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3 important questions (because next level has arrived)

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I have 3 questions ...

🔹Isn't insulting and/or using inappropriate ingame names against the TCPP (Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy) of GATO Games❓

🔹Isn't creating multiply cheated accounts against the TCPP (Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy) of GATO Games ❓

🔹Isn't using all these cheated accounts (around +40) for their advantage week by week (now since months) against TCPP (Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy) of GATO Games ❓

... I mean the thing is, that one (known, I will of course not use any names) player, with around 2 - 3 of his friends is destroying the game the last few months now totally ❗

And of course, if nothing is done against them, most of all other players are leaving or will leave the game sooner or later ❗

But enough of talking ... just watch for yourself and with a littlle bit of using your great braincells, you can figure out easily what is going on (since months) ...


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On 12/30/2023 at 2:32 AM, TK ... said:

Why don't you report people who crash the game and have hacked accounts?

This thread is not about reporting ❗
( I did report for 7 years, did it change anything ... no)

This thread is about 3 very important questions, and if the admins and/or developers of this game will not do anything against these 3 main issues, the game will of course have less and less players ❗

Because why would players who play honest and fair stay, when they destroy the game totally with unfair use of anything for them available ❓
It is like going to a race with a bicycle, but 40 others use their car ... but not only 1 time, week by week, you simple has 0 chance AND it makes no sense at all ❗

So this thread is to make the developers and admis aware of 3 main issues at the current state of the game ❗

And funny ... that your forum account is very very new ❗


Edited by bestplayeroftheworld (see edit history)
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3 minutes ago, bestplayeroftheworld said:

This thread is not about reporting ❗
( I did report for 7 years, did it change anything ... no)

This thread is about 3 very important questions, and if the admins and/or developer of this game will not do anything against these 3 main issues, the game will of course have less and less players ❗

Because why would players who play honest and fair stay, when they destroy the game totally with unfair use of anything for them available ❓
It is like going to a race with a bicycle, but 40 others use their car ... but not only 1 time, week by week, you simple has 0 chance AND it makes no sense at all ❗

So this thread is to make the developers and admis aware of 3 main issues at the current state of the game ❗

And funny ... that your forum account is very very new ❗


There is a bigger problem than the problems you mentioned and you don't see it, I opened a forum account just to answer you.

47 minutes ago, bestplayeroftheworld said:

I have 3 questions ...

🔹Isn't insulting and/or using inappropriate ingame names against the TCPP (Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy) of GATO Games❓

🔹Isn't creating multiply cheated accounts against the TCPP (Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy) of GATO Games ❓

🔹Isn't using all these cheated accounts (around +40) for their advantage week by week (now since months) against TCPP (Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy) of GATO Games ❓

... I mean the thing is, that one (known, I will of course not use any names) player, with around 2 - 3 of his friends is destroying the game the last few months now totally ❗

And of course, if nothing is done against them, most of all other players are leaving or will leave the game sooner or later ❗

But enough of talking ... just watch for yourself and with a littlle bit of using your great braincells, you can figure out easily what is going on (since months) ...


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and also can you show me some examples of 40+ cheated accounts?

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I'm not on the Devs inner circle so I can only imagine few scenarios

A: The devs know this issue and are giving it a first prio, hence no Christmas pack 

B: Devs know it but don't know how to solve it yet

C : They don't give a f 

It would be great to hear from them time to time but I guess they like keeping an air of mystery around them, so most of us agree with option C.



Edited by Sushi (see edit history)
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The keyword here is soon, now why don't we go back and enjoy the new year holiday spirit and buy more offers, i'm plenty confident the devs are breaking their backs preparing a brand new update and answer to cheaters right now as we speak.

Edited by Aionion (see edit history)

You can cure yourselves, all you need to escape the plague was to never embracing it to begin with, you are given that choice each time, i am not your cure to salvation, my wonderful relic of Mortal Pride, for you are your own infection, the helpless look on your faces is my favorite part for i have enjoyed it a thousand times already. - Herald Of The Ravens.


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8 hours ago, Aionion said:

The keyword here is soon, now why don't we go back and enjoy the new year holiday spirit and buy more offers, i'm plenty confident the devs are breaking their backs preparing a brand new update and answer to cheaters right now as we speak.


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1 hour ago, Rambo said:


You missed the sarcasm. 

