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    Ad1tya reacted to Hell Crow in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    My first legendary from the boss box! 

  2. Like
    Ad1tya reacted to Bunboy in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    First time rank 1 during counter week 🙂

  3. Like
    Ad1tya reacted to OKI DOKI in ...CANDELA INC...   
    Hi awesome pilots
    How are you?
    I am cool as always doing my best farming. 🤡
    I just want to say we have few openings in CANDELA INC.
    We will love to add and to have steady and permanent new members. 
    We still have in the CANDELA INC our groovy play ways focus on WINS, TITAN, TICKETS, WAR and of course freedom to up and down for development, test or else to make life with comfort in your play. 
    Sure we need to stick to the basics and we try to keep decency and we do not like trouble or cancer member that can disrupt play time harmony with not so healthy environment.  We like to talk to each other and it is been good and helpful for my acc development with the members hard work.
    We like to have R4+ player in all seasons at list capable of them and capable of war for S+ and S box. We fight 7 stars TITAN and we do 1V1, 2V2 and 3V3 2K clan wins and always we achieve those numbers and surpass them with our members a bit crazy in wins. 🤡 
    We have as base per player 110 wins in 1v1, 90 in 2v2 and 75 in 3v3 but the sky it is the limit and of course it is not forced to get over those numbers since it is the player discretion to get more and for sure they are very helpful on it. Las season we were above 6.6K wins even no need to go that far but they love it and they are very commit to do it.
    We support members like vacation, sick, etc if is communicated properly so we will know we will take over for the misses and keep sharing according what has been said. 
    We do not look for temporary players to get some rewards. I personally dislike that. 
    I like a family and see same steady members and grow together as family so I personally feel sometimes sad to lose a member but I like to keep in touch and keep good relationship with them. 
    So, if you are interested to play and can compromise in the basics, been a friendly person and be able to move around developing etc will be cool to have you in the clan.  
    If you have questions, drop a line here, PM my boss Scorpion "Bonboy-Forum", ask to any player in the clan during pvp chats or game chats or to this old guy OKI DOKI at your service and best disposition to answer any question you might have or had in mind and I will try to answer as best I can with honesty.
    Do not be shy to ask. I won't bite unless you are a Q girl. 😘 OOPS, my lady and nieces read the forum. I am in trouble now 🤭.
  4. Like
    Ad1tya reacted to iSwarky in The weapons that need nerfs as soon as possible   
    Atleast im not getting pinged now finally people decided to chill
  5. Haha
    Ad1tya reacted to Tirreggregars in The weapons that need nerfs as soon as possible   
    Yes, mainly cuz they, with the exception of malice, are all massive shitholes
  6. Haha
    Ad1tya got a reaction from AftoKrator in The weapons that need nerfs as soon as possible   
    Well tbh 
    I rarely visist forums 
    Its just too random and weird 
    I personally dont like the official server too 
    Spend most of your time on the game, grow fast, bully all those who roasted you when you were a newbie 👍
  7. Like
    Ad1tya reacted to iSwarky in The weapons that need nerfs as soon as possible   
    And do i look like i deserve it?
    Usually i get really mad when people do this stuff to me but this time i tried to be calm. Im losing it
  8. Like
    Ad1tya reacted to Spam in The weapons that need nerfs as soon as possible   
    Yeah I battled him and lost
    that's what I said
  9. Like
    Ad1tya reacted to Androphonia in The weapons that need nerfs as soon as possible   
    no cap tbh I'm trying to stop myself from roasting him hard right now
  10. Haha
    Ad1tya reacted to Tirreggregars in Dracarys Clan Recruitment   
    Or u can get muted on the official server every 30 minutes like me 👀
  11. Like
    Ad1tya reacted to Marija in Info on base upgrades and suggestions   
    Personally, I activated base accidentally more than a year ago. I started with 50+ millions of gold, which is how much I spent on upgrading it. ( I wasnt farming at all because I thought I'd quit the game at the time) It took few months to max out, as I had no trouble with gold. I've been playing for ages and I could be considered a top player I guess, for a bit more info. 
    Mostly I use it for legendary items or kits. I got some very good items and it was worth it for me. For example, I got overload preventor module ( if thats the name xD).
    Now when the base gives a bit more gold, its even better for me. Kits got cheaper which is amazing and makes upgrading way easier.  I think if you really plan to play and be serious, it will be definitely worth it the long run. For the beginners, it can be difficult because of the gold cost. 
    All in all, it was worth it for me and I dont regret having base for sure. Its up to you whether you activate it or not, see and try to figure out if it would be good for you to do it now or later or even never if you want so, I  just wanted to share my experience which was mostly positive. 😁
  12. Haha
    Ad1tya got a reaction from OKI DOKI in Dracarys Clan Recruitment   
    You're a recruiter already
    Dayum bro
  13. Haha
    Ad1tya got a reaction from Andypandy in 300 win in 2 days 🤣   
    Candela Inc peeps : I do that every week bro
  14. Like
    Ad1tya got a reaction from Liioh in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    The trio is officially complete 
    Pulled the energy one from a fortune box 5 mins ago 
    sadly, I dont run energy, its gonna collect dust in my inventory for a while

  15. Like
    Ad1tya got a reaction from urvmech in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    The trio is officially complete 
    Pulled the energy one from a fortune box 5 mins ago 
    sadly, I dont run energy, its gonna collect dust in my inventory for a while

  16. Like
    Ad1tya got a reaction from Andypandy in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    The trio is officially complete 
    Pulled the energy one from a fortune box 5 mins ago 
    sadly, I dont run energy, its gonna collect dust in my inventory for a while

  17. Like
    Ad1tya reacted to CleverName in Join WLGang   
    For new comers - this is the first time a top 3 clan has recruited in a while. Try to apply and join while you can 🙂
  18. Like
    Ad1tya reacted to firewater789 in Join WLGang   
    As most of you know we wlgang have gotten our first medal not too long ago, we worked so hard so we can give BossParody a medal before he leave. After he left i stepped forward and became the new leader of wlgang until he returns. the wlgang family wants him to come back to a surprise, the surprise being more medals. so we are asking you, yes you to join wlgang. We are looking for active players to join wlgang. We need people who are able to get rank 1 in 1v1 and rank 2-3 in 2v2 and 3v3. If your interested in joining then dm me on discord firewater789#8205 or just join the clan. If the main clan is full then join 2.0 or 3.0 and talk to the leader about moving to 1.0.  I hope you join and help us reach top 3 each week :).
  19. Like
    Ad1tya reacted to Turtle in REAL GODZILLA FROM SM HAS ARRIVED   
    If I recall correctly Godzilla had some major problems with caps lock in the past.
  20. Like
    Ad1tya reacted to W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    Welp, physical mech's first myth module.

  21. Like
    Ad1tya reacted to Shoultz262 in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
  22. Like
    Ad1tya reacted to Shoultz262 in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
  23. Like
    Ad1tya got a reaction from OKI DOKI in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    The trio is officially complete 
    Pulled the energy one from a fortune box 5 mins ago 
    sadly, I dont run energy, its gonna collect dust in my inventory for a while

  24. Like
    Welcome back zilla 👍
  25. Like
    Ad1tya got a reaction from Bunboy in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    The trio is officially complete 
    Pulled the energy one from a fortune box 5 mins ago 
    sadly, I dont run energy, its gonna collect dust in my inventory for a while

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