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The new gold portal is a scam.

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Would ya look at that.. Insane is actually Insane.. 

Don't get me wrong, the 110 tokens from Easy and Hard are good.. But the 120 tokens from Insane is definitely new and the difficulty that Insane brings is a good way to put pilots through their paces.

If the portal was easy to complete, it would be one hell of a boost towards a premium pack for mostly everyone.

Would be nice but it would also be too easy for something that can get you towards the halfway point for getting a pack.

I don't know about everyone else but I actually like the challenge that Insane brings, even if I can't get all that far into it.

If you fail and don't succeed at something, you simply haven't failed enough. Through failures, one can pave a path to eventual success. 

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This is way better than the old gold portals, those were far fewer tokens, and I don't mind a challenge.

I may have missed the last couple gold portals but the tokens were very high.  Like 120 tokens?  I stacked phys resist and hps and used ranged energy with an EMP and won. (1 revive, didn't get health kits).

I did the same thing with energy swords with a different build - stack phys and resists and won but was lucky enough to get healthkit.

I lost my first run at the boss though and had to rebuilt my campaign mech because the boss battle was clearly much harder than the rest of the level if not prepared for it.

Don't forget you can exit and re-enter the fight to be at range 3 or 1 and not have to tank a hit from that mighty cannon.

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On 5/12/2021 at 5:45 AM, Nefertary Meriten-Mut said:

The gold portal is a scam

In terms of probability and logic, it is more likely that YOU are a scam.  But then again, that's why I have you on ignore.

The gold portal is not a scam.  With all due respect, if you sit there and click Revive over and over, you are harming only yourself.

No one made you click the gold portal.

No one made you ignore the high damage output of the final mech.

I saw that one coming and did only one revive.  That didn't work, so I gave up.

With a heat bomb I'm sure I could've beaten him, but alas....

With all due respect, this type of lying (i.e. misrepresenting things just because you're upset) is toxic and part of the reason people don't get on the forum enough (although there are also other reasons).

Instead of "the gold portal is a scam" you could have also decided to think, "well maybe I'm just not ready for the insane mode yet."

And you also conveniently ignored the fact that the rewards for this portal are basically twice what normal gold portals are.

I'm not having a single problem walking away with like 110 tokens on this thing, not to mention the gold.

With all due respect, do you think of EVERYTHING that you don't like as being a scam?

How did Gato Games scam you?


Edited by SawzAll (see edit history)

"Play stupid games, win stupid prizes."


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On 5/12/2021 at 5:45 PM, Nefertary Meriten-Mut said:

The gold portal is a scam. The insane mission is for you to spend tokens on revive over and over again. If you do not want to lose the tokens you acquired in normal and hard, don't be stubborn with the insane mission.

How easily an event that once was more or less good can be ruined!

Last portal we use energy

This portal we should use Boiler

Hcaptcha scam

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Now that you mention it.. Tactisoft's portals were almost exactly like these portals in terms of difficulty but the rewards were far less substantial due to less tokens per difficulty.

To say that this event was ruined is like saying that a Black Friday that doesn't have any violence for once isn't Black Friday.

In basic terms, this event was improved greatly by the token reward increases but the difficulty balances that increase to make the rewards good yet makes it so that the player has to work for them and not just beat a few bots and get 220 tokens like it's free candy.

If you fail and don't succeed at something, you simply haven't failed enough. Through failures, one can pave a path to eventual success. 

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On 5/13/2021 at 7:10 PM, SawzAll said:

In terms of probability and logic, it is more likely that YOU are a scam.  But then again, that's why I have you on ignore.

The gold portal is not a scam.  With all due respect, if you sit there and click Revive over and over, you are harming only yourself.

No one made you click the gold portal.

No one made you ignore the high damage output of the final mech.

I saw that one coming and did only one revive.  That didn't work, so I gave up.

With a heat bomb I'm sure I could've beaten him, but alas....

With all due respect, this type of lying (i.e. misrepresenting things just because you're upset) is toxic and part of the reason people don't get on the forum enough (although there are also other reasons).

Instead of "the gold portal is a scam" you could have also decided to think, "well maybe I'm just not ready for the insane mode yet."

And you also conveniently ignored the fact that the rewards for this portal are basically twice what normal gold portals are.

I'm not having a single problem walking away with like 110 tokens on this thing, not to mention the gold.

With all due respect, do you think of EVERYTHING that you don't like as being a scam?

How did Gato Games scam you?


From what she wrote, it seems she did beat the portal, without many revives, please read carefully.

I literally pulled an MPV from r3 box, and from the other r3 box I opened, I puleld plat fortress, so its holy sry whiteout

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On 5/14/2021 at 12:10 AM, SawzAll said:

In terms of probability and logic, it is more likely that YOU are a scam.  But then again, that's why I have you on ignore.

