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Exclusive Limited Time Offer


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3 minutes ago, Melanös said:

ngl this offer is kinda poggers, would totally snag if i was yknow, not broke

it is not bad. It does give some relics and a myth status plating with some extra boxes. for a person in need of plating and like spend some cash, will be a decent offer. For your mech will be a good one. 


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6 hours ago, OKI DOKI said:

an that makes 3k tokens dude feel indefatigable

dayum... currently broke atm so not gon' buy this or even that epikk 1k tokens offer but would (since me lukky af and need goodies modules) if got tokens

Edited by local melee weapons fan (see edit history)


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6 hours ago, DragonsIayer said:

A must-buy for anyone willing to spend money on this game. For 20$, you'd normally only be able to get 1,100 tokens. With this, you can get 1,000 more tokens+10 premium packs+2 legendary Power Kits, alongside other stuff. Hope that's a good explanation as to why this is a good deal.

it is even better if your dad or mom can pay for it. 😃

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