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What is boosting



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You push on normally 2 accounts, and get them to high ap, for example, ur main is at 200, and ur two other accs at 190, then you all 3 enter the arena at the same time, get matched and ur alts quit vs ur main (smo else or another device pilots the alts), you then all close and reopen the game, this allows you to rematch with the same opponenet (your alt) multiple times, this way u can gain a lot of ap, however, it leaves no replays.

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I think the way boosting works is either you open multiple good accs that can reach r1, then you match yourself by clicking at the same time and quitting against the acc you want to get ap on. If you don't have multiple accs you could tell some people in other clans to get on and play at the same time and when they match you they quit

Clan: Goodbye To A World

epicspeedster, SpeedMachine

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2 hours ago, Fordekash said:

Ahh and this explains how some top guys have no replays! Thank you for explaining.

Well that doesn’t fun at all. especially if you own three accounts already at the top of R1! 

Yep and that's why it's considered dirty.  And why it's yet one more thing the community wants changed.

And you know why my clan is dedicated to not boosting.

Edited by SawzAll (see edit history)

"Play stupid games, win stupid prizes."


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1 minute ago, Fordekash said:

lol OD that was my initial thought!

Boosting acc is simple. Some people let others wins to the same person. For example, I have OKI DOKI and O.D. FARM accounts. If I want to go for medal I can open both accounts and play at the same time and when my OKI DOKI encounter O.D FARM I can let OKI DOKI  or O.D FARM win quitting the fight.  Now, if both mechs are at the same AP the gain and lose is more average but let say if you are an AP 250 and win against me been an AP 140 it is not that much gain but add a few points not hat much but if the player with AP 250 lose against me and it is in a position let say 3, it gets a hammer down in position out of 10 position and will be harder to move up position unless win all the time in particular to similar or higher position. 

When clans want to boost and have people with alt accounts and let them win by default and plus search for what particular hour and mechs are in use they set them self to attack in group to get wins one after another with weaker possibilities players around. The general AP of the clan move up and retain or increase clan position or for a solo medal. 

There are some strategy on it coordinated and that harm the rest of players playing in let say legal ways. Now, you cannot finger point all the time to them because on first place the game it is an strategic game to attack as clan but the concern came about single player boosting for solo medals with others helps not been fair in this case. 

Generally speaking, you can talk good or bad of those who do it and keep the politics like politicians in the game to justify and finger point to each other but in the end many are in the wagon. 

It is wrong or it is right? It is up to you to interpreter your point of view with decency and logic in the thinking as outsider of such activities. 

In my case I do not care if do or not as clan or player. "STRATEGY GAME" is clear said in the game. As solo player can be judged in some ways to keep ranks or even medals gains in an unfair ways and as clan can be strategy as group which is part of the game. 

My point is depend of what it is your desire or goals in the game. My goal is not to get medals so I give an "F" a bout it because my focus is to make a strong accounts and you can see it in my development nothing to be jealous of any player around with my hard legal and honest work I put in my acc's developments. 

No rush but I will be strong and no doubts on it. Prove it already with or without capabilities.  

Focus on your game development and the rest will be peachy in the short and long run according your goals in the game. Do not distract of what you will become. You will be STRONG no matter what and best of all, play as make you happy in the game because is your account to enjoy on your ways and feelings and dedication you put on it.


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1 minute ago, JamAnime said:

Hmm.... Then Alex Should just add no reward quitting for the winning person. Meaning, if someone quits for you, you get no reward. The win don't count. Though, the quitting does count as a lost for that person that quit.

That do not resolve the issue if people think on it. On first play they will know that and they can fake the win and loss. Easy to do showing fights and oops wrong attack tactic. They can have 8 attacks but already planned to get the particular win. 

Hmm, I do not care in the end. When I am in the mood to kill so I kill no matter what. 🤣 When I play like today no time and I do not care what I do so I take losses not been focus. 🤣🍺

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I do not talk about top clans or top players. This is a general thing that occur at different levels of the game "if happen". Like I said before, it is not good to finger point in a direction or accuse without prove but what it is important it is to play your game and progress and not get irritated "if that is happening at any level of the game" with players or ranks. 

Focus on your own progress and you will see yourself at the top no matter what others players do. 👍

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13 hours ago, The Great said:

You push on normally 2 accounts, and get them to high ap, for example, ur main is at 200, and ur two other accs at 190, then you all 3 enter the arena at the same time, get matched and ur alts quit vs ur main (smo else or another device pilots the alts), you then all close and reopen the game, this allows you to rematch with the same opponenet (your alt) multiple times, this way u can gain a lot of ap, however, it leaves no replays.

