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Arena Coins for Prem Packs


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I think it would be a bad idea, and a good idea to break the game more, that is, I could intentionally lose 5 times in a row with the same opponent that I want so that every day he gets more coins and thus farm and if we are all good people , we could all have free premium packs every month depending on the price.

6 hours ago, Spam said:

Maybe an arena upgrade to decrease the cost of premium packs.

I think that's the best option.

Edited by SonnY-ku (see edit history)
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5 minutes ago, Nefertary Meriten-Mut said:

The idea is good, the intention is good. It favors me, I've thousands of dead Arena coins that continue to accumulate. But what about those who haven't even completed their Arena update yet? This can further increase the gap between the top player and the average player ... or not?


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13 minutes ago, Nefertary Meriten-Mut said:

The idea is good, the intention is good. It favors me, I've thousands of dead Arena coins that continue to accumulate. But what about those who haven't even completed their Arena update yet? This can further increase the gap between the top player and the average player ... or not?

That's an interesting and valid question.

As some of us are spending our hard earned cash on these deals, which include arena Coins, why should we not be able to use them and lose out? 

Because we have updated our arena fully and been around longer why should we miss out? 

The drop rates and items are fairly crap anyway so I don't think it will make much difference apart from to give those of us with thousands of unused coins... Some paid for with cash, the opportunity to spend them.

Also new players could choose to use these instead of upgrading if there is a deal on they are interested in and they don't have tokens. 🤷🏻‍♂️

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5 hours ago, Dark conon mech said:

How about a upgrade that increase drops from prem pack 

That would probably lead to people complaining about bad drops and that the arena upgrade isn’t working.

PURPLE  Bring Back The Confetti! "Like and follow it'll give me a better reputation" - Spam


Stolen from @JamAnime

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It probably would work, but even then it’s still possible to get all epics and if that happens then someone is bound to complain.

PURPLE  Bring Back The Confetti! "Like and follow it'll give me a better reputation" - Spam


Stolen from @JamAnime

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  • 5 months later...

I wanted to make a thread of this idea but it exists already 

Yeah arena coins are pretty useless and many deals are shit cuz of them

So it will be more fair if they had a usage like another shop you can enter it when you max all the 13 categories of mech stats (50 hp for 2000 coins not included) 


-premium pack for 1000 coins 

-Epic or legy Kit for ??? Coins

-Gold for coins 

-Premium acc for coins 


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