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4 hours ago, SawzAll said:

I am pretty sure the reason is that a relic system like this would require them to make a new game feature, which requires modifying the source code.  Versus buffing items to balance the game probably only takes adjusting a few values in a database.

This should had been plan out from the beginning, also.  TS never really focus on the affects. They just threw things in the game. Now @Alexander has more to deal with them.

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1 hour ago, JamAnime said:

This should had been plan out from the beginning, also.  TS never really focus on the affects. They just threw things in the game. Now @Alexander has more to deal with them.

Again with your negativity bias.  How can game designers plan for something that hasn't happened yet?  And how is Gato Games supposed to do that when they've only owned the game for 2 months?

Maybe try this for one day: every time you have a negative thought, force yourself to find the positive side of the coin and think that.

Because seriously I feel like you're causing your own problems by being so negative all the time.

I get it, I really do.  And I don't know if you have this problem, but I'm very perfectionistic.  I used to think like you, always negative.  But I had to eventually realize that this only put me in a downward spiral.  Not saying that happens to you.  But seriously, please at least try to think positive in one reply a day.

Alex is already making lots of good changes in the game.  Just put this in the form of an idea post in the meta changes or suggestions area, put the poll in place like it tells you to, and let people vote on it.  Alex seems to prefer that the community, i.e. we, put the suggestions together and vote so he knows if we think an idea is good.

You could be the person to make a huge change for the game if you can harness your creativity in this direction.

"Play stupid games, win stupid prizes."


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@SawzAll.....2 months no! 4 months. And Alexander is neither a saint nor a victim. When they bought the game, they knew what they were buying, because they are not stupid.

Your mate is not negative, he is realistic. Instead you, instead of taking the side of players, prefer to lick the boots of the administration (your reasons you'll have). Personally, I think you have chosen the wrong side, because the pimps are of no use to anyone, because you insult your peers and are a beggar for the administration. Good luck (you are going to need it).

Edited by Nefertary Meriten-Mut (see edit history)


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6 hours ago, Nefertary Meriten-Mut said:

@SawzAll.....2 months no! 4 months. And Alexander is neither a saint nor a victim. When they bought the game, they knew what they were buying, because they are not stupid.

Your mate is not negative, he is realistic. Instead you, instead of taking the side of players, prefer to lick the boots of the administration (your reasons you'll have). Personally, I think you have chosen the wrong side, because the pimps are of no use to anyone, because you insult your peers and are a beggar for the administration. Good luck (you are going to need it).

Don't tell me what I did or did not do.  It took 2 months.  And my alt was F2P except the last week of that (a token subscription, when my base HQ was already at level 14).  Maybe you need to step up your game.

The problem is there are no sides here.  Alexander has done tons for this game already.  But instead of being thankful about all of that, you'd rather get upset about something you don't have.  Instead of considering whether TactiSoft handed Alexander something in bad need of fixing (SM, which they did), you're running a krap parade with the banner "let's krap on everything because we don't have 1 thing we want."  What you sound like is "there are starving children and teenagers all over the world right now, but we don't care because we don't have the one feature we want, so let's krap on Alexander."  That's what you sound like.

What's funny is being on the balance team, I see first-hand how Alexander cares about the players.  I am taking the player's side, you're just too focused on running your krap show that you don't see it.

I'm not insulting my peers.  Anyone who can only focus on ONE FEATURE they don't want has the world's biggest set of "first world problems."  That's not an insult.  That's keeping it real.  If you are going to krap on people who defend Alexander, then you're only doing this to yourself.

You and those on "your side" are behaving like very ungrateful people.  And quite frankly I'm not interested in any of it.

And to say I'm "not on the player's side" given the MANY balance requests I've put in to "make energy great again" is to demonstrate to the world very clearly that you aren't paying attention.  All you care about is "I want my feature and everyone who I mistakenly perceive as being against me is not on the side of the players."

Do I own stock in Gato Games? Nope.