It should be added that if you do not get your Alt as an opponent within 2 seconds, you must quit immediately. For example, I enjoyed hunting. In a clan, 5 or 8 people will meet at the same time. One of them wants to strengthen or get higher in the rankings. Everyone is synchronizing their entrance to the Arena. They catch those opponents who would be able to defeat the man you want to boost with their build. At least I find this amusing.

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12 minutes ago, Jesper said:

It should be added that if you do not get your Alt as an opponent within 2 seconds, you must quit immediately. For example, I enjoyed hunting. In a clan, 5 or 8 people will meet at the same time. One of them wants to strengthen or get higher in the rankings. Everyone is synchronizing their entrance to the Arena. They catch those opponents who would be able to defeat the man you want to boost with their build. At least I find this amusing.

Yes. Interesting. I know well that because I do check always and can see some stuff going on and plus screen captures captured on the going no just one but some fun on that will be not funny to some. 😘 I know some for fact and I am hunted too. 😉 It does leave a trace if players are smart like me getting stuff around. If I was a player for rank and medal, I can tell you it won't be fun. 😉

Anyway, the game is to play and find ways to play and go for what can make the player better than others. In the end it is how is designed and if happen so it is.  Pointing fingers it is worthless. Some do and some don't and some will stop and some will start all according progress in the game and what they do joining or not joining clans X ,Y and Z. 

I just play when I can and if possible with a beer, jerky, cheddar cheese, olive, hard salami, ritz cookies etc. 🤣

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5 minutes ago, OKI DOKI said:

Yes. Interesting. I know well that because I do check always and can see some stuff going on and plus screen captures captured on the going no just one but some fun on that will be not funny to some. 😘 I know some for fact and I am hunted too. 😉 It does leave a trace if players are smart like me getting stuff around. If I was a player for rank and medal, I can tell you it won't be fun. 😉

Anyway, the game is to play and find ways to play and go for what can make the player better than others. In the end it is how is designed and if happen so it is.  Pointing fingers it is worthless. Some do and some don't and some will stop and some will start all according progress in the game and what they do joining or not joining clans X ,Y and Z. 

I just play when I can and if possible with a beer, jerky, cheddar cheese, olive, hard salami, ritz cookies etc. 🤣

Exactly. It will happen all the time. Maybe it would be worth mentioning if everyone had a mark next to their name. For example, B14. Everyone will know that a player has boosted 14 times. And it's up to the player whether he wants to boost or not. Because prestige is more important to some and less to others. The difference is to be a rank and medal player with a B0 mark or to have a B120. Then the medal is more of a shame. 😉

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8 minutes ago, Jesper said:

Exactly. It will happen all the time. Maybe it would be worth mentioning if everyone had a mark next to their name. For example, B14. Everyone will know that a player has boosted 14 times. And it's up to the player whether he wants to boost or not. Because prestige is more important to some and less to others. The difference is to be a rank and medal player with a B0 mark or to have a B120. Then the medal is more of a shame. 😉

I think can be possible as option. SHAME ON YOU TAG 😂🤡🤭.  

The problem will affect on asking for honest wins around too. I do give wins too all clans from 1 to down 4millions. Helping game peers to get their ranks having sometimes bad game set up etc I do not see that as a shame on you things. Sometimes the game is hard regardless others activities and the game set up in  a harsh way. My account as example have the habit to set me up in a way I have to lose turns in a very high percentage and so some others have same issues. I do not like to ask for them. I asked 2 times for first time in the game last month. One not for rank but for a test to go down I wanted to check in the matching and was granted by a former peer cool guy and I moved from full stars R1 to R5 no stars for that test and another form a top player to cross to R1 asked because the game set me up at range 5-6 every time I played 14 on the road making losses losing turns then set up of mechs same kind. I never got the grant because we fought till the end and I won and was  a seater. I screw up his seat.  

Now, I do not see wrong to help the players and get a quick quit if asked me one time and still in the issue failed next so I give the other without ask. I do not care if they are powerful or weak having the request of issues to move up due to game matches so I help even me crossing to R1 and they needing to cross rank to not be boot out of clans. I think there is no shame to ask in an honest way and me ending up giving the win and then me dropping like a rock losing post giving the win when I will win the fight to cross the rank. 🤭

To me it is a game. Lets make friends with everyone. Now, I do test in low rank for new parts not developed. I do get the wins but at proper power and rank according set up of test. I do win more and move up rank fast normally so I have to make changes to even lower more but been a player for a while I win more often so they ask for wins been more powerful than me by large margin but I give the wins all the time. Some ask me one time then I give all when come to me again in the match. That will be a penalty giving them as "shame on you option" maybe not that fair for them.🤔

There are too many gray lines to blame but hard to do things. 🥴

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3 hours ago, OKI DOKI said:

Myslím si, že to môže byť možné. HANBA VÁS ZNAČKA  😂🤡🤭.  