The gold portal is not a scam.  With all due respect, if you sit there and click Revive over and over, you are harming only yourself.

No one made you click the gold portal.

No one made you ignore the high damage output of the final mech.

I saw that one coming and did only one revive.  That didn't work, so I gave up.

With a heat bomb I'm sure I could've beaten him, but alas....

With all due respect, this type of lying (i.e. misrepresenting things just because you're upset) is toxic and part of the reason people don't get on the forum enough (although there are also other reasons).

Instead of "the gold portal is a scam" you could have also decided to think, "well maybe I'm just not ready for the insane mode yet."

And you also conveniently ignored the fact that the rewards for this portal are basically twice what normal gold portals are.

I'm not having a single problem walking away with like 110 tokens on this thing, not to mention the gold.

With all due respect, do you think of EVERYTHING that you don't like as being a scam?

How did Gato Games scam you?


Gato games will never scam anyone and like @Tirreggregars said, read carefully if you want to say something

Hcaptcha scam

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An event is an event for everyone and must be accessible to the average player. The juicier the prize, the more it disappoints those who can't beat it. And more than 90% of the players could not overcome insane mode, even spending tokens on revive.

So if the reward is good, it's to help the players who have less, the player who takes several days to collect their tokens. But, ultimately, those who have VIP items are favored, which are the ones they don't really need.

It is disgusting how these games work and the lack of empathy that those who defend this system have, which in the short or long term ends up encouraging cheating, manipulation and favoritism of all kinds.

And by the way @SawzAllleaving aside all the insults towards me (that in a single message you include several), I will tell you that Im not satisfied with what is wrong, I'm not like the ostrich that hides the head and leave the azz out. I go ahead with what can be best for everyone, sometimes with successful and sometimes I don't achieve anything, it depends on the human quality of the other. But I am not resigned to accepting "things as they are" if things are done poorly.


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2 hours ago, Soviet Union mech said:

Gato games will never scam anyone and like @Tirreggregars said, read carefully if you want to say something

I'm not going to apologize for failing to see their 2 cents in their ton of dog poop toxicity they dumped on this thread.  If they want me to find their 2 cents, they should not bury it in a ton of dog poop.

It's like this with life: presentation matters.  I could cook you the best, most expensive cut of steak in the world, but if I cook it inside a burning trash dumpster, are you going to eat it?

If you want people to notice your diamonds, don't bury them in dog poop.  If you want people to eat your steak, don't rub it against a nasty dumpster.  Presentation matters.

I won't apologize for confronting toxicity, though I will try to obey the rules.

Edited by SawzAll (see edit history)

"Play stupid games, win stupid prizes."


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14 minutes ago, SawzAll said:

I'm not going to apologize for failing to see their 2 cents in their ton of dog poop toxicity they dumped on this thread.  If they want me to find their 2 cents, they should not bury it in a ton of dog poop.

It's like this with life: presentation matters.  I could cook you the best, most expensive cut of steak in the world, but if I cook it inside a burning trash dumpster, are you going to eat it?

If you want people to notice your diamonds, don't bury them in dog poop.  If you want people to eat your steak, don't rub it against a nasty dumpster.  Presentation matters.

I won't apologize for confronting toxicity, though I will try to obey the rules.

If they're toxicity, report them, and I never eat steak cuz I don't like it(plus I'm not American) so use that example is "not" work

Well I'm confused now 😐

Hcaptcha scam

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5 hours ago, Nefertary Meriten-Mut said:

An event is an event for everyone and must be accessible to the average player. The juicier the prize, the more it disappoints those who can't beat it. And more than 90% of the players could not overcome insane mode, even spending tokens on revive.

So if the reward is good, it's to help the players who have less, the player who takes several days to collect their tokens. But, ultimately, those who have VIP items are favored, which are the ones they don't really need.

It is disgusting how these games work and the lack of empathy that those who defend this system have, which in the short or long term ends up encouraging cheating, manipulation and favoritism of all kinds.

And by the way @SawzAllleaving aside all the insults towards me (that in a single message you include several), I will tell you that Im not satisfied with what is wrong, I'm not like the ostrich that hides the head and leave the azz out. I go ahead with what can be best for everyone, sometimes with successful and sometimes I don't achieve anything, it depends on the human quality of the other. But I am not resigned to accepting "things as they are" if things are done poorly.

Did.. You consider the fact that Insane is called Insane for a reason? Actually- Did you even consider the names of the difficulties to begin with? If you take one good look at the difficulties, they strangely seem to resemble the difficulties of the 3 main campaigns and the colors of the basic portal enemies match those of the basic campaign enemies of the same difficulty.

The events are open to literally everyone and will give out prizes to everyone but they have to work for it exactly like they have to work for things like gold, XP, fortune boxes, and arena win gold boxes in campaign. It gives out rewards but it only gives them out to those who are able to overcome the challenge. There's no problem or favoritism going on here, there's only a fair system that's been used since the very first introduction of campaign. Can't complete a difficulty? Just get stronger. That's it.

