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Bobson's Builds


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use a regular heat hugger with claw or snipe him. No issues to kill him. Now, his builds are fun and he do a nice job with them. 😀

59 minutes ago, OKI DOKI said:

use a regular heat hugger with claw or snipe him. No issues to kill him. Now, his builds are fun and he do a nice job with them. 😀

only one mistake and you are doom 🤣

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3 hours ago, rc said:

Lately, all I’ve been seeing is legs and snipers🙄

Every Scope build without a Claw:

Legs = ✅

Scope with High Damage Output = ✅

Annoyance = 💯


Meanwhile, Bobson =

Legs = ✅

Scopes = ✅

The Desire to Merge People with the Corners of the Stages = ✅

Dual Malices to Assert Dominance over more Simplistic Scope Builds = ✅

Limits to Powers = 🚫

Mortality = 🚫

Repulsers = 💯


If you fail and don't succeed at something, you simply haven't failed enough. Through failures, one can pave a path to eventual success. 

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15 minutes ago, W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T said:

Every Scope build without a Claw:

Legs = ✅

Scope with High Damage Output = ✅

Annoyance = 💯


Meanwhile, Bobson =

Legs = ✅

Scopes = ✅

The Desire to Merge People with the Corners of the Stages = ✅

Dual Malices to Assert Dominance over more Simplistic Scope Builds = ✅

Limits to Powers = 🚫

Mortality = 🚫

Repulsers = 💯


You sure.yup.thumb.png.66036c22db2f89cee3d4e03026c2dacb.png

What the point?

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2 minutes ago, Soviet Union mech said:

I mean scope but energy counter lol

Energy counters and scope builds should never be in the same sentence, especially when it involves them combining into a dual nightmare.


If you fail and don't succeed at something, you simply haven't failed enough. Through failures, one can pave a path to eventual success. 

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1 minute ago, W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T said:

Energy counters and scope builds should never be in the same sentence, especially when it involves them combining into a dual nightmare.


I forgot my main acc is heat/energy counter lol

😛 better one I use on it


Hcaptcha scam

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For my build style, Bobson always beats me. But it's because I don't use legs that go 3 places. The only time I beat him was because I had the legs that goes 3 places. However, even though he always beats me, the reality is that Bobson loses a lot against the high ranks.

PS: I also lose a lot, but it has a lot of logic because I stopped paying more than 1 year ago. It's a miracle that he can still reach rank 1.


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2 minutes ago, Nefertary Meriten-Mut said:

For my build style, Bobson always beats me. But it's because I don't use legs that go 3 places. The only time I beat him was because I had the legs that goes 3 places. However, even though he always beats me, the reality is that Bobson loses a lot against the high ranks.

PS: I also lose a lot, but it has a lot of logic because I stopped paying more than 1 year ago. It's a miracle that he can still reach rank 1.

I agree.  With his builds lacking in power he is great. 

In a side note, you are really good player too and you beat me almost all the time 🤣  with any build I have.

It is about the build and player behind. You have power 👍 and good player. 😎

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3 minutes ago, Atusiff said:

I wouldn’t say the scope builds are inspired by Bobson, but yes I would say they are common

Hmm, it is not to be inspired but to me it is interesting to see his pro with the kind of build. Sure have difficulties and sustaining his top rank with current changes in the arena and to keep up. He also it is updating his mechs making them more robust. 

How many players can make good builds if not with top dollars? Just pure luck with fortune and base L craft not always pay to get items.  Even are common builds it is about his capabilities as good player in my opinion. 

Also, the current arena suffer a lot with the lack of power players with retired, semi-retired, some no longer paying with deceptions, limited of players to pull or add to clans and then having same players matching one after another with builds impossible hard to beat because no variation in AI in matches. The loop it is too heavy to play.  

Lack of gold to help develop the new comers it is frustrating and even me who likes to farm can say there is no hope but to farm everyday and hard to save for improvements. 

I will say then it is interesting to have a player messing around with everyone nerves 🤣

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11 hours ago, Nefertary Meriten-Mut said:

Heat needs the heat version of Sparked Runners, that is, L / M legs that walk 3 places.

There's no excuse for the lack of L-M heat rollers because USA Transporters Mark I existed back then, which are literally heat Sparked Runners, so the sprite's already available. All that's left is to make stats for the item and use the sprite in order to bring a set of L-M heat rollers into the game and save the poor dual Deso builds that have to use Sparked Runners in order to get their 3-movement fix.

If you fail and don't succeed at something, you simply haven't failed enough. Through failures, one can pave a path to eventual success. 

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2 minutes ago, W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T said:

There's no excuse for the lack of L-M heat rollers because USA Transporters Mark I existed back then, which are literally heat Sparked Runners, so the sprite's already available. All that's left is to make stats for the item and use the sprite in order to bring a set of L-M heat rollers into the game and save the poor dual Deso builds that have to use Sparked Runners in order to get their 3-movement fix.

I like the idea

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1 hour ago, NAME_NOT_FOUND said:

Just need to nerf the Adv Repulser to 1 shot push 4 instead of 2 shot push 4. You'll get one snipe with it but not 2. As is, you cant charge or hook out of it because of tp. 

You are aware that Advanced Repulser is hard to get, does extremely low damage, has a 61 heat cost, no resist break at all, has only 2-4 range, and has the aforementioned 2 uses?

Reducing the Advanced Repulser's max uses to 1 would just make it much less useful than its already barebone usefulness level since only scopes and desolation builds really use the Repulser. In other words, you're not doing much against scopes since they still have weapons like Ejection Blast and Dark Eagle if you take out their most specifically used weapon.

1 hour ago, Spam said:

I don't think huggers need to be any better

Also this. Nerfing it wouldn't do much since hammers and recoilers exist.. But still this.

If you fail and don't succeed at something, you simply haven't failed enough. Through failures, one can pave a path to eventual success. 

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