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Trash Torso: Avenger


Avenger Buff  

48 members have voted

  1. 1. Does Avenger need a buff?

    • Yes, with the proposed values
    • Yes, with different values
    • No, the torso its fine

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Its not a secret that Avenger its the Worst torso of the game, just look at its stats:


Avenger its supossed to be a High HP High weight Torso on the early days of Reloaded, but at this point of the game its totally unusable thanks to those poor heat stats.

My proposal for this torso is;  

- Increase its HP to 1550
- Increase its Max Heat to 200
- Increase its Cooldown to 64

Pls feel free to vote on the Poll and leave your opinion about this torso.

Thanks 💜


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33 minutes ago, DarkJailu said:


Its not a secret that Avenger its the Worst torso of the game, just look at its stats:


Avenger its supossed to be a High HP High weight Torso on the early days of Reloaded, but at this point of the game its totally unusable thanks to those poor heat stats.

My proposal for this torso is;  

- Increase its HP to 1550
- Increase its Max Heat to 200
- Increase its Cooldown to 64

Pls feel free to vote on the Poll and leave your opinion about this torso.

Thanks 💜


So HSA will be worse torso so it hp should be in 1400-1500(not 1550)

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So now buff it cooling to 72, regen too and heat/energy cap is 250-300

Just now, DarkJailu said:

Not really, HSA it will be still better

HSA will have 128 more HP, 59 max energy, 16 regen, 59 max heat and 16 cooldown


bruh the hp

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Just now, MasterChief said:

i used to have this torso.... it would take me all day to get my three wins because i kept on losing to heat mechs.... and then there are the people who (somehow) make really powerful mechs out of the avenger torso.... thats why i switched my torso and fused my max myth avenger.

My friend NLE_CHOPPA use it and now he use sith bc it so trash and thats why i killed him easly LOL(800HP)

lucky that i use golem(a worse torso than avenger)

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2 hours ago, DarkJailu said:


Its not a secret that Avenger its the Worst torso of the game, just look at its stats:


Avenger its supossed to be a High HP High weight Torso on the early days of Reloaded, but at this point of the game its totally unusable thanks to those poor heat stats.

My proposal for this torso is;  

- Increase its HP to 1550
- Increase its Max Heat to 200
- Increase its Cooldown to 64

Pls feel free to vote on the Poll and leave your opinion about this torso.

Thanks 💜


To be formidable, torso HP would need to be higher I think, in addition to buffed heat cap & cooling. 1750 would be a start. 

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9 hours ago, Mechzilla said:

To be formidable, torso HP would need to be higher I think, in addition to buffed heat cap & cooling. 1750 would be a start

That will make Avenger better than HSA bc it will give more hp for less kg

Also Avenger its a E-M torso, like windigo and naga, it need to be a good torso, but not better overall than premium ones

I think on Avenger like its a "Cheap Monkey" torso, a torso its totally outclassed by them but it its a solid option if you dont have the monkeys

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11 hours ago, Mechzilla said:

To be formidable, torso HP would need to be higher I think, in addition to buffed heat cap & cooling. 1750 would be a start. 

That's overbuffing it. It'll be better than monkeys. Keep in mind that it's a E-M torso, so it can't be better than premiums. Buffing it to be a good torso is fine, but overbuffing it is not.

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Yes this torso needs a buff 100% 
But I dont think its the right time to procceed on another one torso buff .
I think buffs/nerfs should be made with a right order .
So far the balancing seems very ok ...heat mechs are back .
Lets see what will follow .

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14 hours ago, Shoultz262 said:

That's overbuffing it. It'll be better than monkeys. Keep in mind that it's a E-M torso, so it can't be better than premiums. Buffing it to be a good torso is fine, but overbuffing it is not.

Usable vs unusable. It will get killed in top ranks by vest users due to lack of resistance right now. 

16 hours ago, DarkJailu said:

That will make Avenger better than HSA bc it will give more hp for less kg

Also Avenger its a E-M torso, like windigo and naga, it need to be a good torso, but not better overall than premium ones

I think on Avenger like its a "Cheap Monkey" torso, a torso its totally outclassed by them but it its a solid option if you dont have the monkeys

I understand how you see it, and I don’t think you are wrong for thinking that way. I have a difference in opinion because of this... 

Avenger has been easy to overheat and drain since it’s release, and has remained unusable in top ranks for *years.* I don’t have one and never even fused one up because of this. Vests, monkeys and Windingo are superior for several reasons. If we are trying to help new to middle ranked players have functional, usable items now, worry not for comparison’s sake. New torsos always come. Power creep is how gaming companies make money on P2W. In a year or two, this will not matter as much. 

Edited by Mechzilla (see edit history)
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On 1/13/2021 at 1:56 PM, DarkJailu said:


Its not a secret that Avenger its the Worst torso of the game, just look at its stats:


Avenger its supossed to be a High HP High weight Torso on the early days of Reloaded, but at this point of the game its totally unusable thanks to those poor heat stats.

My proposal for this torso is;  

- Increase its HP to 1550
- Increase its Max Heat to 200
- Increase its Cooldown to 64

Pls feel free to vote on the Poll and leave your opinion about this torso.

Thanks 💜


well I agree with that

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I voted "yes but with different values."  Your proposal is way too much HP, in my opinion.  You'd end up making it better than the heat and energy monkey torsos and barely weaker than the vests.  I do not think this is a good idea.

SHORT STORY: I think hit points should instead be 1415.  Keep the other changes.  That way it is almost as good as Hollow Spectral Armor but better than Battery Armor.  (As a side note, it would help if all the torsos were re-aligned using HP so that they're within 1% of each other, that way nearly all of them are viable, but while keeping the vests at the top.)

LONG STORY: those who enjoy shaking up the META all the time are the equivalent to people who light their houses on fire to "shake things up."

Anyways, back to Avenger.  I think the problem with the torsos (all of them) is that they are too different in terms of their overall capabilities.  I'd like to narrow the gap to make some of the lesser torsos better, BUT NOT to kick the heat and energy vests off the META.  Other torsos should be "viable alternatives" to the META configs we see, not so powerful that they essentially nerf things.

Because your F2P players in 2020 were grinding for a long time to max their monkey torsos, only for 2021 to basically kick them in the face by saying that now the vests are the top torso.

It's one thing to spice things up with variety, but it's quite another to piss off everyone who's been spending the entire month trying to max a torso to get into ranks 1-5 only to then get kicked in the head from above, basically, as all the P2W's just go get the next top torso.  P2W players can afford to open a ton of crates (or have large inventories, etc.) to get the new top torso(s) and max them out.  For F2P players, that's almost another month of grinding to get and max new torsos.  And most F2Ps don't have large inventories, so Avenger most likely already ended up being myth food for them.

"Shaking up" the META hurts F2P players much more than P2W players, and it's discouraging to watch SM do things like this.

On 1/13/2021 at 6:41 AM, DarkJailu said:

Not really, HSA it will be still better

HSA will have 128 more HP, 59 max energy, 16 regen, 59 max heat and 16 cooldown

No.  HSA has no resistance.  Resistance is king in this game (assuming you have enough HP).  Look how the vests took over the META so quickly once their resistance was buffed.

Avenger has EFA-level resistance already.  That's why it seems (as of right now) the majority of people are voting "tweak this change."

Edited by SawzAll (see edit history)

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