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  1. Like
    Electrick010 reacted to Greedy Warrior in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
  2. Like
    Electrick010 reacted to PlainBadLuck in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    I bought the offer on my alt and got a few great drops (also bought a pack from the titan shop, it was all epics)

  3. Like
    Electrick010 reacted to WarrMachine in We support Ukrainian SM players 🇺🇦❤️   
    Deos Eclipticae supports Ukraine.
  4. Thanks
    Electrick010 reacted to Mechzilla in We support Ukrainian SM players 🇺🇦❤️   
    In solidarity with the Ukranian Super Mechs players, Reign Forever and Reign Reforged have turned our clan flags to solid blue. Inmax changed theirs to solid yellow. Any other clans are welcome to follow suit. 
    We may not know each other personally, but we are all human. Good will, compassion and prayers are needed. 

  5. Like
    Electrick010 reacted to Marija in Poetry competition!   
    Hi guys!
    I noticed some topics on forum that are focused on writing, words game and similar so I thought some of you might be interested into taking this to a new level - Poetry Competition! I'm someone who likes and used to write poetry myself, so this is also for my own pleasure 😄 
    If you are interested in participating, here are the things to know! 
    ➡️  We wont have any sort of applying for the competition, simply posting the poems in this thread is ''applying''. You can of course say its for the competition etc. 
     ➡️ The competition will last 7 days, closing on the next Monday ( 28th February ) at 10am CET. For that time, you are allowed to post, edit, change your poems or even quit if you wish. But after Monday 10am, there is no more changes, we will consider the poem your final post. 
     ➡️ The rules are very simple:
    Follow the forum rules on basic common decency while writing A poem can be about anything, full artistic freedom is given (That means literally anything, it doesnt need to be SuperMechs)  A poem shouldnt be shorter than a couple lines or longer than 20 lines ( Have in mind someone has to read many poems probably 😄 )   ➡️ For the rewards part, I decided not to make it a large reward as this is more about the art and not the reward itself. Plus I'm taking into consideration the past experience in competitions :))  So the rewards will be symbolic:
     Place gets a forum badge for winning the poetry competition and 300 tokens Place gets 200 tokens Place gets 100 tokens  ➡️ After the competition is closed, we will take some time to read everything through and decide the winners. While deciding the winners, we will take into consideration stuff like the creativity, choice of words, the overall look and etc. I will also check the reactions to the poems, ask my team members for their opinions as well since luckily, some of them like poetry! I will post the results in this thread. 
    If you have any questions, do ask them here, please try not to clog the thread obviously. 
    I wish you good luck and happy writing! I hope we will all enjoy this and have fun writing or reading. Who knows, maybe even discover a new talent we didnt know we had 🙂 🍀
  6. Haha
    Electrick010 reacted to Deimos in Exclusive Limited Time Offer   
    Can't wait for the energy monkey and massive shocker feet offer lmao
  7. Like
    Electrick010 reacted to Tigergeezer in Exclusive Limited Time Offer   
    Tempting, but my luck with the drops from the premium packs is always terrible, so I'll wait for one of the guaranteed premium mods offers. 
  8. Like
    Electrick010 got a reaction from Zutchse in Bug??   
    They go down ranks to farm mech noobs, that's called Smurf, currently there is no restriction that prohibits or penalizes them, you will have to suffer.
  9. Sad
    Electrick010 reacted to Darkweaver in what happen to trolls?   
    when I looked to lists I didnt see them, did they collapse?
  10. Like
    Electrick010 reacted to OKI DOKI in OKI DOKI Searching for possible clan   
    Hi pilots
    How are you?
    I am fine. Thank you.
    Hmm, what I can say.
    Some people might ask why I am searching for a clan.
    First of all, nothing is wrong with my homie clan CANDELA INC. The clan is doing ok. 

