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OKI DOKI Progress Little by Little


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Hi guys, I will be re-introducing my OKI progress but this time I will make 2 threads independent one for OKI DOKI and one for OKI DOKI FARM.

I will start with the current status for OKI just basic intro then will refill with old stuff and keep going with the new changes throughout the time.

Just for start, OKI is been part of CANDELA INC clan for a months. The clan it is a hard worker clan and clan members are been good to my person.



I want to thank to them for the opportunity and to stablish a good relationship and acceptance. 

If you like to commit to a clan and you are a serious person not trouble maker, if you like to do pvp-wins, play always without fail the Titan, collect the tickets and WAR, you are welcome. We look for great players as any other top clan but also if you can reach R4+ in all seasons and serious in TITAN, TICKETS, WAR and do enough wins check the clan as one good option. We look for permanent players steady and reliable doing the job not worry to lose an spot due to 200+ AP every season unable to reach. We understand that the game change often with new weapons etc so it is logic it get tuff for always be in first place. Do as best you can committed and honest on it. 

Me as always been solo player in this game who joined recently the clan I can say it is a good clan and respectful but doing the job it is critical. Those guys are breaking their back literally so an awesome nice person serious to stay will be great to not take advantage of their hard work. They work hard for their rewards committed and really serious about it and they earn those rewards with their hard work. Thanks to them I enjoy relics, clan coins, new friends, tokens etc so respect to them and their hard work goes in line to try to do what I can for them too. Hope you look the clan as an option to stay not to jump to another. We will be happy to have you. Thank you  


This season I am using a heat hugger mech and still in the test ways changing modules time to time. It is not a Divine mech but it is 

doing good enough for 1V1 capable of R1 but it is more base in my opinion more like R3 with current changes in the game switching to high HP mechs.

For now it is a keep for my current play level limited on time to do pvp in daily bases. Anyway, it is ok for now till can build and get relics to divine parts. I also play the mech with backstabbing guardian drone as optional. 



Current status in picture below. I am not focus on rank but when I have the opportunity I need to try to get some wins of course writing this takes me few min 

of pvp away but it is a fun to do for my own interest to see the progress and later look back to see what it was just for fun. 



I have been progressing recently a bit slower due to lot of work in real life at work and affecting pvp and also farming but that pay my bills so work is first. 

Now I have 123 myth parts in 14 months moving today to begging the 15 month since acc creation.

I will post just myth around for now till make captures for full acc. It is not much for been a new account but I fill fine because my hard work farming it is paying off little by little and for sure in 1 year from now will be a respectful account. I haven't touch the base focus trying to save gold and enhance few parts for test mech. 














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Hi, Happy new year.

Hmm, not that many L-M. I have maybe 280 or so between them and the rest epics good parts that I use for legend transformation when have extra not in need but with 545 in room space always full. I keep them for the transformation but for test and configuration possibilities plus future weapons to be use and since I do not know how many I will be interested in to use and I do not know when I can get them back so I keep a healthy stash of every kind for a 3 mech set generally speaking. 

Yes, I farm 24/7 basically. By the time I go to bed and move away of bed it is just 4 hrs so before go to bed I drain all energy and when I am up start to farm to keep energy bars at zero keeping regen without stop. Just the recent month I had to slow down some days losing at list one collection time due to lot of work from job so I have to skip some times unable to farm as before. The pvp of course it is affected but trying to keep up for the team. They work hard so I have to do my part as best I can. Sadly today I wanted to do some more pvp but arena connection wasn't working for me till just recently but ready to go to bed and in few hrs go to work. 

I have been less in the FORUM. One reason it is been lack of time to read as before and make comments and the other the current format it is not that appealing searching, back and forward etc so gets annoying to try to read and search. It does feel not as much community but more like post and go. No much interaction. Sure less drama 🤣 . 

Tones of videos to watch but unable recently. I need some beer, jerky, cheese, crackers, olive or maybe some DAK salami and some time to enjoy the game youtuber and write a few comments. 🙃

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What did you just say!? 280 L-M! That's insane grinding! I have played for 2.5 years and just got some few decent items...

I usually farm for 9-12 hours per week, i farmed in OD6 as you said in the old forum because it is good. Sometime i try to farm some fortune boxes but my luck didn't help me much... I also save A LOT OF TOKENS to buy offer and it help me boost my progress in game very much. (sadly that most of the offers came at the times that when i was out of tokens... BRUH)

The best items i have now are Heat Monkey torso and Energy Monkey torso, flaming scope, the claw, L-M heat hook, rolling breasts and selfish graudian.

