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The new gold portal is a scam.

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7 minutes ago, Tirreggregars said:

@SawzAll, very ironic considering ur extremely toxic and aggresive with anyone that doesn't agree with u.

Secondly, from what I pick up, Wep did beat the portal, her logic is simple:

Alex makes a portal with good rewards yay, however to get the good rewards, you need to have "VIP Items", hence, you need to spend money to get the good reward, which in itself makes it not as good a reward.

She is not doing it out of personal interest, as her inventory is probably deeper than anyone, or almost anyone, else who has posted here, what she supports is that the portal difficulties should be beatable by people that don't have 18 heat bombs, 4 swoops, 68 fortresses and a bunch of premium weapons.

and again, sawz, and whiteout, read the psot before posting some bs which is compeltely wrong, and sawz, dont be so toxic, ur very hypocritical.

Yeah spitting facts sawz is extremely toxic to people who dont agree with him

Edited by Dark conon mech
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5 minutes ago, Tirreggregars said:

@SawzAll, very ironic considering ur extremely toxic and aggresive with anyone that doesn't agree with u.

Secondly, from what I pick up, Wep did beat the portal, her logic is simple:

Alex makes a portal with good rewards yay, however to get the good rewards, you need to have "VIP Items", hence, you need to spend money to get the good reward, which in itself makes it not as good a reward.

She is not doing it out of personal interest, as her inventory is probably deeper than anyone, or almost anyone, else who has posted here, what she supports is that the portal difficulties should be beatable by people that don't have 18 heat bombs, 4 swoops, 68 fortresses and a bunch of premium weapons.

and again, sawz, and whiteout, read the psot before posting some bs which is compeltely wrong, and sawz, dont be so toxic, ur very hypocritical.

What do you mean by "18 Heat Bombs"? It's been repeated in this topic that you need at least 2 Heat Bombs to get through Insane. If it really did require 18 heat bombs, there wouldn't be that many mentions of "2 Heat Bombs". Sure, some of the people in this topic have used OHB with Heat Bombs but that's their choice to go with that.

Any portal is doable without premiums as long as you have the proper strategies in mind and the weapons for the build you've come up with. As for what you just said about premium weapons, people have literally showed builds that had Corrupt Light, Flaminator, Frantic Brute, Supreme Cannon, and Dawnblaze.

Those 4 heat weapons that I mentioned aren't exactly popular in the top ranks but they managed to work here. How is that along with the whole idea of a portal being doable without the likes of premium weapons "completely wrong bs"? 

Besides, hasn't Insane always been geared towards higher-ranked players rather than the mid-ranked? Higher rewards for higher effort? 



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21 minutes ago, W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T said:

What do you mean by "18 Heat Bombs"? It's been repeated in this topic that you need at least 2 Heat Bombs to get through Insane. If it really did require 18 heat bombs, there wouldn't be that many mentions of "2 Heat Bombs". Sure, some of the people in this topic have used OHB with Heat Bombs but that's their choice to go with that.

Any portal is doable without premiums as long as you have the proper strategies in mind and the weapons for the build you've come up with. As for what you just said about premium weapons, people have literally showed builds that had Corrupt Light, Flaminator, Frantic Brute, Supreme Cannon, and Dawnblaze.

Those 4 heat weapons that I mentioned aren't exactly popular in the top ranks but they managed to work here. How is that along with the whole idea of a portal being doable without the likes of premium weapons "completely wrong bs"? 

Besides, hasn't Insane always been geared towards higher-ranked players rather than the mid-ranked? Higher rewards for higher effort? 



You do make a good point : D

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And I know that I said Frantic Brute in that list of heat weapons but it's a physical weapon seen a lot in arena as a whole, so I didn't involve it while the 4 mentioned heat weapons die off during the traversal between midranks and highranks without the assistance of a premium weapon.

However, all that they needed as assistance for the portal, as a bare minimum, was 2 Heat Bombs, E-M heat weapons that appear a lot in arena overall when it comes to heat builds.

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8 hours ago, W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T said:

What do you mean by "18 Heat Bombs"? It's been repeated in this topic that you need at least 2 Heat Bombs to get through Insane. If it really did require 18 heat bombs, there wouldn't be that many mentions of "2 Heat Bombs". Sure, some of the people in this topic have used OHB with Heat Bombs but that's their choice to go with that.

Any portal is doable without premiums as long as you have the proper strategies in mind and the weapons for the build you've come up with. As for what you just said about premium weapons, people have literally showed builds that had Corrupt Light, Flaminator, Frantic Brute, Supreme Cannon, and Dawnblaze.

