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CleverName | Ask Me Anything


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Similar to the old forum, feel free to ask me anything. (I do reserve the right to not respond to some questions/give vague answers where applicable.)

Some quick FAQs I usually get:
Q: How much have you spent on SM?
A: 5 figures USD.

Q: Where do you live?

Q: How old are you?
A: Mid 20s.

Q: Where do you work/what do you do?
A: I work in private equity for a firm on Wall Street. Private Equity is basically investing in companies, improving them, and then selling them (so basically investment banking + consulting). Feel free to learn more about it online!

Q: What's your name?
A: Sorry, I'm trying to keep my identity secret. (So that is why sometimes I may not answer some questions too clearly.)

Q: Do you have a YouTube channel?
A: Yes, you can view it here: https://www.youtube.com/c/CleverNameSM

Q: Can you give me tokens/items/accounts?
A: No.

Q: Are you a SM/TS/GG/Forum Mod/Dev/Admin?
A: No.

Q: Can you help me with builds?
A: I prefer giving build advice to Rank 1 players, as that's where I have the most experience. There should be a Build Help section on this forum; I'd recommend you go there to ask for help. I made a topic on Current Meta Builds - I always play the best build in the game.

Q: Why do you play SM/why did you spend so much?
A: SuperMechs for me is something I enjoy playing. I enjoy playing it not so much for the technical aspects, but it’s more of a nostalgic game for me as I played it when I was a bit younger and really enjoyed the game (and with nostalgia, comes happiness). I don’t remember why I quit, but when I found the game again, it’s really been great. I also really enjoy the community here, being able to be creative with builds, and having a close fight every now and then. =P 

Edited by CleverName (see edit history)
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19 minutes ago, Kiira said:

Aren't you a little bit tired of the people that thinks you are a cheater?

Yup. Hopefully the new forum brings an end to those toxic people =P 

12 minutes ago, Zylok said:

When a lot of balance changes have occurred, do you think it is still possible to have 1 META that is the best? 
Or do you think that there will be multiple META builds strong enough to defeat eachother? 

Yes, my opinion is that there can only be one meta (1 build), but of course other builds can beat it and there will likely be many more builds that do quite well. I do think today's environment encourages just a few builds to do exceedingly well, but perhaps future balances will allow a bigger variety into competitive ranks 🙂

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  • 2 weeks later...


First off, Awesome  name and thread!

how did you find super mechs?


How long ago did you start playing? 

have you been able to get any friends to join the game? (I struggle with this)


if it’s not too personal. Do you have a college degree and if so what in? 

finally do you have any questions for me 😀? Totally cool if not. 




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17 minutes ago, Fordekash said:


First off, Awesome  name and thread!

Thanks 🙂

17 minutes ago, Fordekash said:

how did you find super mechs?

Was looking for a fun flash game years ago; I wanted it to be strategy/turn-based, so eventually found SM.

17 minutes ago, Fordekash said:

have you been able to get any friends to join the game? (I struggle with this)

Sort of, but they quit overtime. So currently no - honestly, it's fine, I've made enough online friends so I don't feel bothered by it (plus it's nice doing something none of your irl friends do).

18 minutes ago, Fordekash said:

How long ago did you start playing? 

I played the game in legacy, quit, played briefly in 2017, quit, returned Dec. 2019.

18 minutes ago, Fordekash said:

if it’s not too personal. Do you have a college degree and if so what in? 

Undergrad in business, finance.

19 minutes ago, Fordekash said:

finally do you have any questions for me 😀? Totally cool if not. 


Nope, but if I do I'll let you know =P (this thread is more of me answering questions only anyways)

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16 minutes ago, Magnemus said:

Умное название был ли портал для новогодних шляп?Если нет, то когда?

If I understand you correctly - I can't remember if there was any visual perk for New Year, but I don't think so. The Christmas hat perk came out in Christmas, although this Christmas was only a snowball visual perk. 
(Others - feel free to chime in here if there's any visual perks for New Year's Day)

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1 hour ago, Melanös said:

If a seperate legacy version was released, would you play it much? i for one definitely would.

I would play it sure, but Reloaded would definitely be my focus.

1 hour ago, Swag said:

The reason for your name (Clevername)?

(i ask this to everyone)

When I was a young kid, like 8 years old or something, I saw someone with the username "CleverName" - I thought it was pretty creative an indeed a clever name. So after that, I started going with it. 

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On 12/20/2020 at 2:32 AM, CleverName said:

Q: Can I help you with builds?
A: I prefer giving build advice to Rank 1 players, as that's where I have the most experience. There should be a Build Help section on this forum; I'd recommend you go there to ask for help.

Maybe, but it seems no one has subscribed to that part, so not many people reply.  But still, I don't blame you, as you're a busy person.

Can you share a cropped screen shot of your module config(s)?  If not, no worries.

"Play stupid games, win stupid prizes."


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5 hours ago, SawzAll said:

Maybe, but it seems no one has subscribed to that part, so not many people reply.  But still, I don't blame you, as you're a busy person.

Can you share a cropped screen shot of your module config(s)?  If not, no worries.


You can also swap a plate for energy fortress. 

Other variant:


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21 hours ago, CleverName said:

You can also swap a plate for energy fortress. 

Other variant:

You're awesome!  Thanks!

EDIT: Would you be willing to share your heat hugger configuration?

EDIT2: may I have your permission to share this on my website?  (Optional: if you say yes, I can either not list your user account name [CleverName] or I can list it, it's up to you.)

Edited by SawzAll
Clarity (see edit history)

"Play stupid games, win stupid prizes."


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