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Is there gonna be a 4th of july event?



Its 4th of July tomorrow and 4th of July is a big day for USA. So TS would never miss a day like this and give us the "4th of july event" with a lot of cool items & stuff

So is there gonna be a 4th of July event tomorrow?

A wise noob once said: energy weapons should get nerfed.


PS: The noob was me.

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There will be paints portal on 4 July. Strip paint and pattern paint can be held in portal. I already save up 500 token to farm it.

Hopefully the event didn't get canceled.😓

1 hour ago, Tigergeezer said:

What were the specials before for 4 July - hat perks, special paint kits etc.? 

Independence day 🇺🇲, yes there will be special paint.


What the point?

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5 minutes ago, Berosanakoyar said:

 Casually gonna flex because i got both paints only playing normal and hard

It was ripped off for me 😡💢. I didn't get promising result. 3 times refills and the only thing I got is 1 paint? 😡💢 No paint, just pain!

What the point?

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11 hours ago, Xynt said:

It was ripped off for me 😡💢. I didn't get promising result. 3 times refills and the only thing I got is 1 paint? 😡💢 No paint, just pain!

Yeah i play for paint event

*without the t*

11 hours ago, Xynt said:

It was ripped off for me 😡💢. I didn't get promising result. 3 times refills and the only thing I got is 1 paint? 😡💢 No paint, just pain!

Update: just got another one 

3/3 so far

12 hours ago, Xynt said:

It was ripped off for me 😡💢. I didn't get promising result. 3 times refills and the only thing I got is 1 paint? 😡💢 No paint, just pain!


A wise noob once said: energy weapons should get nerfed.


PS: The noob was me.

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9 hours ago, SawzAll said:

As you're probably already aware, yes, there was.

I farmed it and only got 3 paints so I painted my drones and called it a day.

Bruh am i just lucky? I legit got 6 with NO refills.

One box gave me 2 paints lmao

A wise noob once said: energy weapons should get nerfed.


PS: The noob was me.

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9 hours ago, Xynt said:

Update: I got few paint, ton of ton epic and 9 legendary :v

Refuel:6 times.

I still want exchange legendary to paint lol.

I can give u those 6 paints for 6 legendaries lmao

A wise noob once said: energy weapons should get nerfed.


PS: The noob was me.

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9 hours ago, Xynt said:

"If we can" 🙃, but i still sad and happy about the results at same times. It feel like wanted something that I didn't need.

I made a whole new topic about trading in super mech 

Here is the link if u wanna check it out: 

It took me 24 minutes to write and if they actually somehow add this system we can trade for it lol


A wise noob once said: energy weapons should get nerfed.


PS: The noob was me.

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10 hours ago, Scourge said:

Shet Portal. 12 refills for 7 paints and not 1 leggy! 

Am i the luckiest person to ever exist or you guys are just unlucky af

I didnt do a single refill (tecnically i did but i didnt spent tokens for it) and got 10 paints

Wtf is going on

A wise noob once said: energy weapons should get nerfed.


PS: The noob was me.

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