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Spoon last won the day on September 7 2022

Spoon had the most liked content!

About Spoon

  • Birthday 02/15/2007

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  1. What is battle dawn? Is it like another version of super mechs but different items? Someone explain please
  2. I agree with swas. They should put in a rank 10 wall and a rank 15 wall. I've discussed this on the game in chat a while ago but nothing will be done as we all know
  3. I'm flexing being back from my 3rd suspention lmao wsg yall
  4. ill be honest im here for shits n giggles cus yall pretty funny on here otherwise I have no use for this but anyway im going to sleep so if I get banned again then rip but if not see yall tmrw- also yall should follow me on insta incase I do get banned its @tyler_jarret_a
  5. I deff needed them, I only had one now I got 3 after 2 yrs ok is not a flex what is the point you are trying to get across here
  6. Spoon


    ayo bros speaking facts also lets not forget about @Liioh
  7. I have some seggestions Watch YT or the hub Get a fun, well paying job you enjoy Go to the gym sleep eat go on a walk jack off
  8. Its obv a scam.. Why is it important anyway they are everywhere
  9. I got the offer and got a crimson rapture, 1 myth plat plate and 1 lege plat plat rest was crap. I shouldnt have gotten it but oh well too late now
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