Those 4 heat weapons that I mentioned aren't exactly popular in the top ranks but they managed to work here. How is that along with the whole idea of a portal being doable without the likes of premium weapons "completely wrong bs"? 

Besides, hasn't Insane always been geared towards higher-ranked players rather than the mid-ranked? Higher rewards for higher effort? 



Obviously, for those of us with active brain cells,we can understand that u cannot even equip 18 heat bombs on a mech, the point was that u need many divined items, many premium items, to beat insane mode, even if they use corrupt, or flam, note that all these people have divine premium mods, which other people lack, and they still need revives.

I literally pulled an MPV from r3 box, and from the other r3 box I opened, I puleld plat fortress, so its holy sry whiteout

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9 minutes ago, Tirreggregars said:

Obviously, for those of us with active brain cells,we can understand that u cannot even equip 18 heat bombs on a mech

Did I read that right or did you honestly think that I said anything about equipping 18 Heat Bombs? 

9 hours ago, Tirreggregars said:

what she supports is that the portal difficulties should be beatable by people that don't have 18 heat bombs

I simply referred to this and I get called "braindead" for it. Nice play.


11 minutes ago, Tirreggregars said:

the point was that u need many divined items, many premium items, to beat insane mode, even if they use corrupt, or flam, note that all these people have divine premium mods, which other people lack, and they still need revives.

This is the model of literally every "high-tier" thing in SuperMechs.

Whether it be 3v3 Insane, Arena Top Ranks, or Raid, the fact that some divine premium modules are needed is inevitable. However- I did NOT say that you didn't need premium mods in order to beat the portal on Insane. I only said that you don't need premium weapons in order to do it, which was why I brought up the E-M and R-M weapons from before.

The fact that the portal has a difficulty system similar to campaign doesn't make it a scam, though. Sure, you'll lose tokens on revives but the portal drops 110 tokens from Insane. That's literally room for 6-7 revives and you'll still walk away with 40 tokens. 

If anything, you're able to walk away with a lot of gold and a handful of tokens even after you revive a lot vs Tactisoft portals that could've just been the same difficulty and you would walk away with no tokens because of how the Insane pay would be like 50 tokens.

But anyways, if you're gonna reply to this, Tirreggregars, do it without making petty insults just because you failed to read properly. I'm listening to everything you have to say, so there's no reason for you to get mad at me for voicing what I think about things.

Oh, and if you want to have a friendly exchange about opinons, drop this thing first.

9 hours ago, Tirreggregars said:

sawz, and whiteout, read the psot before posting some bs which is compeltely wrong

You're turning an opinion-based topic into something that it isn't. Opinions aren't right or wrong, so don't try to make them that way.


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Tell me how an average player, that is, a player who is at rank 10 and who most of the time does not have mythical torsos, modern modules or mythical HP plates, can dominate the insane mode in this portal.

We are not talking about people with rank 5 or higher, who are the minority on the game, but about the vast majority who fluctuate in lower ranks. For these players, even hard mode is hard to beat. We aren't talking about Arena battles or RAID either, but about a portal that is supposedly an event to help everyone (the average gamer) and not just for people who have  good and myth things.

The illogical logic of the game, you make an event and those who need the least end up taking the most.


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Exactly as you write. GATO prefers TOP players who do not need the portal to play. Illogical logic. Rather, GATO should have left the challenge as it was and increased the reward. GATO would be loved, and those few tokens would not progress enough to damage GATO Games' revenue.

Could the best programmer in the world finally write the truth about accounts? Why do some accounts still get the claws and vest torsos and in 3 years they get one spartan and valiant and on the other hand someone gets 10 valiants and spartans and not even one claws. This is the intentional unbalance that has us players withdrawing money for Premium packs.

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9 minutes ago, Jesper said:

Exactly as you write. GATO prefers TOP players who do not need the portal to play. Illogical logic. Rather, GATO should have left the challenge as it was and increased the reward. GATO would be loved, and those few tokens would not progress enough to damage GATO Games' revenue.

Could the best programmer in the world finally write the truth about accounts? Why do some accounts still get the claws and vest torsos and in 3 years they get one spartan and valiant and on the other hand someone gets 10 valiants and spartans and not even one claws. This is the intentional unbalance that has us players withdrawing money for Premium packs.

I mean it only nice when your on the winning side

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6 hours ago, Nefertary Meriten-Mut said:

We aren't talking about Arena battles or RAID either, but about a portal that is supposedly an event to help everyone (the average gamer) and not just for people who have  good and myth things.


10 hours ago, W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T said:

This is the model of literally every "high-tier" thing in SuperMechs.



