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the "gimme likes" thread


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you all remember the "gimme likes" thread from last forum, right? well, here it is again.

(excuse the language, i didnt make this, but i did laugh really hard at it)


P.S: i have a feeling that posting memes will get you more likes.


Screenshot 2021-01-08 at 12.01.19 PM.png

heres another one

UND DAS HEIST... *dun dun dun*

Edited by MasterChief (see edit history)

One Mech to rule them all

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I'm gonna be honest, I don't think this is a good idea.

If it's gonna be like the old thread as you say, it's pretty much farming likes, and that's not good in a forum where they're supposed to represent to some extent your contribution to the community. 🙂

Off-beat heat mechs ™image.png Spitfire

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On 1/8/2021 at 10:17 AM, JamAnime said:

Looks like "LIKEs" are hard to come by.

I agree with JamAnime. I feel frustrated I can’t give out likes on whatever I wish. At 20 reactions, I’ve to be a tightwad.

On the old forum, this wasn’t an issue for me. But here, I’ve to be a cheapskate. Apologizes in advance for not liking people’s “like worthy” posts. 😑

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3 minutes ago, rc said:

I agree with JamAnime. I feel frustrated I can’t give out likes on whatever I wish. At 20 reactions, I’ve to be a tightwad.

On the old forum, this wasn’t an issue for me. But here, I’ve to be a cheapskate. Apologizes in advance for not liking people’s “like worthy” posts. 😑

Yeah same

Hcaptcha scam

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8 hours ago, rc said:

I agree with JamAnime. I feel frustrated I can’t give out likes on whatever I wish. At 20 reactions, I’ve to be a tightwad.

On the old forum, this wasn’t an issue for me. But here, I’ve to be a cheapskate. Apologizes in advance for not liking people’s “like worthy” posts. 😑

yep, WTF with this few likes. Actually used to be 50 a day in the other. Should be open no restriction. If I want to give 100 or 500 it should happen. 🙄

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