Am I personal friends with Alexander?  Nope.  (Not against it, just proving I don't have any bias.)

Am I going to continue to listen to people like you who are so dead set on getting a new feature that you'll krap on everyone you mistakenly perceive to be in your way?  Nope.  After I get done writing this, I'm putting you and everyone like you on ignore.  Not because I can't handle your opinion, but because if I allow myself to get too angry I'm going to end up switching into military mode, and then get banned from the forum because I insulted you too hard.

Nope, I'm going to take the high road.

Gato Games has owned this game only TWO MONTHS.  When was Alexander going to add this feature?  He had enough to fix that TactiSoft left for him to fix.  And he's done a great job, even judging from a military perspective.  We are taught leadership.  We eat leadership books for breakfast.  Alexander is a good leader.

There, I've said it.  Moderators, feel free to delete.

---------   Back to the ACTUAL topic at hand -----------

I would like a relic transform system, too.  But I don't want it so badly that I'm going to disrespect Alexander.

Edited by SawzAll (see edit history)

"Play stupid games, win stupid prizes."


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6 hours ago, SawzAll said:

Again with your negativity bias. 

What is negative. All I replied was "@Alexander has more to deal with them. "


6 hours ago, SawzAll said:

How can game designers plan for something that hasn't happened yet? 

You always have to plan ahead and think of the outcome.  TS didn't plan ahead. They Just through the relics in the game.  Like other player are asking to add trade. You can't just add it to the game. Think of outcome that can happen.


6 hours ago, SawzAll said:

And how is Gato Games supposed to do that when they've only owned the game for 2 months?

I was responding of TS. They brought relics. They didn't think ahead.


7 hours ago, SawzAll said:

Maybe try this for one day: every time you have a negative thought, force yourself to find the positive side of the coin and think that.

Dude it was not negative


7 hours ago, SawzAll said:

Because seriously I feel like you're causing your own problems by being so negative all the time.

All the time.... Really... I hardly reply.


7 hours ago, SawzAll said:

Alex is already making lots of good changes in the game.  Just put this in the form of an idea post in the meta changes or suggestions area, put the poll in place like it tells you to, and let people vote on it.  Alex seems to prefer that the community, i.e. we, put the suggestions together and vote so he knows if we think an idea is good.

Once again, I'm not putting alex down, I'm saying he has more work to do that TS should have done.

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I don't divine stuff so this kinda useless for me but I can see how this will be good for other mid rankers and top rankers

make it like the transforming system doe, 2 commons for a rare, 3 rares for an epik, and 4 epiks for a legendary

I polish rocks

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Just now, ChooseGeno said:

I don't divine stuff so this kinda useless for me but I can see how this will be good for other mid rankers and top rankers

make it like the transforming system doe, 2 commons for a rare, 3 rares for an epik, and 4 epiks for a legendary

why dont u divine stuff? it makes them do more damage

One Mech to rule them all

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On 4/6/2021 at 4:11 PM, FAIOLA GAMES said:

As a lot of players know, after you reach a high rank (ranks 5-1) you start accumulating lots of commom and rare relics and you can't do much with them. Most of the itens you'll need divine require only the epics and mainly the legendaries reliquies. (You rarely use the commons and the rares relics to divine some item).

The following is, I thought about a system that you can covert your relics. For exemple: You need 2 common relics for 1 rare relic, 2 rare relics for an epic relic and for the last, 2 epic relics for a legendary relic. With this reasoning, high rank players will not accumulate commons and rares reliquies anymore and they'll divine their itens faster.

Do you think that idea could work? Do you have any suggestion or doubht about that idea?

Thanks for the attention, take care pilots!

I'd say, you can use a similar upgrading path to that of regular items, so 2 commons to make 1 common into a rare, 3 rares to make a rare into an epic and 4 epics to make an epic into a legy, with their respective prices. For example epic to legy costs 50000 in coins, this way its more balanced, but great idea.

