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About Androphonia

  • Birthday 03/01/2006

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  1. wait until you get to rank 5 where every second person is some dude decked out with rank 1 meta gear but plays super badly
  2. I'm on a computer I am aware but this is not telling me how to fix the problem
  3. I haven't been getting my 30 daily ads, and I have lost a week's worth of ads (or 420 tokens) at this point. I've already tried reinstalling, and these ads are the main source of tokens (I don't think they should be but anyways) Is there a way to fix this?
  4. The new update isn't coming The last item we got was in 2020 the last balance update was 1 year ago why should I expect anything new to roll in
  5. should terror cry's sprite be changed to align with last words
  6. I like to crash parties more than I like to polish basalt
  7. the only useful legacy items are pushers, which are essentially infinite use repulsors. if an infinite use repulsor gives the opponent a massive edge over you its time to redesign your mech
  8. how did he get private information understandable have a nice day
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