As for the "VIP favoritism", that has nothing to do with the game, really. It has something to do with the people who spend their way into getting what they want from the game's drop rate system that everyone uses. Sure, there's the $50 USD deals and the 4k token deals but those are accessible to everyone, not just people like CleverName.

I know how it feels like to grind a whole lot just to get stuck in one place since I'm a F2P and I even get frustrated due to it but hell, I'm willing to acknowledge the fact that the system is geared to give everyone the same experience and opportunities. It all comes down to how us, the players, use that system. We can do things without spending a single cent or spend thousands upon thousands of dollars for those premiums that are at the top of the META but that won't change anything about the system itself.

Unless, of course, you want to do things another way.. We could have a game that's easy to beat with no challenge or strategy whatsoever and have a game that loses our interests upon minutes of starting a playthrough. It wouldn't have ads, it wouldn't have deals, it wouldn't have boxes, it wouldn't have weapon RNG, it would just have you and a bunch of enemies that don't bother with doing anything.

It would be an open experience that's available for everyone and is beatable by everyone.. But who's to say that anyone would be interested in that when there's nothing to be interested in? See where I'm getting at?

This game has things like RNG, difficulties, events, deals, arena battles, titan battles, raids, clans, and premium items but never has there once been something that restricted a specific group of people from purchasing something or playing a certain mode because of the amount of money that they spent or the lack thereof. 

To call SuperMechs "VIP favored" is like saying that War Robots is actually friendly towards F2P players.. Because it's not. It doesn't let F2P players have the chances to use powerful items like it does with its P2W players. It gives its P2W players all of the most powerful mechs, weapons, and cosmetics all on a silver platter while letting their F2P players rot away as they have to grind endlessly to get anywhere near to getting one of those things.

But in SuperMechs, everyone has the same chance to get a premium item or a deal. Hell, I have a rank 15 alt that has Platinum Vests (2 Molten and 2 Lightning) and an Overload Preventor and it's just level 85 but I haven't spent a single cent on it, just like my level 207; rank 9-7 main that has 3 monkes, Overcharged Rocket Battery, Burning Shower, Sparked Runners, Rusty Heat Blaster, Falcon, Spinefall, Desert Snake, Cockpit Electrocuter, Electrocuted Scope, Quad Core Booster, and so on. I'm simply a F2P and yet I have an inventory like that. Ironic for someone who's playing in a "VIP favored" system, eh?

So if you're just gonna throw baseless accusations, start pointless rants, or attack people who simply want to help you see the good that this game has, it's likely for the best that you keep those opinions in your head because while everyone is entitled to having opinions, it's definitely not alright to go ahead and force those opinions onto other people so that you could have a small moment to feel like you're superior because of how you "exposed" the way of how literally any mobile game works nowadays, if not less forgiving than what SuperMechs has to offer. Sure, there's some games with more forgiving systems but those games are of a more finished state while SuperMechs is a game that is still growing, even if it started back in '13.

Anyways, I'ma end this post here. I think I posted enough of a tirade for a topic of this sort. Apologies in advance for anyone who's gotten a headache from reading this post.



If you fail and don't succeed at something, you simply haven't failed enough. Through failures, one can pave a path to eventual success. 

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When I look at who writes here, they are actually almost all very good players who can finish GOLDEN GATE and have finished it. @Nefertary Meriten-Mut writes about most players who didn't finish it because they don't have the equipment. There is no point in discussing it further here. GATO is more focused on TOP players, Tacticsoft thought more on everyone. Everyone wants to make money in the end. Alexander on TOP players (although he claims that F2P players are enough for him, LOL) and Tacticsoft was uneaten in general. By the way, what Tacticsoft did before the sale was the best it has done in the entire period of owning this game. And the fact that you could buy a weapon that you missed every week. Now we have primitive offers for 4000 tokens where in 25 Premium packs you usually don't find anything valuable.

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@SawzAll, very ironic considering ur extremely toxic and aggresive with anyone that doesn't agree with u.

Secondly, from what I pick up, Wep did beat the portal, her logic is simple:

Alex makes a portal with good rewards yay, however to get the good rewards, you need to have "VIP Items", hence, you need to spend money to get the good reward, which in itself makes it not as good a reward.

She is not doing it out of personal interest, as her inventory is probably deeper than anyone, or almost anyone, else who has posted here, what she supports is that the portal difficulties should be beatable by people that don't have 18 heat bombs, 4 swoops, 68 fortresses and a bunch of premium weapons.

and again, sawz, and whiteout, read the psot before posting some bs which is compeltely wrong, and sawz, dont be so toxic, ur very hypocritical.

I literally pulled an MPV from r3 box, and from the other r3 box I opened, I puleld plat fortress, so its holy sry whiteout

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