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firewater789 last won the day on March 4 2021

firewater789 had the most liked content!

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  1. usually just wait 24 hours, same happened on my phone twice first time i deleted then reinstalled the game it work and second time i wanted 24 hours
  2. try to switch to a different device and see if the problem continues
  3. if i have to be honest i only do raid and 2 missions for dailies lol
  4. i feel like you should add fuel cost, gold and xp as well. To see which mission is best for fb + something else
  5. Maybe you had already gotten the items into your inventory. It could have been all purples. Also check your unclaimed inventory it could have ended up there Also never be scared to ask questions on this forum
  6. RR/RF please stay true to your words, you support Ukraine yet you have someone in your clan that says that Ukraine deserves what's coming. Please fix this.
  7. when will you come to Toronto to do my hair?
  8. welcome to SM This is S.A.M's meta val mech there's also this but i dont know the mod set up
  9. pointless to be honest. Just max what's important from the start. You will max out everything one day and have a lot of arena coins left over. Me for example i have 8k left lol
  10. for ads to work you need to watch one ad on a phone then ads on pc will return. If you unable to use a phone next time you get ads only watch 29 so you get ads the next day
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