I guess i have to wait for another 2.5 years to get the L-Ms that I want LOL. 🤣

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Let see, right now I do not have many L-M parts to dump. I mean, the current parts are to developed in the majority at some point. Yes, I do have actually 283 just counted. The issue is how the people use their epics. It is about to prepare yourself for it. Also, I got few items from the forum offers just few in use and the others in development and of course got few others items but rare to buy. 

Check this


Right now you can see 3 parts at L30. Those parts are not in need because I do have enough of them for possible parts to be use in the future. One is by default to be use as meat and it is the torso but the storage unit and night fall are real useful parts but I have enough of them. 

When you farm a lot and do not consume all parts granted by mix boxes you can accumulate enough of those boxes till reach 950 or so then will stop to save till you consume them. When you save them or use them sometimes you get epics parts that are not even good enough to move to legend since are cap at epic. Those parts are real meat but some of them like the torso can move to legend and no more. Those parts are max out and when I get 4 meat I make a legend to make myth. I repeat the cycle all the time.

If you buy a premium pack just to say, my question will be if you save the epics if give you a full epic crap without a legend good weapon or just a meat at list or you meat the epics in a power kit or meat them directly to a mech part in need. 

I do save them and make legends so I save gold and prepare myself for future myth making plus I prepare the room for it. You need storage space and calculate how many legends you can crate without fully tap space leaving always one slot empty for use of crafted parts to be able to down load them without full cover of epics or legends because if you do will have to meat till have one room. 

If you have a premium pack let say my acc, I will need 5 slots empty to open a pack and if the pack grant me just 4 or 5 epic I have one epic all max out and gold and click and presto I have my legend out of epic frustration from premium pack token wasted. 

So now I have 4 slots empty and one new legend from the max out epic. If you have 5 premium pack and all of them granted to you only epics as bad luck something it is normal here, then you have 5 ready max out epic and make 5 legends from them even they give you epics only. 

In my current set, I do have only 3 epics ready for use on my future mix boxes epic grants equivalent to 3 legends set to be made. 

You need to properly balance use of gold, and parts granted as best possible according what your personal account does work in luck base. Some are good and some are terrible. Sure commented as base account but apply for silver box account too. When buy the 32000 option you get sometimes epics so you use them to make legends as I did when my account was silver box. Using properly resources is key component of the game, sure many will argue of my method but for 14 months acc and 123 myths and 75 or so full L50 out of them farming not buying gold as some do, never in a clan to get the extra goodies, then tell me what I am doing wrong. 🤣🙃 My account was 6-7 months ftp and had already myths and parts in reserve 300+ and reached R2 with garbage mechs. When I got tokens I saved for space so I can handle better the making. Sure lose some opportunities to get a part if use those free tokens in premium packs but was better to get space. FARM it is key and the base of the game. People with money let them do what they want in their progress as fast they want but for the rest it is about real luck getting parts and grinding. 

I have a friend started same weak like me. We had pvp against each other till he got nice parts. I was trying to get R14 and he moved already to R8 in just a month. Same player is an R5 having hard time to stay there even buying premium and his level still in the 170. I did my L250 in OKI in 9 months 3 weeks and O.D. FARM in 8 months flat. 

People forget basics of the game. Not me, I play games for over 40 years so basic it is basic. 



Now, check my O.D. FARM epics ready. I do not need those so I have 6 future legends to meat. I have 96 myth in 11 months. I have 251 between legends and myth with enough storage almost all cap but I made some room yesterday for future parts. 



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1 hour ago, epicspeedster said:

Just a question, but in your inventory, why is the third mech weird, even though you have better phys items

Ah, the weird mech in the 3er slot. 




Well, the 3er mech it is the combination of my 2 original mechs. The first picture below it is Mr. OKI DOKI the real first mech of my account then the second in line. With those free to play I used them till 2 months ago at R3 3V3, 2V2 and before of course 1V1. Due to the lack of power limited not having heat/ener or shield and unable to make a real heat mech or energy mech or phys mech decent enough to fight at list at low rank like R10, the mechs were developed as mix combo supporting each other for basic fight always in 2V2 ranks but not good enough to win the overlord at campaign independently. So I combined fire power of both mechs to win the ovderlord 1v1 insane. That mech it is the real deal used to win back then so I like to keep it to remind me my struggle against OD and what I did to get it. It is a souvenir  patch of my niece and me trying to win been limited. 