    CANDELA INC is morphing a bit due to the game environment, and it is getting harder and harder to search for players that really wants to do the basics. 
    The clan is moving a bit more to play for AP of course the other basics will be around. 
    I am looking forward to adding players with great potential and who really wants to play and get a medal possibility. It will be nice to get players interested to be permanent
    and able to reach R1 in all seasons or almost all seasons and fight for a goodie medal. 
    Please contact @Diablooder former recent leader or any current clan member if you have the desire to join to the clan. I am looking forward. There is a current open spot and will be one more by the end of the season when I step down from my home clan and family. I hope you who is reading will like to join. Thanks for reading and having the interest to join CANDELA.
    Yes, I know. That do not answer the question why I am stepping down when everyone here knows I am not a clan hooper for rewards etc.
    It is not very complicated. As may know here already, my work schedule is 24/7 and little time to spend with family. 
    Another factor is that I play only for fun regardless I try to develop a strong account. I never had or have interest to play for AP but even I wanted right now I CAN'T.
    I play my 2 accounts on my work break and is limited. When I play, I get interruptions with calls and messages to fix issues and ton of meetings and I do work a lot with my boss. 
    There are many other factors at work that affect my play time on my breaks that create complications to play focused for rank or to get heavy wins.
    So, my clan it is fine, and I just have to move out because next clan direction I won't be able to reach requirements. Even the clan wants me to stay I won't be able to go for it wanting. 
    Sadly, I have to go but with doors open and if the clan enter into a period of bad luck and need me, I will try to help them. Is home clan forever and I have to thank a lot to my teammates that carried me for long and their support and fun together. 
    There are so many players in this forum and former teammates and can talk about how serious I am about clan ethic and hard work. None can say anything wrong. I compromise to what I can give or offer and keep my words on it without fail. I have never failed to my bodies in CANDELA INC., and I will miss our day-to-day game and chat.
    I will be stepping out of the clan by this end of season 3v3. 
    What am I looking right now?
    Let's me be honest. I am not looking for clans because I has been part already of one and home base. The clan change direction and of course need to get focus on it. 
    I only can offer what I can offer to be part of a clan. 
    I will not jump right on the spot. I do not have rush, or I can get back to my basic and play solo as I was half of my play time in this game.  
    This is what I offer and how do I play because complicated work schedule and family.
    1- My basic is 5 wins a day. I have played my accounts every single day till today since 10/3/19. 
    2- I can give R3 rank but I won't stay there by end of season. I will drop to lower rank.  I move to R3 for war position or depend on rank in need but then go low.
    3- I collect tickets and fight TITAN always. 
    4- I do WAR always. 
    5- I do not insult and keep proper manners 
    6- I have been requested many times to be clan leader for my integrity as player and clan support but no time for it so I am not a clan cancer.
    7- I like to help as best I can with my limitations, and I like to have some chats with my peers when I can snick myself and have fun with them.
    What won't I accept in a clan?
    1- Trouble makers. Bad manners. Slackers. People that create internal conflicts and selfishness getting rewards without work for it and been a greedy person in the clan stuff. I will walk      away fast. 
    2- Suspicious accounts. Illegal clan activities. I am not fun of that.
    3- Rudeness to me or to others team members. I will walk away. 
    4- Joining discord. I do not like socials things, and I like basic privacy REGARDLESS I AM IN THE FORUM GAME. I keep things in the forum like pm me or clan private chat. Maybe game chat for test etc.
    What am I looking for in a clan?
    1- A clan that fright the TITAN and kill the TITAN. If the clan do not fight TITAN, there is not much reason to be there. It does indicate is too lazy even with my limitations I do basic always. If I cannot have real time, then the others can do that basic. To me will be B.S. not doing in it. Leaving gold and coins over the table it is not fun to me. Clan do things it should do as clan basic.
    2- A clan that can go for 1k plus every season. For 1k it does require 42 wins per member. A clan that does not achieve that it is too lazy for me. That is basic 6 wins per day and I do not have time to play and I get that. 
    3- A clan that allow me to play at any rank. I do not smurf but I play testing developing parts always since I started to play this game at any rank every season and I won't stop that. Sorry, it is my play ways for my entertainment. I play for entertainment. I do help on war position by the time of war.
    4- The clan do WAR. If no do war, so there is no point for me to be there. 
    5- I clan that does not play for AP or medals. Sorry, it is not in my radar to get medals and I am not interested on it. That restrict my plays and get gold on basic wins if I can get them. I won't trap my person in the medal boring race. I can't get focus on it and takes a lot of focus on me been too busy at work. I leave home at 6 in the morning and back passing 9pm to take care of family and connect to work to keep working 24/7. 
    6- Friendly clan mates. In CANDELA I do have my cool friends and always been good to me. So, an interactive clan and friendly friends is good to have. Is sad to see clan chats empty. 
    @ayron You are forming a new clan CANDELA CORP. Thx for let me know.
    For those interested to be part of a new clan my teammate ayron, he has been a loyal CANDELA clan member and one of the members who accepted me in the clan. He is not a hopper, do basics and get ton of wins when he has the time. Join him or talk to him to join your clan. He is also an R1 on seasons when he can play for it.  He uses more French language so use a French translator with French from France. He is a good person. I do recommend him. 
    @Clan Red
    Look after ayron. He is your CANDELA good peer. You might contact him. Write to him in French and let him know about your clan with details. You are in the top 21. He would like to play without pressure, and he has never been a troublemaker. He has been there with you before me in the clan till now. You know him well. 
    PM me if you are interested.
    Thanks for reading 
    Wally-OKI DOKI 
  11. Like
    Electrick010 reacted to BossParody in Hello from BossParody in Canada   
    Clan Introduction: 
    Hi guys, as many of you already know from @Atusiff’s post; WLGang and WLGang 2.0  returning after our break from the top ranks🙂  We are currently accepting players rank 3 or higher, and are an average r3 clan. WLGang 2.0 is set to r10 and is for any players looking for a clan and to be a part of our community. Before I start this off, I want to take a minute to appreciate @Death_Gun who is the cofounder of WLGang, and founder of 2.0. Death_Gun has dedicated countless hours of his time over the last four years to WLGang players by helping them in game, as well as irl. He was also the reason that WLGang became more than just a clan for a lot of our members.  As of yesterday, he has decided to step down from his position in WLGang, as well as supermechs as a whole and will be missed by all of us. 
    My Introduction:
    Since I have been on somewhat of a hiatus from forums since around when Alex created them, I wanted to reach out and introduce myself to all of the new pilots I have not yet had the pleasure of meeting, and reconnect with some of the friends I’ve lost since backing away from the game a bit. To begin, my name is Alex and I am the leader and cofounder of WLGang. I am 21 years old and work as a hair stylist in Ontario, In my free time I’m usually playing Mechs, snowboarding, or playing hockey since it’s still February 🙂  Since I’m a hair stylist, I do a lot of fun crap to my hair too, so this is what it looks like right now (attached below)! Honestly I don’t have a whole lot else to say, but if you have any questions about me, or WLGang, please don’t hesitate to ask here 
    - Boss 


