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Everything posted by SawzAll

  1. Because it's an acronym. META, not M.E.T.A.
  2. If you are working towards making your mechs similar to those in the META, in what order would you upgrade your weapons, modules, legs, torsos, etc? For example, would you do torsos first (to max mythical) then other items? Weapons first? (I know META will be changing due to recent buffs, I'm just asking for general info: how do you do it?)
  3. Great, and I had used my LPV to myth something that was in META. Just great. In my opinion: if you buff something too much, you nerf other things. This is an indirect nerf then. All that time and effort I spent working on items that were META at the time, now gone to waste. Great. I'm trying not to be frustrated, but I spent a lot of time researching and trying to align my stuff with META so that I could try not to waste time improving items that have no future.
  4. I'm pretty sure what I was saying is that rusty energy armor is in META. That's all. But given recent changes, the META may change soon..............
  5. We were already seeing the Energy Free Armor in the META, so I don't know what you're talking about
  6. "No longer the best" as in "find a new torso" or "no longer the best" as in "now there are some torsos that are equal to the monkeys"?
  7. It seems normal in the philosophy of this game to make the physical version of any item (when it's an item that has heat, energy, and physical versions) have more damage or hit points than the others because it lacks energy and/or heat damage. I say usually. Given the recent torso buffs, something has become a bit more painfully obvious: hollow spectral armor isn't in the META and is now lagging behind (statistically) other torsos. I therefore recommend that to fix what appears to be a long-standing oversight, buff Hollow Spectral Armor to 1755 hit points, leaving all other stats alone. This should statistically put it on equal footing with the other "monkey" torsos. I do not own one, so I am not recommending this for my own benefit, but to fix what appears to be a philosophical discrepancy.
  8. On paper, statistically, yes. Statistically it's essentially equal to Hollow Spectral Armor (on paper). After this update, there are several torsos that are slightly better than Hollow Spectral Armor. Honestly, given the philosophy of the physical version of things usually having more hit points because it has less of the other stats, I'd say Hollow Spectral Armor needs to be buffed. The other torsos are just fine where they are, at least in my opinion (but feel free to disagree).
  9. I'll be interested to watch, then, to see if META changes to reflect the nerfs and buffs. Hopefully "rip monkeys" is just a joke but who knows?
  10. So at the highest ranks you would say that resistance is more important than hit points?
  11. No, I totally get it. I just don't think UPC needs to be nerfed because someone doesn't appreciate being hit with it. I've faced a UPC wielder at my level. The UPC rips through your energy capacity like a hot knife through butter.
  12. That's not true. They could stop right here and be fine. With all due respect, you don't know the future. And given the presence of energy free armor in meta, with all due respect you are incorrect. EFA is the best non-monkey right now. I've got one and I'm upgrading it: an energy free mech is in my future. And only 2 uses. With all due respect we can't keep pestering Gato Games every time we encounter an item in the arena that we don't like. Now that frantic brute has been nerfed, with all due respect I think the weapons are fine. I don't think any more nerfing or buffing is required.
  13. I can't really show it yet because I don't have a lightning platinum vest, and WU needs to be updated. But I am thinking LPV is going to find its way to the top due to its resistance values. It makes me regret using one to myth my rusty energy armor. But the regret level is only 1%.
  14. Thank you @Alexander for the honorable mention. I am humbled to have (hopefully) been a blessing to the game and the forum. If I can ever be of service, please let me know. Now that I have an energy-free armor, I won't constantly whine about not having a third monkey torso
  15. Possibly, if they're not calling (forgive my QBasic) RANDOMIZE TIMER. Or it could mean they did a Nintendo Game Boy Pokemon thing and went with a table of truly random numbers. But without the source code, we can't be sure.
  16. Maybe, but notice that several META have mass regen boosters. But I can't fault you for mything Malice Beam: I love this weapon.
  17. Then I would recommend your mass regen booster. It's META.
  18. Oh, by the way I started construction on my energy-free. I've got a long way to go though.
  19. I disagree. I don't mind the look, and if you want to improve that please do. But this software has a much better ignore feature. So I like the new forum better.
  20. Modules. In my opinion, heat engines and quad core boosters are superior to storage units (except maybe dual engine and combined storage unit).
  21. I agree with nas-1. And if you already have two desolations, I think your best bet is to go dual desolation, like nas-1 said. Get a magma recoiler or a couple repulsors (if you use repulsors, don't upgrade them, in my opinion, unless they're the advanced repulsor, which is premium I think). Or a hammer and terror cry. Basically, two weapons to push your enemies to your 4-8 range so your desolations can kick butt. Also, work on your modules. Your target goal should be at least 500 energy capacity, 500 heat capacity, 250 regeneration, and 250 cooling. Unless you plan to go energy-free. See the META thread for long-term ideas: I would also max your savior resistance and iron plating. These work for lower ranks, but don't ever get rid of a platinum plating or any of the premium resist modules and/or fortresses, if you get them. In my opinion, energy/heat engines are superior at lower ranks than heat storage / energy storage. Combined storage units are good.
  22. I can agree there. I used to hate the concept of a 2-4 range drone. I got a Tonto and, with that same basic physical mech config, started to see why it's so useful. Now I love it.
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