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Fordekash last won the day on January 7

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  1. Don’t use resistance modules unless they are premium. Also free up some weight buy dropping that single use top weapon on the heat mech
  2. Eggs ranchero today! lol normally I just dunk a slice of bread in milk for breakfast. Just on a good run this week
  3. back to normal stuff this morning. Egg, Tom, avocado…. lol and guess bite of plate for crunch again.. don’t judge my fine China
  4. Brats, kraut, jalapeño, mustard… and a bite of the plate for crunch. Zero farts all day
  5. They don’t have the technical ability to make changes. They will simply milk the game out until the cost of servers exceeds the income from players… then the game goes offline.
  6. They don’t know how to update is why there hasn’t been any. seriously, they are incapable
  7. When you bought tokens it took away your adds. Doesn’t make sense why this happens but is the way it is. I have not confirmed but think if you spend all of your tokens so it says you have zero “contributor” type or whatever they call the purchased ones, your adds may come back. Also my tip is work your base upgrades.
  8. In the long long ago. Before you could upgrade items. Before there was boxes or packs. We had a store where you chose the items you bought. Premium items were only available for cash purchase. i was a top 10 player back then. I don’t remember the names of the others. what I do remember is after the upgrade system was put in place “thebestplayeroftheworld” became number one within weeks and stayed there for a very long time. later in time “clevername” took the top spot and also kept it for years. both cool people who shared wisdom and tried to make everyone better at the game!
  9. Yes it is mandatory to have. Congratulations
  10. Fordekash

    Need Tips

    To beat the campaign you will need to build energy or heat mech. I think heat mechs are most effective in the long run. regardless of mech type my tip is to enjoy the process of upgrading your items and progressing in the game. think of the game as something you play for years not months!
  11. I figured I’d be fair and say thanks to gato for fixing the server crashing issues.
  12. lol prepare for an mod to comment something stupid trying to belittle you for stating facts
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