I just play the way it is. The day can't play or get bored, I just move on like any other played in the past. It is just an entertainment no life to get upset for a silly thing.
  13. OKI DOKI


    secret killer
  14. OKI DOKI


    intriguing smiley
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