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Everything posted by SawzAll

  1. yeah I see that in the META, how it recommends two resistance-draining weapons, then a 1-2 range weapon that hits hard, then distance shredder. I have sacrifice cannon on my arena config, not my campaign config (because the computer loves to backfire itself to death).
  2. Well I would first of all get rid of the platforms that heal or suck resistance, but that's just me. Could we not at least use a system that kicks people out of the game if they use the same email to register both accounts AND are coming from the same non-public IP? That way if people are going to engage in match fixing, they would have to at least learn how to run one account from a VPN and another from their home internet. Or use their phone and computer. I dunno, the more I think about this the less effective my idea sounds to me.
  3. It depends on what you want. Against an energy-broken mech, Storm Weaver will do the most damage of all energy melee weapons. BUT it's not META. And I don't know of anyone who has made an energy hugger. My mech is currently Storm Weaver, Last Words, Malice Beam, Hysteria, and Unreliable Guardian. I plan to build up a Viking Hammer to replace my Storm Weaver (because I'm not a hugger). This is a conversation I had with someone who's in the top 10. They explained that this is why the heat hugger has Terror Blade: it may look on paper like it's weak until you realize that it's great for huggers. Honestly, I love hitting people with Storm Weaver when they have very little energy. The damage goes up more than you might think. And it also chops 32 off their capacity. But for a non-hugger, I think Viking Hammer (if one insists on having a melee weapon) is better when paired with Last Words, and that's also META for the top energy build (i.e. viking hammer is META and Piercing Fox, for which Last Words can substitute temporarily until you get a piercing fox).
  4. I did, but only temporarily. Sacrifice cannon and distance shredder are on some META mechs, but I need to get them upgraded because they're weak at the moment. In fact, my frantic brute does more average damage than my distance shredder, but I'm upgrading my distance shredder so that once it does more average damage, I can put it on.
  5. Yes I do. I'll try this config out in the campaign, but my rock recoiler is brand new, so I may continue to use my higher level weapons until the others are up to speed.
  6. Then address arena manipulation to Alexander and see what he says. Those are the old TOS from Tactisoft, if I remember correctly.
  7. Don't have a mercy yet. I have an Annihilation. My rock recoiler is like level 1 epic (brand "new").
  8. I'm thinking about that right now. The problem is even though I'm attempting physical hugger, it's either annihilation + stomp or backbreaker + nightfall. In terms of the combo, it appears that back breaker has the advantage, but i could be wrong. I'm currently testing it in campaign and (in a few minutes) in WU to see what difference it makes.
  9. So just as I was considering incorporating The Claw on my physical mech until I could get some jump weapons to justify Massive Stone Legs, I get a distance shredder in a drop.
  10. Yeah, you're right, I saw the META. But the claw user can use grapple, teleport, and charge, right?
  11. Yeah I noticed the META claw dual scope build on the META and I'm headed towards REA + The Claw with a standard Nightfall setup. I HATE The Claw with a passion, as it looks butt ugly, but unfortunately without enough jump weapons, I won't climb up the ranks if I keep the Massive Legs on my physical mech. It's sad when at level 1 legendary it has more HP than my massive stone legs at mythical (i think level 8?). And I got another REA, so I need to upgrade that. I hate to say it, but seriously I wish The Claw would get nerfed. Or AT LEAST fix the problem where only legs can jump but those without legs can jump with swords (at range 2) towards their enemies. It might piss people off, but I think in the spirit of realism, ALL jumping with The Claw needs to be locked out of the game, including swords and saws at range 2 (jumping towards your enemy). Feel free to disagree with me.
  12. Naga was always slightly better than Grim, even before the buff. ABSOLUTELY!! Which is why I try to refer to my spreadsheet, not the opinions of others. Math is a lot closer to being objective (even if it's not perfect) than people's opinions. And it's funny how the main people to complain about some of the nerfs/buffs are those who were negatively affected by them. I recommended a buff of 115 hp to Archimonde elsewhere (no other change in stats). No, because 1) the torso buffs were too much [to the point CleverName is saying the vests will replace monkeys as META] and 2) malice beam was buffed too much (it drains more than Hysteria, which should not be due to one being R-M and one being E-M).
  13. If you can prove it, do so, and see if Gato Games does something about it. But a game is going to have unfair players in it no matter what game it is. That's just life. And my old recommendation of putting it on Steam and using VAC or some other anti-cheating to fix things was more or less discouraged by the majority of people. So my question is this: if there is a problem, why aren't we doing something about it? To say we can't, or refuse to try, is to basically say it's not a problem. Either it's a problem or it's not. Maybe I'm being too "all-or-nothing" in my thinking, but if there are problems, we should attempt to fix them. What about chat records, etc.? Whatever. Maybe it's just me, but I find complaining about problems but refusing to attempt to fix them (or at least minimize them) rather annoying. Not being rude to anyone, just saying.
  14. It's not weak at damage once the enemy mech has been drained of energy. And we definitely do not need to change the range. It's fine the way it is, at least in my opinion.
  15. That's what everyone's point is: energy might need a buff as a whole. There's an energy player among the top ten arena players, now, but for a very long time there was not. And even the best energy config, some have accused it of "falling away" after the dual valiants are out of shots. But I could be wrong. (It seems fine in WU, and I'm not rank 1-5....)
  16. It's stored in JSON format on WU. Please don't insult Gato Games. You don't know how busy they are or what they are dealing with. As for not including divine, I think that's pointless. Given how you'd think people would want to max out their items to their fullest potential (for future planning, and given META), the max'd mythicals listing doesn't help me a ton. I appreciate it, don't get me wrong, I just prefer to use the divine listing. A divine is usually whatever max mythical is, plus 5% if what I read on the forums is right. But not everything can become divine, so while comparing them all at the max mythicals level is at least congruent, it's not the "final word," if that makes sense. I appreciate the max'd mythicals listing, but I think having the divine listing (elsewhere) is also nice.
  17. First, I was saying make the Frantic Brute like a 2 shot Spartan Carnage, so you may need to review the other things I also said. Second, nerfing things is always unpopular. A wise CEO of a gaming company recognizes this. Indeed, they DO recognize it, as they didn't nerf it as heavily as you seem to imply they should have. Third, your ad hominem only reveals how broken your argument is. If you can't make a point without insulting others then your point is irrelevant. Keep in mind the ignore features on this forum are way better than the previous forum software
  18. I just want more visual options to get the same outcome (see META). Zarkares hasn't broken the game, and neither have the other torsos (again, see META). META right now is all monkeys and energy free armor. But given how the last buff went, I'm sort of against buffing anything any more.
  19. Second max'd mythical. Now to focus on my physical mech.
  20. I never thought that, personally.
  21. I know, i was showing that if you quote, you can edit the quote. The play stupid games thing is a signature option in your profile, I believe.
  22. I reply and delete the parts of your quote I don't need. With a weapon so hysterically full of malice it's unbelievable
  23. I don't disagree with you in some ways because I think the most recent torso buffs were a bit too much. But I can't agree or disagree because I'm not ranks 1-5 yet.
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