  12. Like
    Electrick010 reacted to Deimos in Exclusive Limited Time Offer   
    Today's offer coming in clutch, my first EFA and second sorrow. This will make for some great builds combined with all the numerous heat weapons I already have.

  13. Like
    Electrick010 reacted to OKI DOKI in OKI DOKI Progress Little by Little   
    Hi Pilots
    How are you? Yes, is me again, OKI DOKI. 😂📢🤡
    I am fine like I said yesterday in my O.D FARM acc but really busy at work and not much time to really play the game.
    I have been focusing the account to increase some gold reserves and enhance some weapons to reach my gold of 200 MYTH parts and I was able to achieve that milestone. The account suffered a lot like in O.D FARM in the making weapons because the game new module's introduction to the game and I had to start over making new modules just to balance and survive in the game. For O.D. FARM I barely finished the old modules transformation then had to start again with the new ones holding back and because both accounts were too young during the changes it does disturb too much the progress. 
    Anyway, I am happy to be able to make 200 Myth parts for fun, but I need to complete them to full L50.  It is does takes long time to make this and farm every day. I do not know how the old players can grind for so many years. 
    The account has been stagnant getting new parts, but I got only one part in a fortune box.

    The gold reserve is growing back post expending some divining modules. I was able to increase gold to 127millions then used some and currently trying to get back and increase a bit more before I start to make new weapons. I will finish few weapons to L50 using daily in a slow progress and increase gold at the same time. I won't add screen capture of progress during last 2 months, but I will add next updates.

    The BASE has been idle for a while.

    Clan coins still growing.

    Arena shop coins growing

    Mix boxes reserves growing back. I had to use some and dropped to less than 100 and now pushing them up for legend creation and levels ups. 

    Let see, the account is practically unchanged except enhancing current inventory. 



    It is weak but decent account and can get any rank on any season if play for it. It does lack of many weapons to enhance power, but I am happy for the hard work and progress. 

  14. Like
    Electrick010 reacted to OKI DOKI in OKI DOKI Progress Little by Little   
    Yes indeed. I got it. I will update acc with OD. FARM maybe sake day. Still weak accounts but now I will work more on weapons. The account fundation is set. 
  15. Like
    Electrick010 reacted to OKI DOKI in ...CANDELA INC...   
    @Clan Red
    Who’s new candela leader ,is he better them diablo did diablo leave …
    Diablooder is a great player and leader. He is too busy now to lead and search for people if in need. 
    The new leader is Kevin P. He is another top player been around for a while and does have experience in the leading area. 
    I can't be leader because I play when opportunity comes on my work breaks but not because I have time to play this game. 
    I want to congratulate to our new leader Kevin P. 

    In my case I was the boss for a sec. 🤣 Yeah slaves. Do what I said. 🤡

  16. Like
    Electrick010 got a reaction from RON CANA in What music are you listening to?   
    The truth is that I always enjoy listening to this one, an apology if I am not a fan of Rap 🙃
    Many times I use it to feel a passion for drawing, ok I am obsessed a lot. 😪
     Sometimes I wish I had a girlfriend. 😔
  17. Like
    Electrick010 reacted to Nefertary Meriten-Mut in Nefertary Meriten-Mut greets you.   
    Hi! I´m Wepwawet on the previous forum and Nefertary Meriten-Mut is my nickname on the game. I started playing in March 2016, I was going through a period of work stress due to overwork and Supermechs helped me distract with something new, since I had 0 experience in multiplayer online games. I thought it would be temporary, but the stress passed and Supermechs stayed.
    My real name is Nancy and I hope to have a fair, transparent and equal opportunity game for all. I would like to help improve the conditions of the f2p player.
    I also have a project to make a blog to relate my personal experience in the game.

