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3 hours ago, Atusiff said:

I have a goal, my biggest video ever, prolly biggest video ever for everyone

300 Fortune Boxes, 40 Arena Boxes, 40 Premium Packs, 60 power kits, and anything else I accumulate along the way

Is there really no sacred rank! How can this be?

I literally pulled an MPV from r3 box, and from the other r3 box I opened, I puleld plat fortress, so its holy sry whiteout

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It has been a long time since i've returned to the forum, great to see it has grown even more. Now time make a double flex.


My 2nd pack today


Just maxed my first ever L-M resistance mod, now time to kill some physical mechs in arena.

Edited by AudiGodzilla111 (see edit history)
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4th one. I'll max this after I finish Desert Snake.

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Why are you looking at this? Go check out the next post.


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