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3 minutes ago, Alexander said:

We'll hire more people as we feel more confident, we're already hiring people on the community side of things. 



As for sales, not every sale is for every person. I think the opinions people gave on mercy and swoop sale are a bit unfair - you can easily spend hundreds of $ getting one. Even if you don't need the item yourself, it's still a good sale. Just not a sale on something you currently want. 

Defense matrix is a great item unless you have all 3 other modules, on all 3 of your mechs. Even if you get them in sales on the cheap side, that's 6k tokens per mech. The 20 packs themselves already made that sale more than worth it. 


I think if you look at every single sale since march 1, every single sale is great value for money on items some players actually want.

holy... wow alex, its been a while.

One Mech to rule them all

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Oki Doki, then, I don’t know. It’s up to you if you want to get a 6th Platinum Fortress. Spending money for 1 account is a lot of money already. But for 2 accounts, that’s a crazy amount.

If it were for my solo account, I'd buy 3 to use in clan war. I probably use 3 for the campaign, and maybe 3 for the raid. If I were to go with the bare amount, I probably need 2 only.

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Just now, MasterChief said:

holy... wow alex, its been a while.

I kind of enjoy misinformation being spread, in a sick way, but occasionally I need to get over my enjoyment and correct it. 


E.g. when 6670 tokens on box values + 2 decent modules for 4000 tokens is a 'bad price' or when people say our sales are 'more frequent and more expensive' when we've roughly the same prices and have done 9 sales since March 1 and April 15 (1 and a half months). 6 in march, 3 in april until now.


Tacticsoft planned 8 sales in feb, 9 in jan, 9 in dec, 11 in nov, 8 in oct, 9 in sept, 12 in aug, 9 in july. 


I'm sorry folks, you can drink your kool-aid how you like it, but we've been giving out *well* over double as much tokens in events (and I personally think the way we do portals is way more interesting, but i'll leave that for you to judge) and doing sales less often. The fact you want to buy more of them doesn't make it more "p2p", it just shows you can get better value if you're a smaller spender now, but you're free to make an argument for returning to 70+% of sales being terrible buys that make money from confused newbies. If it wins a poll on the forum, we'll cut out trying to make interesting sales for all our segments of players. It's far less work for me, anyhow. 😛 

Relaxed Dog GIF by Jason Clarke

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2 minutes ago, rc said:

Oki Doki, then, I don’t know. It’s up to you if you want to get a 6th Platinum Fortress. Spending money for 1 account is a lot of money already. But for 2 accounts, that’s a crazy amount.

If it were for my solo account, I'd buy 3 to use in clan war. I probably use 3 for the campaign, and maybe 3 for the raid. If I were to go with the bare amount, I probably need 2 only.

I am joking 🙃  about to get an extra. I will have to meat 3. 🤭


Super Mechs_2021-04-14-16-56-29.jpg

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5 minutes ago, MasterChief said:

ahh okay. just to clear things up, everything i have said so far is true?



Haven't read all your messages. 


As for the current deal, it's almost over. It's probably the cheapest way yet to get a plat fortress (outside of relying on luck for boxes during the increased rates), so I hope some of you will manage to raise a rank or two with it. 


It'd be nice if some of you would keep your progress and share if it helped you or not, if you buy it. My personal hope is to move a few people up to R3

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1 minute ago, Alexander said:

Haven't read all your messages. 


As for the current deal, it's almost over. It's probably the cheapest way yet to get a plat fortress (outside of relying on luck for boxes during the increased rates), so I hope some of you will manage to raise a rank or two with it. 


It'd be nice if some of you would keep your progress and share if it helped you or not, if you buy it. My personal hope is to move a few people up to R3

ah, well, i was saying that you were either the only, or one of the only SM coders/programers/devs rn

P.S, im probs gonna get it

plus, i got to r7 for the first time, hopefully i can get to r6 sometime in the next month or 2

Edited by MasterChief (see edit history)

One Mech to rule them all

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11 minutes ago, MasterChief said:

P.S, im probs gonna get it


I think it's a good offer if you want to rank higher, but i'd like to iterate you should only buy things you're comfortable with and have confidence you'll *enjoy*. Don't feel pressured or anything, there'll always be opportunities to get a good mech going. 


11 minutes ago, MasterChief said:

plus, i got to r7 for the first time, hopefully i can get to r6 sometime in the next month or 2

What do you feel is blocking you right now? 🙂 

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Alexander, it’s my bad for mentioning the increased amount of sales. After you mentioned the sales amounts are the same, I just realized the Drop Rate Increased sales (a.k.a., new item sales) and the noob sales are gone. Replacing it are the regular sales for older items.

From my perspective, I don’t really buy from the Drop Rate Increased sales because they’re too expensive, and I don’t need anything from the noob sales. Instead, I buy mainly from the regular sales.

With everything mentioned, now, all the sales are regular sales. Thus, I’m spending a lot more money, maybe double for the regular sales due to other sales being dead. So, that’s what I’m referring to when I mentioned more sales, as in more regular sales.

On a last note, I see your sales are getting better. I appreciate it by buying more as a happy customer. I only skipped the Mercy sale since I already bought 2. And I received a 3rd Mercy from a drop, not that I need more than 2 anyway.

By the way, Alexander, is that title a joke?