Those 2 mechs below are my precious mechs and are my real fun in the game. The others are not interesting rather boring phys. heat or else. I like full mix mech parts since like all kind of shoots not the same boring repetition. 

With those I was able to see the frustration of the players trying to win and no idea what to do against them because both compensate each other using energy or heat or phys. Sadly were weak not having protection or limited modules and low HP but fun to win top player and make then quit been counters. It was fun. 




Now, I do not have a particular direction of mech to make. I use the space for testing all the time. That particular set I use 2 slots to make a heat and phys mech combo test. Where not developed but had them there looking what can do with limited modules as balanced mechs. I only like balanced mechs not counters. Sure I can make them but I do not like them. Regardless I know will lose more normally in that way it is what I prefer so I play in a way of what will entertain me more not to follow the other players. I build in my imagination according my inventory not copy cat others. It is what can be fun not thinking in R1 meta or else. I test all the time and place my mech to be destroyed during fights all the time. Very rare I am serious in the game. I play my way for my own fun. 

The other reason I use the space it is to make mechs parts. That not mean I will developed the mech as it is been assemble but rather I place parts together to max them out in one particular place leveling them one level at the time all part like below some example to max parts not real mechs in development. The top players and others they prepare sets for 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, raid, war etc but in my case none. No interested at this point. I keep using the same till someday I have a better structure with different combination checking modules in need missing to make strange mechs as 3v3. Just checking possibilities.

I am lacking of some modules as I want my mechs to function so I play a bit limited even can change mechs to work different and be better. No rush, play my way and no worries about what others can say about what I can do or not with the account and armament at disposition. Sure I can make better I know that. In one year I will have a nice account so no rush. More parts will come around and changes will come in mean time I build basics. 🙃 






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On 1/4/2021 at 2:59 AM, OKI DOKI said:

Let see, right now I do not have many L-M parts to dump. I mean, the current parts are to developed in the majority at some point. Yes, I do have actually 283 just counted. The issue is how the people use their epics. It is about to prepare yourself for it. Also, I got few items from the forum offers just few in use and the others in development and of course got few others items but rare to buy. 

Check this


Right now you can see 3 parts at L30. Those parts are not in need because I do have enough of them for possible parts to be use in the future. One is by default to be use as meat and it is the torso but the storage unit and night fall are real useful parts but I have enough of them. 

When you farm a lot and do not consume all parts granted by mix boxes you can accumulate enough of those boxes till reach 950 or so then will stop to save till you consume them. When you save them or use them sometimes you get epics parts that are not even good enough to move to legend since are cap at epic. Those parts are real meat but some of them like the torso can move to legend and no more. Those parts are max out and when I get 4 meat I make a legend to make myth. I repeat the cycle all the time.

If you buy a premium pack just to say, my question will be if you save the epics if give you a full epic crap without a legend good weapon or just a meat at list or you meat the epics in a power kit or meat them directly to a mech part in need. 

I do save them and make legends so I save gold and prepare myself for future myth making plus I prepare the room for it. You need storage space and calculate how many legends you can crate without fully tap space leaving always one slot empty for use of crafted parts to be able to down load them without full cover of epics or legends because if you do will have to meat till have one room. 

If you have a premium pack let say my acc, I will need 5 slots empty to open a pack and if the pack grant me just 4 or 5 epic I have one epic all max out and gold and click and presto I have my legend out of epic frustration from premium pack token wasted. 

So now I have 4 slots empty and one new legend from the max out epic. If you have 5 premium pack and all of them granted to you only epics as bad luck something it is normal here, then you have 5 ready max out epic and make 5 legends from them even they give you epics only. 

In my current set, I do have only 3 epics ready for use on my future mix boxes epic grants equivalent to 3 legends set to be made. 

You need to properly balance use of gold, and parts granted as best possible according what your personal account does work in luck base. Some are good and some are terrible. Sure commented as base account but apply for silver box account too. When buy the 32000 option you get sometimes epics so you use them to make legends as I did when my account was silver box. Using properly resources is key component of the game, sure many will argue of my method but for 14 months acc and 123 myths and 75 or so full L50 out of them farming not buying gold as some do, never in a clan to get the extra goodies, then tell me what I am doing wrong. 🤣🙃 My account was 6-7 months ftp and had already myths and parts in reserve 300+ and reached R2 with garbage mechs. When I got tokens I saved for space so I can handle better the making. Sure lose some opportunities to get a part if use those free tokens in premium packs but was better to get space. FARM it is key and the base of the game. People with money let them do what they want in their progress as fast they want but for the rest it is about real luck getting parts and grinding. 