6 hours ago, Nefertary Meriten-Mut said:

Tell me how an average player, that is, a player who is at rank 10 and who most of the time does not have mythical torsos, modern modules or mythical HP plates, can dominate the insane mode in this portal.

The whole point of the portal isn't to throw tokens out to everyone like it's free candy.

It's a way to gain more gold because of how it's a gold portal. You don't lose gold per revive and you sure as hell get a lot of gold from each difficulty tier, each one giving more gold than the likes of a single run of popular gold farming stages. The tokens here are only an added bonus, so they're there just because the game's being generous enough to give out tokens during portals at all.

But the focus of this whole topic has been nothing but tokens. If you seriously forgot the name of the portal just because you want everyone to get tokens, you should at least take into consideration that the portal and all portals in general don't have to give out tokens since they're already giving out things like perks, items, or, in this case, gold.

As for the lack of portals, I won't bring up a worn-out topic that's been beaten enough.

If you fail and don't succeed at something, you simply haven't failed enough. Through failures, one can pave a path to eventual success. 

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18 minutes ago, W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T said:



The whole point of the portal isn't to throw tokens out to everyone like it's free candy.

It's a way to gain more gold because of how it's a gold portal. You don't lose gold per revive and you sure as hell get a lot of gold from each difficulty tier, each one giving more gold than the likes of a single run of popular gold farming stages. The tokens here are only an added bonus, so they're there just because the game's being generous enough to give out tokens during portals at all.

But the focus of this whole topic has been nothing but tokens. If you seriously forgot the name of the portal just because you want everyone to get tokens, you should at least take into consideration that the portal and all portals in general don't have to give out tokens since they're already giving out things like perks, items, or, in this case, gold.

As for the lack of portals, I won't bring up a worn-out topic that's been beaten enough.

Why is it always the same portal tho 

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4 minutes ago, Dark conon mech said:

Why is it always the same portal tho 

Considering the hell that the game's going through, I don't Alex wants to go game file diving just to release Tactisoft-related new items when he's trying to handle the current issues (like cheaters and exploiters) that are affecting the game negatively.

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11 hours ago, W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T said:

Did I read that right or did you honestly think that I said anything about equipping 18 Heat Bombs? 

I simply referred to this and I get called "braindead" for it. Nice play.


This is the model of literally every "high-tier" thing in SuperMechs.

Whether it be 3v3 Insane, Arena Top Ranks, or Raid, the fact that some divine premium modules are needed is inevitable. However- I did NOT say that you didn't need premium mods in order to beat the portal on Insane. I only said that you don't need premium weapons in order to do it, which was why I brought up the E-M and R-M weapons from before.

The fact that the portal has a difficulty system similar to campaign doesn't make it a scam, though. Sure, you'll lose tokens on revives but the portal drops 110 tokens from Insane. That's literally room for 6-7 revives and you'll still walk away with 40 tokens. 

If anything, you're able to walk away with a lot of gold and a handful of tokens even after you revive a lot vs Tactisoft portals that could've just been the same difficulty and you would walk away with no tokens because of how the Insane pay would be like 50 tokens.

But anyways, if you're gonna reply to this, Tirreggregars, do it without making petty insults just because you failed to read properly. I'm listening to everything you have to say, so there's no reason for you to get mad at me for voicing what I think about things.

Oh, and if you want to have a friendly exchange about opinons, drop this thing first.

You're turning an opinion-based topic into something that it isn't. Opinions aren't right or wrong, so don't try to make them that way.


FFS read, it was an exaggeration, often used in discourse.

I am not making insults, but pointing out the stupidity of u correcting something that was not a mistake.

I'm attempting to clarify a misunderstanding, but u seem incapable of understanding.

I literally pulled an MPV from r3 box, and from the other r3 box I opened, I puleld plat fortress, so its holy sry whiteout

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2 minutes ago, Tirreggregars said:

FFS read, it was an exaggeration, often used in discourse.

I am not making insults, but pointing out the stupidity of u correcting something that was not a mistake.

I'm attempting to clarify a misunderstanding, but u seem incapable of understanding.

My bad. Sometimes, it's hard to tell when someone's being serious or exaggerative when they're in a topic about an Insane difficulty in a gold portal.


If you fail and don't succeed at something, you simply haven't failed enough. Through failures, one can pave a path to eventual success. 

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Just now, Nefertary Meriten-Mut said:

I agree with Jesper, they should leave the difficulty that the portal had before and increase the reward. I insist that the daily events are to help all players, especially those with less. In Arena and RAID there is competition, in daily events and campaign, no.

If you decrease the overall difficulty of the portal, you're also technically making it a cakewalk for higher-ranked people.

