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ZeRo_ last won the day on October 30 2021

ZeRo_ had the most liked content!

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ZeRo_'s Achievements

  1. Haven't posted anything for a while, so here's progress from 2 accounts.
  2. It feels nice to see old rivalries being thrown away and the players to unite about something. We stand with Ukraine.
  3. Small update, fixed some of the builds such as pys dual shotty, dual Magma Blast and dual Spartan. If anyone got any builds that are missing or either wrong, please post them. I appreciate every feedback I can get.
  4. Sigh, this was supposed only to collect 2021 meta builds, not make 2022 meta listing. Feel free to criticize me, I made the builds in WU, and yes, I know that some are either missing or wrong. As I stated, I'm working on fixing that.
  5. Only a rough sketch for now. Feel free to message me either here or on Discord if you want to help completely fill it.
  6. Got my 2nd medal. I got a lot of headaches from playing arena 24/7 to get here lol.
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