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  1. Haha
    Ad1tya got a reaction from Pink555 in Forum game-I am   
    I am tired of seeing @Spam in every topic 
  2. Haha
    Ad1tya reacted to OKI DOKI in Forum game-I am   
    You need to try different flavors 🤣. He is the boss CEO. 😆

  3. Haha
    Ad1tya got a reaction from Sparks in Forum game-I am   
    I am tired of seeing @Spam in every topic 
  4. Haha
    Ad1tya reacted to OKI DOKI in OKI DOKI Progress Little by Little   
    Just bad luck. Game refuse to give me relic. Terrible.

  5. Like
    Ad1tya reacted to OKI DOKI in OKI DOKI Progress Little by Little   
    Hmm, Lets try this. 


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    Ad1tya reacted to epicspeedster in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
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    Ad1tya reacted to Xynt in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    Rank 4 reward, this come in handy for raid.
  8. Like
    Ad1tya reacted to ISayMeow in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    Looks like this game doesnt want me to quit... 
    I got this from base. 

  9. Like
    Ad1tya reacted to khan in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    Got my first valiant from base, woo!

    And there go all my power kits..

  10. Like
    Ad1tya reacted to Benja07 in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
  11. Like
    Ad1tya reacted to Dark conon mech in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    Lets gooooooo!!!!

  12. Like
    Ad1tya reacted to ISayMeow in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    I was thinking about quiting this game. Uhh.. 
    But I will check this game's community and discord to see if a new update will come out. 
    Anyways here is what I got from fortune box. 

  13. Like
    Ad1tya got a reaction from Xynt in What music are you listening to?   
  14. Like
    Ad1tya reacted to Xynt in What music are you listening to?   
    I didn't have rich taste of music, so enjoy.🤭
  15. Like
  16. Like
    Ad1tya reacted to iAldoPR SM in WARNING: PLEASE READ   
    Hello everyone, if you ever come across a person who wants to co pilot your account, dont answer them. Ignore them if you dont wanna get scammed. In discord he goes by the names of, "Dewah, MakouinVFX" or other unknown accounts of his. Dont answer him at all costs. Also, share this to other please and thanks.
  17. Like
    Ad1tya got a reaction from Username4 in Scope Drones   
    Its still gonna be pretty useful for me
    I dont have to intentionally jump or tp to range 8 just to fire the drone 

    1. I use cockpit, easy range 
    2. Falcon

    Talking about huggers, I'd try my best to get them to a corner 
  18. Like
    Ad1tya got a reaction from Spam in Scope Drones   
    Its still gonna be pretty useful for me
    I dont have to intentionally jump or tp to range 8 just to fire the drone 

    1. I use cockpit, easy range 
    2. Falcon

    Talking about huggers, I'd try my best to get them to a corner 
  19. Like
    Ad1tya reacted to rc in In Memory Of   
    I want to honor the fallen forum members that didn’t make it thru their forum ban. The harsh reality of this forum...
    As far as I know, they didn’t deserve a forum ban. With that said, every time someone gets ban, we lose a voice in the forum. As it is, we lost a lot of people after the transfer from the old forum. This forum is a pale shadow in comparison to the old forum in activity and usability.
    May they find a better life without this forum.

