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What do you think about the future of SM?


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  • Pavke changed the title to What do you think about the future of SM?
1 minute ago, The_Yo_Yo_Man said:

I mean I don't see download button for SM anymore so I guess not?

What? It's still there where it always has been. Check again under the game screen. Maybe you don't see it because you play on supermechs.com/?hideall 

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51 minutes ago, Hyakkimaru said:

Probably gonna keep the same cartoony robot theme,but have better droprates,and maybe some nice features added to help kill time more like a survival mode? Idk

Thats 3 months in the future, remember that ts was probably too cheap to plan anything of the sort.

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13 minutes ago, Ad1tya said:

t wont die cuz of flash but yeah
We'll lose a lotta players from this
Only the loyal SM players are gonna download the game 
rest are just gonna be like...screw it ...I dont wanna play it now :}

Nah, over 90% of our playerbase is on mobile to begin with. Most of the people on web are already very loyal players, or mobile players who just like a bigger screen sometimes.


Also, as for some of you, thanks for the vote of confidence! There won't be huge visual changes in the near future, but we will do our best to fix as many of the issues that plague this game quickly. Bigger changes are for after that, first priority is fixing what is there.

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Kong doesn't block you from searching sm downloadable version on google tho

Just now, STARWULPH said:

What about all the players on Kongregate?

We have no access to facebook link, downloadable version, mobile, or other conversion...


Уσᥙɾട ㆜ɾᥙɬყ

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I believe that Supermechs have future ....5/10 years depth for sure .
From the other hand I am not sure how much competitive SM will be on the future .
The 90% of the most succeeded on line similar games nowdays offers a flip coin arena . Thing that gives to the players 20% satisfaction and 80% heartache and STRESS .
If supermechs will win the bet and wont get turned into more flip coin on the future I believe it will be a top choise.
And when I say the ''bet'' I wish that arena will stop to be a  flip coin and counters arena on the future .
If the game will follow the flip coin tacticless steps of the other games , if SM will remain a game that favours one element with not a fair character on the future ...then many of us include me will consider the the choise of better graphics games  I guess !
At least for me it wont be a top choise .
And thats why  , I believe that SM should change that flipcoin /counters arena ASAP !

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