I have a friend started same weak like me. We had pvp against each other till he got nice parts. I was trying to get R14 and he moved already to R8 in just a month. Same player is an R5 having hard time to stay there even buying premium and his level still in the 170. I did my L250 in OKI in 9 months 3 weeks and O.D. FARM in 8 months flat. 

People forget basics of the game. Not me, I play games for over 40 years so basic it is basic. 



Now, check my O.D. FARM epics ready. I do not need those so I have 6 future legends to meat. I have 96 myth in 11 months. I have 251 between legends and myth with enough storage almost all cap but I made some room yesterday for future parts. 



my opinion is that you trash epics that are useless, sure let's say you only have 2 nightfalls maxed, but you want more, so you upgrade that till its maxed. But once you have enough of that epic item you should just trash it. Also maybe you wanna upgrade some of those not maxed mythicals you have lying around in your inventory

Clan: Goodbye To A World

epicspeedster, SpeedMachine

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1 hour ago, epicspeedster said:

my opinion is that you trash epics that are useless, sure let's say you only have 2 nightfalls maxed, but you want more, so you upgrade that till its maxed. But once you have enough of that epic item you should just trash it. Also maybe you wanna upgrade some of those not maxed mythicals you have lying around in your inventory

all in the right time. No rush. Game changes are all over. Upgrading takes time. Doing mythical parts are faster than L50 one part. Keeping inventory it is better. It does perfect for me. 

Sure I do not need all of this as example but I do not know what I will end up making. So I still keep proper balance for possible 3 mechs in different desire to be made. Maybe 3 mechs using 2 EMP or 3 mechs using 3 heat bombs etc. The other good reason it is to have inventory for testing. I test all the time different ways in weight etc with them and possible use of modules with them. Healthy stash is for me for my fun. Sure no need that space and meat but I prefer funny stuff to make and enjoy in different ways. Sure, I consume them all the time when I get more of them. Today I finished 7 legends, and myth 4 parts in OD. FARM. Those L30 epics picture above are gone. Time to get more epics and L30. 😉


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1 hour ago, SovietUnionMech said:

WTH, the mech why hybrid

I am hybrid mech lover. Suit best for me because it is funnier. I can do good ones but I am focus to make parts around. My fun it is not to build perfect mechs, just fun making parts and do ridiculous mechs. Everyone play the game in their desire for their particular fun maybe for perfect mechs, be R1 or the best of the best and get medals. Not me. I play for fun but I can be a serious player and get into the arena against real top players and win but it is not my style in this game. I like have friends with all players regardless clans or particular desire in the game. I respect what they want to accomplish and have fun with them in forum, chat or pvp. 😉 

17 minutes ago, SovietUnionMech said:

or build a scope one, just use monkey torso, ejection blast(if u have) repulser,dark eagle,massive stone feet, mod is up to u(maybe u can use orb instead or eb)

u may get rank 3 or better

No problem to be R1 if I want to fight for it. To be R1 require better set or enhanced but also less test as I do during my fights but are capable to reach the rank as current format. I do not get much time to be focus player for it but I am building not for now but for later. No rush but will get there without stress or rush because a clan want this or that or else. I play my game as I really want and I am in a clan that accepted me in those ways and match with my normal play. They are hard worker and I do my part as expectation but those are my basic so all match. 😉👍


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4 minutes ago, nightmarefreddy said:

@OKI DOKI can get rank 1 without scope builds,maybe?

btw Soviet is still don't know what he need to get r1

It is about the pilot, mechs against you, position and who start the fight. You can have even incomplete mechs and be R1 as I have seen before. I reached R2 full star with my 2 first mechs incomplete and were mere R10 but took me too many wins and more than that the losses till game matched me with mechs I was able to defeat. 

This mech picture below doesn't look a menace but that mech kick butts and it is R1. The player it is a great player. I can do 3 of them if not wrong but he build in his way and likes and do great because he knows well his mech and how to use it. I was kill fast first time and of course then can kill it but gets me too because it is an smart player. My 2 mechs I know the purpose and why it was built in that way and are trash but used to reach ranks when are real dummy mechs. I used them till few months ago and played every season at R3 not trying to rank up easy to kill them. 

