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About Turtle

  • Birthday May 24

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  1. If I remember correctly, it should only convert items in your inventory that aren’t equipped to any mech slots. I apologize for responding so late, work week started and I never have time to do anything
  2. Please post a picture of your screen and we can help
  3. Trading will never be added to Supermechs, people have been asking for it for at least 6 years.
  4. Happy New Year to everyone
  5. Not actually me, just a friend and I were having a bit of fun in class and we took this picture. He's cool with it, but figured I haven't been here since August so might as well post.
  6. Still have yet to really see any underrated weapons.. Only certain items are used in higher ranks for a reason
  7. Im mainly just annoyed because i check forum once or twice a day and the only new thing I see everyday is a new topic about base.
  8. If bro wants to spend his money on the game and not on a new car, let him. He might need a financial advisor but oh well.
  9. I recommend the post above plus I farmed so I did some fuel upgrades and gold upgrades from campaign. Good luck
  10. Physical will take you farther with how it is, and you could make it better.
  11. They're so useful that they're hardly seen in higher ranks, stop being jealous people played in legacy and kept some of their items that they deemed may be useful. People will find anything to complain about lmao
  12. Double standards also exist, where you can break forum rules blatantly and get away with it, im not accusing anyone here, im just saying they exist within forums and everywhere in general actually
  13. You could be banned on the old forum for little to no reason. You wanna explain to me what "!" means for a permanent forum ban? I'm assuming you should know. This topic originally had nothing to do with hackers. You're the one who brought up cheaters
  14. I beg to differ. Nearly 2,000 posts man
  15. It's funny I forget that and I actually played that campaign through.
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