  18. Like
    Electrick010 reacted to Stelight in How rare is Redwall?   
    Here it is : ( a summery at the end of all items obtained )


    Summery : ( after verification it's missing 7 items .. )
    --- Top weapon ---
    18 Rocket launcher ( verified )
    27 Royal rocket launcher  ( verified )
    = 45
    --- Side weapon ---
    5 Boomwitch ( verified )
    5 Homage ( verified )
    9 Redwall ( verified )
    5 Faithful metal ( verified )
    4 Hungering beam ( verified )
    3 Ironmark ( verified )
    3 Headhunter ( verified )
    3 Crazed repeater ( verified )
    3 Firestorm ( verified )
    4 Scalpel ( verified )
    5 Sikanda ( verified )
    1 Metal piercer ( verified )
    = 50
    --- Drone ---
    9 Striker ( verified )
    4 Jab ( verified )
    12 Buzz ( verified )
    = 25
    --- Torso ---
    9 Fenrir ( verified )
    11 Revenant ( verified )
    3 Typhoon ( verified )
    8 Interceptor ( verified )
    4 Punisher ( verified )
    5 Sith ( verified )
    9 Ettin ( verified )
    3 Nightmare ( verified )
    = 52
    --- Legs ---
    9 Charged walker ( verified )
    14 Scorching feet ( verified )
    13 Copper destroyer ( verified )
    1 Chronium crusher ( verified )
    5 Sizzling rollers ( verified )
    7 Iron boots ( verified )
    = 49
    --- Modules ---
    5 Energy booster ( verified )
    10 Energy regenerator ( verified )
    9 Energy capsule ( verified )
    5 Cooling booster ( verified )
    7 Dual heat module ( verified )
    6 Heat capsule ( verified )
    7 Iron plating ( verified )
    13 Teleporter module ( verified )
    = 62
    ---Power kit--- 
    10 Power kit ( verified )
    = 10
  19. Like
    Electrick010 got a reaction from Monke King in About Nightmare's appearance   
    To be honest I thought the same but don't be scared, in Mythical it looks much better than all its previous evolutions.

  20. Like
    Electrick010 reacted to OKI DOKI in Exclusive Limited Time Offer   
  21. Like
    Electrick010 reacted to OKI DOKI in ...CANDELA INC...   
    You will be always welcome to join back. We know your wood as compromised player and one of the best contributors of the clan had. 👍
    Now I can post a better image. 😀

    That is when I joined, and we had short on players with the mess of players moving to other clans when the buster time came up with every clan begging for new players and stealing from other clans to keep ranks. 🤣 As a solo player every clan were asking me to join.  I did join CANDELA because SHABBA was the only one who for a year when I was barely starting with my niece was asking us to join the clan in the good and bad times of the clan when the clan moved to top and felt hard people walking away for no reason and a few remained loyal and rebuild it. He was a nice person to me, and we had fun at game chat every day when I used to connect there all the time and no forum.  Is good to see some of those players still around progressing. 👍
    Every week he asked me on pvp or in chat or later on forum pm. Every time he saw me "bang" asked. 📢🤦‍♂️ 
    Join us, join us, join us 🤣
  22. Like
    Electrick010 reacted to Stelight in Show off the art you want.   
    You gave me inspiration ( didn't finished) 

    I find the idea not bad to mix a character with a element of super mechs, I will digitalized that when I have free time. 
  23. Like
    Electrick010 reacted to AftoKrator in Show off the art you want.   
    i might've shown this to some of yall, but i'll still put it here. 
    this is one of my earlier projects that i put on my deviant art page. 
    name of image is Dusk. took 130 layers to make. 

  24. Like
    Electrick010 got a reaction from Monke King in What music are you listening to?   
    The truth is that I always enjoy listening to this one, an apology if I am not a fan of Rap 🙃
    Many times I use it to feel a passion for drawing, ok I am obsessed a lot. 😪
     Sometimes I wish I had a girlfriend. 😔
  25. Like
    Electrick010 got a reaction from OvalQuilter in Exclusive Limited Time Offer   
    I just bought the Offer and I'm not really complaining, I needed the coins to finally have the 2k Coins, anyway, I'll share my drops.

    This was thanks to clan coins.

    I do not share the other boxes and it is because it is pure epic and a DawnBlaze.
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