If you fail and don't succeed at something, you simply haven't failed enough. Through failures, one can pave a path to eventual success. 

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3 hours ago, W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T said:

If you decrease the overall difficulty of the portal, you're also technically making it a cakewalk for higher-ranked people.

For a f2p the portal tokens are treasures. For the buyer who has everything, are worth nothing. When I was a buyer, I wasted countless opportunities to make free tokens.

Alexander said he wanted to help players reach rank 3, so ... if you really want to help, lower the difficulty so that everyone gets their reward!


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2 hours ago, Nefertary Meriten-Mut said:

For a f2p the portal tokens are treasures. For the buyer who has everything, are worth nothing. When I was a buyer, I wasted countless opportunities to make free tokens.

Alexander said he wanted to help players reach rank 3, so ... if you really want to help, lower the difficulty so that everyone gets their reward!

This whole topic is hard to explain due to its two-sided nature. Good and bad things could potentially branch out if either side is chosen.

So I'm mainly trying to keep an open mind about this but I'm also trying to see which side may have a more clear impact since better rewards and an easier portal could be a blessing or a curse depending on RNG and what players do with the tokens but the same could be said with keeping the portals this way, where "effort = reward".

However, either choice is doable by high ranks and P2Ws, so they won't be affected, but both choices will leave a certain impact on the lower ranks, whether it be lower-ranked players getting premiums or some myth food from packs they got with the token payout and overtaking less fortunate players that did the same thing but only got all-epics (basically what's happening now but accelerated), or low ranked players having to work for tokens at the cost of focusing on getting and maxing specific weapons to counter portal enemies.

Both ways can work but both ways can backfire.

If you fail and don't succeed at something, you simply haven't failed enough. Through failures, one can pave a path to eventual success. 

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3 hours ago, W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T said:

Celá táto téma je ťažko vysvetliteľná vzhľadom na jej obojstranný charakter. Dobré a zlé veci by sa mohli potenciálne rozvetviť, ak by sa vybrala ktorákoľvek strana.

Snažím sa teda o to hlavne myslieť otvorene, ale snažím sa tiež zistiť, ktorá strana môže mať jasnejší dopad, pretože lepšie odmeny a ľahší portál môžu byť požehnaním alebo prekliatím v závislosti od RNG a od toho, čo hráči robia. s tokenmi, ale to isté by sa dalo povedať o udržiavaní portálov týmto spôsobom, kde „námaha = odmena“.

Obidve možnosti sú však realizovateľné vysokými a P2W, takže nebudú ovplyvnené, ale obe možnosti ponechajú určitý vplyv na nižšie stupne, či už sú to hráči s nižším hodnotením, ktorí dostávajú prémie alebo nejaké mýty z balíčkov, ktoré dostali s výplatou tokenov a predbiehaním menej šťastných hráčov, ktorí robili to isté, ale dostali iba epické hry (v podstate to, čo sa teraz deje, ale zrýchlené), alebo hráči s nízkym poradím, ktorí museli pracovať za tokeny za cenu zamerania na získanie a maximalizáciu konkrétnych zbraní proti portálu nepriateľov.

Oba spôsoby môžu fungovať, ale oba môžu zlyhať.

All of this would be nice if no changes were made before. Now you are the only one who advocates change. If you want to have a factual discussion that can lead to a compromise, you would have to try all the options. 😉

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3 minutes ago, Jesper said:

All of this would be nice if no changes were made before. Now you are the only one who advocates change. If you want to have a factual discussion that can lead to a compromise, you would have to try all the options. 😉


All of my posts up to my most recent one has been about keeping it as is but my current one is a more of a compromise that involves both sides instead of one.

I hope that this clears up the potential confusion.

If you fail and don't succeed at something, you simply haven't failed enough. Through failures, one can pave a path to eventual success. 

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All I'm saying is that the reward boost is good but it shouldn't be too easy to get the rewards.


Also, I'm a F2P that didn't say anything about F2Ps being trash.

Where did that even come from?

If you fail and don't succeed at something, you simply haven't failed enough. Through failures, one can pave a path to eventual success. 

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2 hours ago, W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T said:

All I'm saying is that the reward boost is good but it shouldn't be too easy to get the rewards.


Also, I'm a F2P that didn't say anything about F2Ps being trash.

Where did that even come from?

Not u

Hcaptcha scam

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5 minutes ago, Soviet Union mech said:

Not u

Oh- My apologies then.

I've been thinking a bit too much due to this topic and now my thoughts are a bit skewed.

If you fail and don't succeed at something, you simply haven't failed enough. Through failures, one can pave a path to eventual success. 

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