Edited by rc (see edit history)
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1 hour ago, Alexander said:

People said some strange things, is all. Wasn't referring to you

He was referring to me. lol


1 hour ago, Alexander said:

I think it's a good offer if you want to rank higher, but i'd like to iterate you should only buy things you're comfortable with and have confidence you'll *enjoy*. Don't feel pressured or anything, there'll always be opportunities to get a good mech going. 

Today was a great deal....

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1 hour ago, Alexander said:

I think it's a good offer if you want to rank higher, but i'd like to iterate you should only buy things you're comfortable with and have confidence you'll *enjoy*. Don't feel pressured or anything, there'll always be opportunities to get a good mech going. 


What do you feel is blocking you right now? 🙂 

energy mechs


One Mech to rule them all

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For me the biggest problem is the relics to divinized .... assuming I buy an offer of 20 PP and that the drop rates were very good (something that doesn't really happen because the drop rates for good items are still bad). But imagining the utopia that I buy 20 premium packs and get at least 5 VIP items, I will never be at the level of those who can divinized everything they want because they made private agreements with the administration.

So I'm always in the same hole, although I could build a good phys (for example), I would never reach the level of having everything divinized.

So if you are at rank 5, you want to reach 3. If you are at 3, you will want to reach rank 1. And when you reach rank 1 you will have to compete with those who made private deals and their alts.

So even if you achieve everything to build a spectacular phys or heat, you will always end up playing with the same thing. Or u will play "for fun" but with little hope of being competitive in an unfair system.

If I were an admin, I'd cut my losses and remove all divinizations, returning items to their max myth so really worth buying to compete.

But so far it seems that no one dares to put bells on the cat. So the system is still pretty hypocritical, with or without hot sales.


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38 minutes ago, Nefertary Meriten-Mut said:

For me the biggest problem is the relics to divinized .... assuming I buy an offer of 20 PP and that the drop rates were very good (something that doesn't really happen because the drop rates for good items are still bad). But imagining the utopia that I buy 20 premium packs and get at least 5 VIP items, I will never be at the level of those who can divinized everything they want because they made private agreements with the administration.

So I'm always in the same hole, although I could build a good phys (for example), I would never reach the level of having everything divinized.

So if you are at rank 5, you want to reach 3. If you are at 3, you will want to reach rank 1. And when you reach rank 1 you will have to compete with those who made private deals and their alts.

So even if you achieve everything to build a spectacular phys or heat, you will always end up playing with the same thing. Or u will play "for fun" but with little hope of being competitive in an unfair system.

If I were an admin, I'd cut my losses and remove all divinizations, returning items to their max myth so really worth buying to compete.

But so far it seems that no one dares to put bells on the cat. So the system is still pretty hypocritical, with or without hot sales.

Longevity in the game is equal to power accumulation plus relics to divine.

I agreed with you regardless private deals.

In my case I can't compete in full toe to toe because lose by margin many times not because I was bad player when I am serious in the play very rare but sometimes I am. I can't compete with players of 3-4 years not included transfer from Legacy power plus clan membership from start basically and full account arena shop max out.

I joined my clan back in December just some months ago and before that I was solo player for over a year. In other words, I am behind 3 years of relics accumulation when those players are having 60, 80 or 90 divined parts and that include modules.

This is what I have divined in my older account OKI DOKI. Sure I lose by default if we think a bout the extra juice brings divine regardless it is not a lot in some cases but for others it is a lot combined and can make better set up because that extra condition when I have to compensate or stay limited in basic comparation. 

I am in the same hole been new versus older player against private deals but it was there to be reached by any hands ready for it. I do not complain about those deals since it was a business but matching against powerful long tern players at disadvantage  sometimes I think it is not fair fight if I think in that way. For me it is a challenge to cross with powerful players like you and others. 

Sure, I get your point and sure it does affect but won't be fare to those already fought to get those parts to go back to L50 flat out and will be even worse since that it is an incentive to be part of a clan.


Below I fight with you.

You are full divined. I am incomplete in modules and weapons. That was the last shot and I was killed in your turn. Do you think it is a fair fight matching by AI? Same happen to me too as example with Clever, Invicktus., Monolis, Warrmachine, Rest in peace, Nagi,  Mechzilla, Monster, Rico, Zoner etc etc etc.  

That not mean I can't win. I won against you in the past or against Nagi, Monster, Invicktus, Tae, Laser X, Nero, jake6 etc and many others but as you say divine power extra juice it does cut margin losses and I am in the losing side. 

Like I said, I agree with you about divine issue but need to see the entire spectrum of the wavelength.

Anyway, I like your opinion. 😉



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I have 3 almost completely divinized mechs. That I achieved in my time on the game. But I can't get out of the same, because it would take me years to divinize another set of 3 different mechs. What others did in a few months with their main account and their alts through by private agreements.

So while these specials are very tempting, they don't make much sense to me.

People buy to go up to rank 3 and then they will continue buying to go up to rank 1. And when they reach rank 1 they will find this situation. I invested a lot of money in the past, I kept investing after the reload and stopped paying when I saw that there was a cat locked up. And my nose was good, I was not mistaken.

So they tell you, if you see something strange in a player, don't say it in public, fill out the complaint form ... but it's like when the police rob you, who are you going to report? Here is the same, if the administration screwed you up, who are you going to send the form to?


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4 hours ago, OKI DOKI said:

I joined my clan back in December just some months ago and before that I was solo player for over a year. In other words, I am behind 3 years of relics accumulation when those players are having 60, 80 or 90 divined parts and that include modules.

It’s a shame you didn’t join a clan pronto. 🚀

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