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We need trading system


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5 minutes ago, TritiumThermonuclearBomb said:

Wait... certain items have different rarities? I thought it was just... You get a rarity by their set chances and the item is randomly drawn

Um, that's true. I mean different types of an item can has different transform range. Like I said - backbreaker starts with epic, but its heat type, terrorblade, starts with legendary. If use logic of your idea, someone can exchange backbreaker for terrorblade, and it's not fair because that's someone can use multiple accounts to take advantage.

I hope you understand me.

UFO has arrived and created this sign.

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2 hours ago, TritiumThermonuclearBomb said:

Instead, trading should be restricted to items in the same... family, I guess. Like you could trade one type of massive feet to another, Face Shocker to Heat Point, Heron to Seraph, Brutality to Windigo

still doesn't solve the cheating problem

about rarities tho, everything should get an equal/ estimated worth in tokens and compared that way when trading


waited 3 years for terrorcry drop..... still waiting

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12 hours ago, JamAnime said:

Like I posted and will keep replying, The best way to bring trade into the game, is to have trade only for me.


yeah how about trade me a legendary yellow jumping required beam, i need give legendary night eagle, its good for f2p

2 minutes ago, geminiogen69 said:

yeah how about trade me a legendary yellow jumping required beam, i need give legendary night eagle, its good for f2p



also i messaged and asked @Alexander a question to add trading system, i have a proof what i typed



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16 hours ago, geminiogen69 said:

also i messaged and asked @Alexander a question to add trading system, i have a proof what i typed


why the hell???
you know he's not gona look at that... and even if he does, it will never happen. 


as i said above. there are dozens of ways to cheat with a trading system CHEATING IS BAD. 


... or was that supposed to be a joke

waited 3 years for terrorcry drop..... still waiting

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7 hours ago, AftoKrator said:

why the hell???
you know he's not gona look at that... and even if he does, it will never happen. 


as i said above. there are dozens of ways to cheat with a trading system CHEATING IS BAD. 


... or was that supposed to be a joke

oh sorry, i need delete it, did mistake


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On 12/2/2021 at 2:47 AM, geminiogen69 said:

yeah how about trade me a legendary yellow jumping required beam, i need give legendary night eagle, its good for f2p



also i messaged and asked @Alexander a question to add trading system, i have a proof what i typed


It's not really a new idea, people have fantisized about it for ages. And nobody is gonna trade a night eagle for a distance shredder, sorry bruv


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when people will realize we have already a trading system.

Use a credit card with money and buy tokens . You traded money for tokens.

Trade tokens for offers that require tokens like today,

Use tokens and trade for fuel

Use tokens and trade for gold.

Use tokens and get monthly pass etc.

Get tokens playing

Trade farmed parts for a level up weapon.

Trade weapons not in need also for a level up

Trade your time to farm for gold and parts to level up

Use white relics in lower weapons then trade the weapon as meat to level up and finish the white relic. 😉

I do not know but I can keep adding more trades we still do. 🤡

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On 12/2/2021 at 2:47 PM, geminiogen69 said:

yeah how about trade me a legendary yellow jumping required beam, i need give legendary night eagle, its good for f2p



also i messaged and asked @Alexander a question to add trading system, i have a proof what i typed


bruh ur smarter than enstein

And nobody is gonna trade a night eagle for a distance shredder, sorry bruv

Hcaptcha scam

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16 hours ago, OKI DOKI said:

when people will realize we have already a trading system.

Use a credit card with money and buy tokens . You traded money for tokens.

Trade tokens for offers that require tokens like today,

Use tokens and trade for fuel

Use tokens and trade for gold.

Use tokens and get monthly pass etc.

Get tokens playing

Trade farmed parts for a level up weapon.

Trade weapons not in need also for a level up

Trade your time to farm for gold and parts to level up

Use white relics in lower weapons then trade the weapon as meat to level up and finish the white relic. 😉

I do not know but I can keep adding more trades we still do. 🤡

Yes already established trading system ,that great no need to create….

Would like to implement tavern or pilot guild to base map space instead of trade post or generator token what do you think? 

Game improvements is essential……😃

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22 hours ago, OKI DOKI said:

when people will realize we have already a trading system.

He means trading items. If people could trade items all of a sudden everyone would be a top ranker from just taking things from their other accounts but tbh we should have a trading system for trading items...it would be nice for sure

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3 minutes ago, King Oblivion said:

He means trading items. If people could trade items all of a sudden everyone would be a top ranker from just taking things from their other accounts but tbh we should have a trading system for trading items...it would be nice for sure

I know. 🙂 I was joking. 🤣

Sure I understand about the trading thing and I played few others games and had the option years ago. I think trading like parts per parts I got it too but the idea to make more money it is a sale and luck fundamental. For example, I do have few premium items I do not need and can be traded. If the game give me the option to get the weapon I want in exchange for 2 premium I do not need then will be good but my power will be elevated fast and I will crush faster opponents even I do not play for rank but I have enough power to do so. 

The sale drop because I do not have to wait for a sale "cash" "tokens" for it and the game lose customers sales reason you can meat those weapons to level up. I get the white relic and trade some of them for epic or a bundle for 1 gold relic just for say. Maybe myth parts no longer in need or want due to already invested the time and maybe money to make it myth it does makes sense too or trade some of those myth no longer wanted for gold relic.

There are many options that can be implemented but it does can hurt the business. Also the silver coins for relics too unless they add other options in the arena to max with the coins. 

Sure many ideas but the ideas have to come properly in a way business will profit all the time. Like it or not they need to eat and employ people making this for our entertainment. 

The topic has been mention every month and some people start to get tired to read about it.  I do understand free players for sure and their needs but if always will be a given then what will happen to the game?

GATO is working in good direction. Sure a sale and added gold relic. That was good for those have some cash but also added relics and more tokens on portals and daily activity and sure they might be working to deal with silver coins and few others. 

Players need to understand GATO is new owner for basic a year putting patches to avoid the leak and then fix and later to enhance. It does takes time and 1 year it is a short period of time to do all of that with few employees. 

Forget about trading thing for now. 

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Troll physics: Infinite cards.

Step 1- Have a main account

Step 2- Create a new account

Step 3- Instantly buy a premium box since you have 100+ tokens at the start (make another account if the drop is bad)

Step 4- Make the new account trade the items you got to your main.

Step 5- Repeat steps 2-3-4.

Enjoy your infinite monkes!1!11!11!1!!!

A wise noob once said: energy weapons should get nerfed.


PS: The noob was me.

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1 minute ago, iSwarky said:

Troll physics: Infinite cards.

Step 1- Have a main account

Step 2- Create a new account

Step 3- Instantly buy a premium box since you have 100+ tokens at the start (make another account if the drop is bad)

Step 4- Make the new account trade the items you got to your main.

Step 5- Repeat steps 2-3-4.

Enjoy your infinite monkes!1!11!11!1!!!


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