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Posts posted by W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T

  1. 42 minutes ago, Soviet Union mech said:




    Congrats on beating Bigboy on Insane with a physical build. I completed Bigboy on Insane but I used a Corrupt Light + Dawnblaze Zarkares build that had 1.7k HP and a max legendary Firefly drone... Basically, it was when my heat build was still being developed.

    Beating Bigboy on Insane is a flex of its own but beating Bigboy on Insane with a physical build is an achievement considering how heat and energy are Bigboy's weaknesses, so you're basically fighting face-to-face against him.


  2. 1 minute ago, Hauer Horatio said:

    Imagine that you worked hard to get to rank 1 

    And this is what you get paid for that work, it's a bunch of rubbish, last week I opened the rank 1 box and it's all purple too. During the week I got the s + box from cw and it was all purple, I was so disappointed with the game, depressed, I only got 15 divine items. And you see bad things always happen to me.

    Screenshot_20210313-071344_Super Mechs.jpg

    Wait, you also got a Frantic Flame? I'm just asking because ERROR CODE (The Unholy One), Sparks, and I have all gotten Frantic Flames from packs that we've recently opened as a result of the 250 token Warrior special mission.

    ... Something tells me that Frantic Flames have gotten a drop rate boost.


  3. Maximum Protection is now possible. I was going to myth my second cooling booster but I decided to do the protector instead since I needed resistance to protect my 2.4k HP and I already have 509/324 heat stats, so I don't think that I'm gonna be dying easily anytime soon.

    ... Oh, and I mythed 2 Heat Engines and a Cooling Mass Boosters since my last post here as well as acquiring my third Falcon that didn't get fooded this time.


    ... I'm also rank 8 now.

  4. On 2/1/2021 at 1:34 PM, NeedyJay said:

    There are some missions that can't be completed.Like the missions (kill an enemie with mellee attack)(Kill an enemy with only the drone)(overheat your opponent)and I think some more.Also this bug is happenng by the time I made my account.

    Go to 1v1 Drylands (First Zone) then go to the first mission. Do the mission on normal for the following:

    Kill with Melee - Stomp the bot to death. Works every time.

    Kill with Drone - Deploy drone then do nothing but cooldown until the bot dies. Movement is allowed as long as you don't attack.

    Overheat Opponent - Use a Corrupt Light/Savagery/Heat Bomb. The bot's heat cap is extremely low, so one or two shots are enough to trigger a cooldown if it's not a guaranteed shutdown.

    Level 1 Titan Defeat - Doesn't work. I've even killed 2 level 1 titans in a fresh clan but nothing happened, so that mission is impassable, regardless of what you do.

    On 3/10/2021 at 10:15 PM, JamAnime said:

    Also, those first 3 missions have to be achieve it Arena battle.  Not in the campaign

    Those missions can be done in campaign but the melee one tends to bug out when it comes to registering. Stomping usually works when it comes to completing that mission.

    I can confirm because I've managed to do the melee, drone, and overheat in DL-1 on a heat alt with a Headhunter + Firestorm setup.

  5. 7 hours ago, Misty tiger said:

    300 energy dsmage which is alot having a drone that does close to that is insane

    Oh, and I didn't know that Unreliable Guardian did 256 energy drain instead of 115. Nice to know that it does close to EMP-level of drain.

  6. 7 hours ago, Misty tiger said:

    How long have you played the game because energy weapons dont suck didnt you forget about emp you stupid it does 300 energy dsmage which is alot having a drone that does close to that is insane what crack do u smoke


    Might I interest you in some modern times?

    It's a joke, don't hate me or the build for it.

  7. 6 hours ago, CDR_Xavier said:


    No the idea of "a beefier model of heat engine" is because they had made some extremely beefy "overload preventer" and the "combined engine unit" which is supposedly to make mechs more rounded

    But this immediately make all non-rounded mech a piece of crap. Module-wise. Because how these new modules outclass mostly everything. Unless they use monkey torsos and even then they will have to spam mods

    So in order to combat this there is two ways:

    1. make very beefy single-element modules

    2. nerf dual-element modules

    I don't mind the dual storage as it's 40kg weight will save some slots, and it's the same logic behind a 40kg energy/heat module.

    I want my heat mech to have good heat, but that means I will cram up my slots with heat mod and no plate which make it very very low hp. And I don't have a heat monkey yet

    They also came up with an extremely beefy Quad Core Booster that is an all-round dual module but is only 5 Kg heavier than Combined Engine Unit... Sometimes, I really wonder how or why Tactisoft thinks that these modules are beneficial to the game when you can make a good rounded mech with the use of only 3 Quad Core Boosters.

  8. Nice ideas for energy but is it alright if I could suggest an additional weapon idea?

    It's essentially a recall to the SuperNova of legacy but with changes to make it more adept to Reloaded times. It also has aspects from Bunker Shell, so in a way, it's technically like a long-range Bunker Shell.