You can cure yourselves, all you need to escape the plague was to never embracing it to begin with, you are given that choice each time, i am not your cure to salvation, my wonderful relic of Mortal Pride, for you are your own infection, the helpless look on your faces is my favorite part for i have enjoyed it a thousand times already. - Herald Of The Ravens.


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18 hours ago, bestplayeroftheworld said:

I have 3 questions ...

🔹Isn't insulting and/or using inappropriate ingame names against the TCPP (Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy) of GATO Games❓

🔹Isn't creating multiply cheated accounts against the TCPP (Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy) of GATO Games ❓

🔹Isn't using all these cheated accounts (around +40) for their advantage week by week (now since months) against TCPP (Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy) of GATO Games ❓

... I mean the thing is, that one (known, I will of course not use any names) player, with around 2 - 3 of his friends is destroying the game the last few months now totally ❗

And of course, if nothing is done against them, most of all other players are leaving or will leave the game sooner or later ❗

But enough of talking ... just watch for yourself and with a littlle bit of using your great braincells, you can figure out easily what is going on (since months) ...


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I'm waiting for you, show me one example from 40+ cheated acc

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/30/2023 at 8:48 PM, TK ... said:

I'm waiting for you, show me one example from 40+ cheated acc

"I'm waiting for you, show me one example from billions of other planets"

No one can show you (or me) an other planet (just pictures of it or at a observatory), BUT they exist ❗

Question as well ...
What sense it would make, when no one or me know who you are, to make a serious discussion ❓


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On 12/31/2023 at 2:48 AM, TK ... said:

I'm waiting for you, show me one example from 40+ cheated acc

"I'm waiting for you, show me one example on how water is wet and the sun is hot or it's cap fr fr ong 🧢 💀"

Edited by Aionion (see edit history)

You can cure yourselves, all you need to escape the plague was to never embracing it to begin with, you are given that choice each time, i am not your cure to salvation, my wonderful relic of Mortal Pride, for you are your own infection, the helpless look on your faces is my favorite part for i have enjoyed it a thousand times already. - Herald Of The Ravens.


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Every time I enter the arena, I encounter hackers and am disconnected. With each occurrence, my patience dwindles. If this happens again, I will quit the game and pursue other activities. In the days following, I find myself avoiding the website of supermechs.com, but I still check it occasionally for promotional events. I wonder if there will come a day when I decide to never play this game again.

Moreover, there are numerous players who feel the same way as I do.



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Hope you stay but you have to do what you have to do. It is a game and there are thousands out there and ride a bike. Maybe become a sugar daddy. 🤣

I focus into farming for gold having limitations during the week. 🫠 I do not play pvp but keep the progress even it is slower. 🙃 I focus on my own fun. Maybe pvp it is your fun and sure some current issues take away the fun, but I think it is the same as was long ago. Also, the other games have cheating and hacking too and smufs'. This is not the only one with the issue. 🤷‍♂️

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  • 4 months later...

Is it just me or did some "cleaning" finally happen ❓

This week ranking looks somehow different ❗

But yes, still most of the "Top"-players (nowadays more like "Top"-cheaters) are boosting their Arena-Points ❗

I will never get, how all these players (from start of SuperMechs until now) can be proud of anything they achieved ❗

They all simple cannot ❗

One of these players:
"Oh I used a cheating program - wow I have now more best items than all honest players, oh and beside that,
I use multiply accounts to boost my Arena Points, so I achieved 2 great things, not only cheated all my stuff, even
get Medals for it ... I am such a good player cheater!"


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23 hours ago, bestplayeroftheworld said:

Is it just me or did some "cleaning" finally happen ❓

This week ranking looks somehow different ❗

But yes, still most of the "Top"-players (nowadays more like "Top"-cheaters) are boosting their Arena-Points ❗

I will never get, how all these players (from start of SuperMechs until now) can be proud of anything they achieved ❗

They all simple cannot ❗

One of these players:
"Oh I used a cheating program - wow I have now more best items than all honest players, oh and beside that,
I use multiply accounts to boost my Arena Points, so I achieved 2 great things, not only cheated all my stuff, even
get Medals for it ... I am such a good player cheater!"


Too many specially the last 1.5yrs got worse. 

Can I boost myself? 🤣 I can access my old 8 accounts and boost boost. Let's get medals everyone. 🤡

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