On 4/9/2021 at 2:38 AM, SawzAll said:

Don't tell me what I did or did not do.  It took 2 months.  And my alt was F2P except the last week of that (a token subscription, when my base HQ was already at level 14).  Maybe you need to step up your game.

The problem is there are no sides here.  Alexander has done tons for this game already.  But instead of being thankful about all of that, you'd rather get upset about something you don't have.  Instead of considering whether TactiSoft handed Alexander something in bad need of fixing (SM, which they did), you're running a krap parade with the banner "let's krap on everything because we don't have 1 thing we want."  What you sound like is "there are starving children and teenagers all over the world right now, but we don't care because we don't have the one feature we want, so let's krap on Alexander."  That's what you sound like.

What's funny is being on the balance team, I see first-hand how Alexander cares about the players.  I am taking the player's side, you're just too focused on running your krap show that you don't see it.

I'm not insulting my peers.  Anyone who can only focus on ONE FEATURE they don't want has the world's biggest set of "first world problems."  That's not an insult.  That's keeping it real.  If you are going to krap on people who defend Alexander, then you're only doing this to yourself.

You and those on "your side" are behaving like very ungrateful people.  And quite frankly I'm not interested in any of it.

And to say I'm "not on the player's side" given the MANY balance requests I've put in to "make energy great again" is to demonstrate to the world very clearly that you aren't paying attention.  All you care about is "I want my feature and everyone who I mistakenly perceive as being against me is not on the side of the players."

Do I own stock in Gato Games? Nope.

Am I personal friends with Alexander?  Nope.  (Not against it, just proving I don't have any bias.)

Am I going to continue to listen to people like you who are so dead set on getting a new feature that you'll krap on everyone you mistakenly perceive to be in your way?  Nope.  After I get done writing this, I'm putting you and everyone like you on ignore.  Not because I can't handle your opinion, but because if I allow myself to get too angry I'm going to end up switching into military mode, and then get banned from the forum because I insulted you too hard.

Nope, I'm going to take the high road.

Gato Games has owned this game only TWO MONTHS.  When was Alexander going to add this feature?  He had enough to fix that TactiSoft left for him to fix.  And he's done a great job, even judging from a military perspective.  We are taught leadership.  We eat leadership books for breakfast.  Alexander is a good leader.

There, I've said it.  Moderators, feel free to delete.

---------   Back to the ACTUAL topic at hand -----------

I would like a relic transform system, too.  But I don't want it so badly that I'm going to disrespect Alexander.

HAHAHAHAHA, man i had a laugh about u guys fighting over such bs.

U guys just had a small misunderstanding bahahaha.

Jam literally jsut said alex is busy bruh, literally u wrote the same thing, and wep is angry, and always salty 😂, but ngl not wrong tbh.

Anyways, this system will not be implemented for a while, and sawz, dont think it would be too hard to implement, its just that alex wants to find a better alternative that allows players to get more relics and be more likely to fight in arena. This would fix boosting, and close the player gap.

I literally pulled an MPV from r3 box, and from the other r3 box I opened, I puleld plat fortress, so its holy sry whiteout

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On 4/6/2021 at 9:11 AM, FAIOLA GAMES said:

As a lot of players know, after you reach a high rank (ranks 5-1) you start accumulating lots of commom and rare relics and you can't do much with them. Most of the itens you'll need divine require only the epics and mainly the legendaries reliquies. (You rarely use the commons and the rares relics to divine some item).

The following is, I thought about a system that you can covert your relics. For exemple: You need 2 common relics for 1 rare relic, 2 rare relics for an epic relic and for the last, 2 epic relics for a legendary relic. With this reasoning, high rank players will not accumulate commons and rares reliquies anymore and they'll divine their itens faster.

Do you think that idea could work? Do you have any suggestion or doubht about that idea?

Thanks for the attention, take care pilots!

I agree if you can downgrade relics ex Epic to 2 Rare

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