Problém sa bude týkať aj požiadania o úprimné víťazstvá. Dávam tiež víťazstvá všetkým klanom od 1 do 4 miliónov. Pomáhať herným rovesníkom získať ich rady s niekedy zlým nastavením hry atď. Nevidím to ako hanbu pre vás. Niekedy je hra náročná bez ohľadu na ostatné činnosti a hru nastavenú drsným spôsobom. Môj účet má napríklad vo zvyku nastaviť ma tak, že musím stratiť zákruty vo veľmi vysokom percente, takže niektorí ďalší majú rovnaké problémy. Nerád o ne žiadam. Minulý mesiac som sa prvýkrát v hre pýtal dvakrát. Jeden nie kvôli hodnosti, ale kvôli testu, ktorý by mal ísť dole, chcel som skontrolovať párovanie a udelil mi ho bývalý rovesník a pre tento test som prešiel z plných hviezd R1 na R5 a bez ďalšej hviezdy, do ktorej mám prejsť Pýtal sa R1, pretože hra ma nastavila na rozsah 5-6 zakaždým, keď som hral 14 na ceste so stratami a stratou zákrut, potom som nastavil mechy rovnakého druhu. Nikdy som nedostal grant, pretože sme bojovali až do konca a ja som vyhral a bol som miesto na sedenie. Posral som mu sedadlo.  

Teraz nevidím chybu, keď pomôžem hráčom a rýchlo skončiť, ak sa ma to raz opýta a stále problém nevyhovuje, tak dám tomu druhému bez opýtania. Nezáleží mi na tom, či sú silní alebo slabí a majú požiadavku problémov postúpiť vyššie kvôli herným zápasom, takže pomáham aj mne pri prechode na R1 a oni potrebujú prejsť cez poradie, aby sa nedostali z klanov. Myslím si, že nie je hanba sa úprimne opýtať a ja som skončil tak, že som dal víťazstvo a potom som padol ako skalný stratový stĺp, keď som vyhral, keď vyhrám boj o prekročenie poradia. 🤭

Pre mňa je to hra. Poďme sa spriateliť s každým. Teraz testujem nízke poradie pre nové diely, ktoré neboli vyvinuté. Získam výhry, ale pri správnom výkone a poradí podľa nastavenia testu. Vyhrávam viac a normálne sa pohybujem vyššie, takže musím urobiť zmeny ešte nižšie, ale chvíľu som bol hráčom, víťazil som častejšie, takže pýtali sa, či sú výhry silnejšie ako ja s veľkým náskokom, ale víťazstvá dávam všetkým. čas. Niektorí sa ma pýtajú jedenkrát, potom dám všetko, keď za mnou prídu znova v zápase. Bude to trest, ktorý im dá ako „možnosť hanby“, možno pre nich nebude taký fér.🤔

Na vine je príliš veľa sivých čiar, ale ťažko sa robia veci. 🥴

I don't know how you evaluate it, but they taught me that if someone asks me to win from Sunday to the end of Wednesday, I can give it to him. According to affection. On Thursday and Friday, it is rude to ask for victory, because you are already working intensively on AP for the good of the clan. So if someone asks me on Thursday night that they need the last victory to get Rank1 and thus the Rank1 box, then I will consider it intensively. Everyone asks me unnecessarily on Friday. I will not give victory to my brother either. 🤣

Basically, we agree that the logic of the label makes sense in all circumstances.
1. Players with a low rank do not care if they have a boosting mark. It's a reward and he doesn't have to deal with it.
2. Clan mates from your clan will not meet you in the arena.
3. If you have alt accounts in other clans or unclassified accounts with which you boost the main account, they could be given the B-12 mark.
4. None of the top 30 professional players will boost anymore, as this will reduce their quality of victory.

I think the algorithm for this would not be extra branched in any way ... 😉

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On 9/12/2021 at 6:13 PM, SawzAll said:

It isn't already?

I knew about it but didn't know how to before. I personally wouldn't do it as I consider it cheating and would rather get there on my own merits.

Reading thru these comments I really don't see a fair way to stop it. Both players lose if the other player quits on you? Come on, who hasn't had someone quit on you because you were over matched for them. Or they had low low energy and run into an energy mech and left with nothing but jumping around. Been there done that.

Things like this Alex will have to work out sooner or later,


Brought to you by asshats to reelect AssClown to the Itty Bitty Titty Committee.

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