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When the game offers to be generous... Don't take the chance unless it's verified as a safe thing by Alexander. That ensures that you'll be safe from being banned due to the game offering you something good so that it get you perma-banned with a side of progress deletion. 

Yep, even the game's starting to come up with ways to rip people off once they start buying things, that one thing being a ruse that leads to the removal of your entire account AND all of the things that you've previously purchased.

You can thank Tactisoft for that.

If you fail and don't succeed at something, you simply haven't failed enough. Through failures, one can pave a path to eventual success. 

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49 minutes ago, Shared-NW said:

@ISayMeow @RaymondL1747 @Darkweaver

why are you all here on flex thread?

use Bugs & Issues section.


also flexing my today raid score.


Someone's gotta bring some fun facts on the trip to boredom and eventual SM annihilation in order to alleviate the grimness of the current situation!

If you fail and don't succeed at something, you simply haven't failed enough. Through failures, one can pave a path to eventual success. 

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3 hours ago, ISayMeow said:

First, Im not a cheater. I finished raid 5 on time then I saw raid 6.




I hope, I wont get a ban because of this


You are not gonna get banned, it's a common bug. I'm just saying finish whatever you do now, your account will be bugged until Sunday. 

I've already said in other thread before, don't finish raid tier 6 in the same day at raid tier 5 or your account will be bugged/locked for 2 days. 

Also if you tryna join clan war at the day that clan war is supposed to start, don't attempt to join it or your account will be bugged again until clan war ends. 

Not a SuperMechs staff, just a Community Moderator.

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