You do not need scope and can have different types of mech to reach R1. Just parts available and imagination for what the purpose you will like and get focus.  The problem is lack of test. People do not think much as some here do and come with mechs from no were beating the odds. 

I test and do crazy mechs and in fights I play to get damage to asses mech and when I feel what can do then do more changes to the same looking for different modules or add or change something. 

My hard standard mech it is not good for R1. It is build for R4-R3.  Now, against the Clever scope it is trash but I tested and tested against them and now can kill them time to time. It does require the idea to relearn your own mech function. I was getting beat each and every time then decreased same energy mechs. Energy mechs used to play against me like a toy now well it is different history for them. 

Do not copy others, just test whit what you have and learn about them. 

To be R1 it is determination and play smart. Those guys on top doesn't mean are unbeatable but they play smart and are good on it. Soviet might have the weapons but not realize are them to be a combo killer because play style preference.  


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yeah, mostly of he weapon is very good

and if i can, i was rank 10

i have 3 combo killer: supreme cannon & nightfall, supreme cannon & bunker shell and supreme cannon & overchanged rocket battery(when fight energy claw mech)

that's why i can get rank 11 easly

Edited by nightmarefreddy (see edit history)

Hcaptcha scam

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33 minutes ago, SovietUnionMech said:

umm yeah? The fact that i'm rank 15 but i have some knowledge about howto get r1 tho


and where do u get the avatar @OKI DOKI?

and where do u get the avatar @OKI DOKI? Search for Oregon cheerleaders. 

Many knows how to reach R1 but lack of weapons too. 😔

4 minutes ago, nightmarefreddy said:

yeah, mostly of he weapon is very good

and if i can, i was rank 10

i have 3 combo killer: supreme cannon & nightfall, supreme cannon & bunker shell and supreme cannon & overchanged rocket battery(when fight energy claw mech)

that's why i can get rank 11 easly

So it might that require to max out and proper modules 

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Just now, nightmarefreddy said:

still not find something helpful for reckless beam

I used to use reckless bean as one of my primary weapon in my first mech. Even had Frantic I never trusted and reckless never failed me. Decent weapon to middle ranks but some on top ranks use it. Rare but still. I will say it is good till R5-R4 but still possibilities depending structures. Do not max weapon if do not know what for. I did because had nothing else in the past but worked great for me.  Other players will always say it is trash. 🙂

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1 minute ago, nightmarefreddy said:

it just useful to me in this thing(kill energy claw build with no wp at range 4-8 )

Reckless affect more to the HP but not resist. As I can see in your avatar you have overcharge and need to be so at list range 3 to jump back and need the room for it. You have Supreme cannon to push forward and you had the idea to use that push forward and jump back and to kill with reckless at distance if possible or one shot bunker. Night fall will cover your range 2 and your leg will be the pusher when they close to you. I see. If you do not have a proper drone then reckless won't be that good to use. 

15 minutes ago, nightmarefreddy said:

it just useful to me in this thing(kill energy claw build with no wp at range 4-8 )

so by that, frantic or another top weapon have 3-6 range are useless for me

so max supreme cannon is my mistake?

when you are in low rank it is normal to have few more weapons. All of those weapons can be max. I do not see well the torso. Now, energy and heat are low. I had that issue with my 2 original mechs limited due to weight because I had to compensate lack of modules with weapons. The consideration of your weapons it is also the cost on heat and cooling. 

Night fall needs energy and heat up the mech. Easy to be heat up with heat attacker and easy to drain you with that energy and regen. You will over heat all the time with overcharge and supreme plus night fall and reckless cost some heat if I remember low but cost. The majority of your weapons will overheat you plus are energy dependable not overcharge. To move rank with current set up it is about ener/heat modules improvement. I know will suffer against phys but modules will help against the others 2. 

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the avatar is me 2 month ago

here's some thing to proof it

and this is 1 month ago 😕


me now have divine sith, massive stone feet and mythical nightfall

oh and a better heat, energy

here's my stats: 1887 hp

heat: 327 ; cooling: 191

energy: 348 ; regen: 153

rank: 11**

and ye, i in low rank

=> very hard to shutdown & energy break me

Edited by nightmarefreddy (see edit history)

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