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3 hours ago, Pink555 said:

Where do i get it i keep getting lightning vests amd hardened not a single molten vest. I see people getting 3 of them within 3-4 months besided it aint that bad2nd lightning vest btw

just account luck. I remember playing at early stages and people had monkey, red rain, nightfall, sorrow, Emp, Heat bombs, Zark, claw, and else at their early stages and me suffering not even regular epic heat/energy modules to max and my first 2 were an offer of 500 tokens and I used the free tokens from achievements to get them for first time. Sometimes come as batch on your account. My first Monkey was a Fortune Box and same day or next day I got a claw farming fortune boxes and in a matter of a week I had 2 claws and 3 monkeys plus I got a plaiting at 140-160 level same week. I believe was when I hit 147 but I forgot. Next week I got another claw and 2 more monkeys having in total 5 monkeys 3 energy 1 heat and 1 phys. 

Later I got another plating. Sometimes the game compensate the bad luck at some point. I was using 1000 mix boxes one time in my O.D FARM and my mechs were incomplete not been leveled and I was draining those mix boxes and the game was giving me just common parts and I mean literally common not even rare for hundred of parts opening the boxes and when I hit the button 200 the game granted me a bunch of power kits maxed epic and L20, L15, L10, L5 power kits and finished 2 full mechs with those. 

Some people takes longer. I got my first Magma 2 months ago after 2 years of play and close at the same time I got a valiant. Some players are been around for 5 years or more and still don't have some of those weapons. 

There are many weapons not granted in my accounts and maybe will never see them. Just wait and see what will happen. Lighting vest it is the same as molten. If you have the modules in reverse it will do the trick. I use both for same kind of mechs and do the same. Molten it is not better but rather there are more heat mechs around and do affect more phys and energy mechs. I have done tons of test and both are equal regardless popular opinion. It is about set ups.  

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2 hours ago, OKI DOKI said:

just account luck. I remember playing at early stages and people had monkey, red rain, nightfall, sorrow, Emp, Heat bombs, Zark, claw, and else at their early stages and me suffering not even regular epic heat/energy modules to max and my first 2 were an offer of 500 tokens and I used the free tokens from achievements to get them for first time. Sometimes come as batch on your account. My first Monkey was a Fortune Box and same day or next day I got a claw farming fortune boxes and in a matter of a week I had 2 claws and 3 monkeys plus I got a plaiting at 140-160 level same week. I believe was when I hit 147 but I forgot. Next week I got another claw and 2 more monkeys having in total 5 monkeys 3 energy 1 heat and 1 phys. 

Later I got another plating. Sometimes the game compensate the bad luck at some point. I was using 1000 mix boxes one time in my O.D FARM and my mechs were incomplete not been leveled and I was draining those mix boxes and the game was giving me just common parts and I mean literally common not even rare for hundred of parts opening the boxes and when I hit the button 200 the game granted me a bunch of power kits maxed epic and L20, L15, L10, L5 power kits and finished 2 full mechs with those. 

Some people takes longer. I got my first Magma 2 months ago after 2 years of play and close at the same time I got a valiant. Some players are been around for 5 years or more and still don't have some of those weapons. 

There are many weapons not granted in my accounts and maybe will never see them. Just wait and see what will happen. Lighting vest it is the same as molten. If you have the modules in reverse it will do the trick. I use both for same kind of mechs and do the same. Molten it is not better but rather there are more heat mechs around and do affect more phys and energy mechs. I have done tons of test and both are equal regardless popular opinion. It is about set ups.  

damn oki, i swear these messages keep getting longer. yeah i have 2 monkeys, an archi, a mercy, a claw, rolling beasts, several premium mods, and a murmur/heat railgun. im hoping to get a distance shredder soon

this is a 4 year acct

on my alt i have 5 premium items. its 6 months old

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21 minutes ago, Dr.Doofensmirtz said:

damn oki, i swear these messages keep getting longer. yeah i have 2 monkeys, an archi, a mercy, a claw, rolling beasts, several premium mods, and a murmur/heat railgun. im hoping to get a distance shredder soon

this is a 4 year acct

on my alt i have 5 premium items. its 6 months old

wow, 4 years account. 2 years ahead of me. You are free to play. I was free till reached R5-r4 solid in 6 months but keeping account at lower rank on purpose. I was playing many others putting them at same power level then my last one to experiment Base was O.D FARM. I gave my others accounts to family and kept O.D FARM and hold OKI to advance on rank but developing in the side to have OD ranking equally every season and since then I play both at same level and rank and do the same generally speaking. OD. FARM also was developed at top rank as free account then got parts at the same time OKI did back on summer then the almost same thing I do in OKI I do in Farm.  I just play less O.D.  normally not having time. 

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1 minute ago, The_Real_Ramsay49 said:

Fr I need one of those bad 😄

Gotta grind those boss levels, end of season arena chests and portals. It's the most efficient way, packs usually only have E-M's even if they yield a legendary. With fortune boxes it's the opposite I've noticed, though maybe I'm just lucky.

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4 hours ago, mustanggod said:

3rd premium box in a row gave me a legendary



You're lucked. But if you want more heat damage, better Crimson Rapture.

On 12/21/2021 at 12:01 PM, PlainBadLuck said:

Daily premium box drop. Sadly, none of my mechs are physical-oriented. I wish my alt were this lucky.

Screenshot 2021-12-20 10.00.12 PM.png

You are lucky!

🔥Heat mechs are cool.

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