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39 minutes ago, JamAnime said:

Funny thing. I don't remember asking my mom and dad for money.  It be more for things.  If we went to the arcade, they give us $20, without asking.  They say "Here is a $20, use wisely."  If we wanted a toy or video game, it be at the store and we asked "Can I have this, please." It's either a yes or no.  I guess Kids these days milk the parents wallets of games.

Yeah. I am lucky since my kids do not ask for money. They help at home and they have good grades. They play the game for free from my others developed games and I do not give them money to spend on games. I got them as Christmas consoles etc because I wanted to give them something but they are getting the understanding of money because I teach them properly. I was a 5 yrs old kid making my own money and the satisfaction to earned and save a lot but used part of for my fun and else. 

There are too many laws here in USA that change our ways when we were kids and now they see that as the world will end and can go to jail for it. Kids should not work, parents cannot set discipline when things are out of line, neighbors getting as intruders, school spy center has become against parents etc. 

My parents were not giving us money. Sure if I asked for it they will give. Those days my father was a military guy and you know salaries are not that great been a military guy so money needed to be stretched as best possible but they were not selfish. My mom was focus into give us education and good cloth and food and keep us clean and the places were always clean and dinner ready without fail. 

I learned more on my own way reading stuff of science and financial and other from kid and started to administrate my own money and understood that my dad had to work to earned and because I was 5 yrs old working to make my own money because I wanted to make my own I understood my parents sacrifices to put food on the table so I never asked.

Because laws changed many things to avoid kids abuses now kids can't do as much we did back then in some ways so they are totally dependable. My generation was the generation were both parents used to work as new change of family structure so we were more alone and street wise kids.

We technology changes as today, all is more virtual so the kids friends are more virtual and do many things playing video games and the video games industry changed to charge monthly payments and selling items instead of the old personal games stuff. We can't blame the kids in the ways they do things now because it is different than our times. 

Now it is more like give me 20 box to buy a digital item then want another one 2 weeks later and then promise to clean the dishes for it or clean the room when that was basic responsibility.

My nephew spend 20 box then promise to clean and don't, then ask for another for 40 box and others for 15 or 50 whatever and always in the living room or room with big screen playing everyday countless games then do not want to go to school because is tired for lack of sleeping time. 

Oh well.... Generations change but less money. 


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big offer today, 4k for 24 premier packs and some extra goodies in a jiffy bag

I won't post all the boxes but I'll post when I get something decent, lets gooo


LPV is good, unfortunately I already have 3 and have fused away others in the past and its MPV I really need but hey ho 

yep nothing but junk after that. got a Piercing fox but I already have 5 lol


that's a pretty good summary of my haul this morning lmao

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18 minutes ago, Fidelio said:

big offer today, 4k for 24 premier packs and some extra goodies in a jiffy bag

I won't post all the boxes but I'll post when I get something decent, lets gooo


LPV is good, unfortunately I already have 3 and have fused away others in the past and its MPV I really need but hey ho 

yep nothing but junk after that. got a Piercing fox but I already have 5 lol


that's a pretty good summary of my haul this morning lmao

LPV is good item as MPV. I use the item. Good drop if was in need. 👍😎 Nice Delerium. 😉 

Side note. If that was the only thing you got with the offer that I can see at your chat, damn bad luck. 4K Jesus Christ. 🥶🥴 Kinda ok offer but meat. 😔 Frustrating. 🤬🤦‍♂️

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4 minutes ago, Fordekash said:

image.thumb.jpeg.a922269c97d8517d9563f019ef86cccb.jpeghere was the bottom portion. There was a few more items above that. I was excited about the range 7 scope and the blue distance shredder. Super good score!!!

nice. I was wondering if someone actually can upload the current offer if not purchased because still showing there and we can added to the thread. 

the scope is good and work for different configurations. Even now it is not part of meta it is good deal. 👍

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  • 2 weeks later...
13 minutes ago, Scourge said:

4,000 Tokens seems a bit much for my liking. Personally I think 3,000 would of been more appropriate. 

There have been much better deals lately! 

Conversely its not the worst offer... But then we've had some terrible offers 😂


I will say that it is getting too much about 4k all over. I will say it is ok offer for the one who need the item and the boxes. Due to the game changed to premium parts and to be able to move forward with them it is a need there has been many offers for it. I think it is ok the offers but for free to play it is a bit too much and bad luck on fortune boxes. 

Even with premium parts the game is changing again in the arena from 2 months ago. I have the parts but some not developed. I will wait for different offer if something comes out good for my accounts. 

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On 8/4/2021 at 9:09 AM, Scourge said:

Not a bad deal. 

Few clan mates have bought it and as per drop rates and drops are horrible. 

If you need myth food and want to gamble go for it! 


I got pretty good drops from that. Also that’s the day I dropped selfish guardian from fortune box 

8 hours ago, OKI DOKI said:

Cool to pimp your ride. I do not know what to paint but it is cool.


OK if needed. 



Good if you feel the luck


Wish I could get it cause extra food is nice

8 hours ago, OKI DOKI said:

Cool to pimp your ride. I do not know what to paint but it is cool.


OK if needed. 



Good if you feel the luck


Also what is this advertisement for purple paint I see?

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7 hours ago, Scourge said:

I risked the 28 boxes..... 14 Purple shet... 50% all purple! The deal is good only if you get lucky! 

Conclusion for me....... The gamble was not worth it 🤦🏻‍♂️

sad, I have seen few in the clan with not that nice drop and few others around. I still waiting for something good for my account as weapon sales but  seems won't happen with this trend. 🙄 In mean time I will keep maxing current inventory🤔 

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  • 5 weeks later...
1 hour ago, Scourge said:

Yeah its rubbish... Just like the game at the moment. 

Missing lots of big holidays around the world... Same boring crap offers! No cool celebration portals etc! Lame!!! 

Maybe they'll do the pumpkin torso covers for Thanksgiving again.  They were cool.  Turkey torso covers would be even better, mind.

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