  20. Like
    Ad1tya reacted to Username4 in How To Make and Max a Myth Every Third Day (With Base)   
    The goal of this is to show a sustainable way to make and max a myth every third day.
    Note** This is to max any item except l-ms, l-ms might require more resources, however, since this does not include boxes drawn through farming, and it rounds down every time, it should still work, however you will need to max more kits, so this guide will only work to get the l-m to a high level, but not to maximum level.
    Note 2** You end with a surplus of common items, so when I say you can get common items from arena boxes, it should regardless not be a problem, as you have around 150 extra commons
    Requirements 25 epics to sac 1 max legy (item you intend to myth) Max mines and lvl 15 factories ( see end ) 21 rare power kits 55 common power kits 400k gold (you will end with 400k gold, but you need to have 400k ready) How it works Craft 400 commons (max craft each factory), keep max crafting everyday (cost 1.2 mil gold, total production: 1200 commons) Use 19 commons in each kit to max all 55 common power kits (cost gold irrelevant, you need 1045 commons) Max 5 rare kits Use 3 max common kits + 1 rare item + 3 common items to max 1 rare kit You should get the rare item and 3 common items from arena boxes/campaign boxes Gold cost irrelevant, I estimate around 20k for all, you end with extra gold anyways Make 5 lvl 17 kits Use 2 max common kits + 1 rare item + 3 common items to make the level 17 rare kit Rare item and common items obtained in the same way Gold cost irrelevant, same as before Make 5 legendaries Upgrade 5 epics to max epic Use 1 level 17 kit + 1 level 20 kit + 1 common item to max 1 epic Use 4 epics to transform each max epic to legendary Total cost of making 5 legendaries ~520k gold Upgrade max legy to mythic Use the 5 legendaries you just made to transform your max legendary to mythic Cost 100k gold Max 10 rare power kits (at this point you should have only one level 1 rare power kit left) Use the same method as before (at this point you remain with no common power kits) Cost irrelevant Upgrade 1 rare power kit to level 13 Upgrade it using 33 common items Max myth the item Use the 10 max rare power kits + the level 13 rare power kit + 1 common to max myth the item Cost ~630k gold Gold The total gold costs amounts to around: 1.2 million + 0.63 million + 0.52 million + 0.1 million + 0.1 million (sum up of all irrelevant costs ± 50k) = 2.37 million gold Your lvl 20 gold mines will produce 388800 gold in 3 days, that leaves around 2 million gold needed By farming 3v3 drylands - 5 - insane, you can earn the most gold In insane, this mission requires 5 fuel, and gives 10k gold, at a regen rate of 1 fuel every 5 minutes, this means you can earn gold at a rate of 10k/25 minutes In 3 days that amounts to 1.728 mil gold, if you finish all your fuel before sleeping, and immediately farm when you wake up, you should be able to waste no fuel, as long as your fuel never reaches its full capacity throughout the day, you have wasted 0 fuel, and you should earn 1.728 mil gold in 3 days. This leaves ~0.25 mil gold to be earned Arena By playing your 5 daily arena matches, you earn 50k per day, or 150k This leaves 100k, you could easily earn this by playing some more arena matches Daily quests These earn you 15k per day That's 45k over 3 days, leaving around 50k The remaining 50k you must earn through arena matches or through first clear raid rewards Final Info Upon completion, you should have a massive surplus of items, although you use most of your common items, you should have many items pulled from mix boxes gotten by farming/arena If you have maxed arena buffs for fuel regen and arena gold, you will end with a lot of extra gold, worst case scenario, you must play a couple arena matches to end at 0 To make this fully functional, you should take a day of pause in between, where you craft kits to replenish your power kit collection, otherwise you will obviously run out, meaning that in practice this works as 1 max myth every 4 days. No I have not tested this, because I don't like farming, but I will test it over the summer if I have time. Hope this helped, I will answer any questions  
  21. Like
    Ad1tya reacted to rc in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    What the hell! From losing streak!
    To winning streak!

    I don’t know what’s going on this season. There are a lot of energy players this season.
    That gave me the perfect opportunity to switch to my true love, energy. As the saying goes, “If you can’t beat them, join them.”
    Apparently, with the win streak I have, this is a sound strategy.
  22. Like
    Ad1tya reacted to Turtle in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
  23. Like
    Ad1tya reacted to ZeRo_ in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    Almost 600 arena wins. I will probably go for 700 this season.

  24. Like
    Ad1tya reacted to Mr Lord in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    13 wins streak on R1
    I still have less than 90 myths on my acc : /
    My personal best 

  25. Like
    Ad1tya reacted to Ironman in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    i have only 30+ myth
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