    Stellar Decimation

    1 knockback

    1 use

    4-8 range

    50 regen damage

    50 cap damage

    120 energy drain

    Top weapon


    Note: Damage, Energy Cost/Heat Generation, Resist Break, and my version of the stats are changeable in order to make the more weapon more fair if the current stats are too overpowered. For the sprite, it could potentially be a railgun-esque weapon in design that shoots beams... But also advanced in its design.  




  9. The idea seems pretty decent but the name could do with an adjustment since module names are more "simplistic" than complicated.

    My Suggestion for the Name: Duality Core.


    ... And I suppose you could create a set of "cores" as a form of L-M engines in order for the new module to have root modules to be based off of.

    My Suggestion for the names of the Individual Cores: Ionization Core (Energy) and Incineration Core (Heat).


    Overall Opinion: Maybe but a bit skeptical of the dual module design of the new module since the previous dual modules were a bit warped in execution and purpose.

  10. 8 hours ago, LittleFox said:

    Are you more frustrated knowing i am frustrated because you are frustrated?

    Yes, I am frustrated and now I am more frustrated that I have the frustrating knowledge that you're frustrated due to the frustrating events that have occurred to make me frustrated in these frustrating times in SuperFrustrations. 

    ... Nah, I'm really not but hey, I managed to get a joke in.

  11. Warning: My apologies for the text wall... I sort of got too carried away with the post once I started writing it.


    I was mostly just reading this topic as things were being discussed and I'm honestly starting to wonder why we need to have a new energy weapon that's like a Valiant Sniper without the massive drain and 2 uses.

    Sure, the new weapon could bring more diversity and a chance to shift the META a bit... But when it comes to fixing things, an energy Vandal Rage wouldn't necessarily work as intended due to the "hit or miss" nature of the situation. On one hand, an energy Vandal Rage would help energy weapons chop down energy-reliant builds that normally hunt and destroy energy builds rather easily.

    ... But on the other hand, the weapon could become too good and cause an imbalance where energy-reliant builds that aren't energy in element end up getting cut entirely due to being unable to compete against this new weapon and its 90 regen damage since the majority of energy-reliant builds in the high ranks have 500 energy cap and mostly around 250 to 300 regen.

    Most energy builds in the high ranks can do around 175-300 energy drain per turn, so if this new weapon were to be utilized on an energy-reliant build, they would succumb to the high drain as their regen gets knocked down to 210 (from 300) because of the single 90 regen damage shot... But that's just one weapon and not dual wielded as seen with Vandal Rages on cooling hunter builds.

    So wouldn't that just kill the whole point of using energy-reliant weapons in the high ranks entirely?

    If using energy-reliant weapons would mean death due to the new weapon, that would mean an increase in energy-free builds as people would try to combat the energy dominance problem with something that doesn't use energy in order to compete, which kills diversity in the high ranks by a massive degree because weapons like Spartan Carnage and Hybrid Heat Cannon would become obsolete and energy-free weapons would become the only usable weapons that fare a chance against energy builds with the new weapon.


    ... But that's just my two cents. Feel free to share your opinions on the matter or correct me if I got anything wrong.

    Extra Note: If Ice Daggers were dual wielded, that's 180 regen damage in the matter of 1 turn, which is legitimately half the regen of an energy build since high rank energy builds usually have 360 or so regen... That's pretty terrifying to think of since Ice Dagger would give people too much of an incentive to run regen hunters in the same way as they would with cooling hunters...

    ... But at least Anguish finally gets to have a solid use for once.

  12. Just now, ChooseGeno said:

    I had my birthday on march 1st (4 days ago) kek

    In that case, happy late birthday because I couldn't legitimately ask you about it and I came up with the birthday topic idea early in the morning after it just past midnight, so I wouldn't have likely made a topic to begin with and would have went with a simple Happy Birthday thing instead.

  13. Despite not knowing you (@Atusiff) all that much, I figured I would wish you a happy XXth birthday in the form of a topic since you were the one who usually liked my topics despite how random they potentially became, so...

    Happy XXth Birthday, Mate, and Stay Awesome!

    As for everyone who doesn't know what I'm going on about, today (it's 12:07 as I'm writing this, so it's Friday in my timezone) is Atusiff's birthday... And if you don't know who they are, Atusiff's a forum goer and an obvious SM pilot like everyone else here (whether they're still in service or retired is unknown in my regard, so don't ask me about that). I honestly don't know much else about them... So... Yeah... Wish them a happy birthday the next time you come across them, yeah? 






    ... On a Completely Irrelevant Side Note:

    Oh, and @MasterChief, I also recognized that you like my posts and topics a lot, so I would definitely make a topic for your birthday... But I don't know when that is. Either way, here's a sideline shout out for you in case you felt overshadowed because of this topic.

  14. 4 minutes ago, Shoultz262 said:

    Sure, just send a request then.

    The invite's been sent and I left my current clan. If you would like to know more about me, feel free to ask.

    Oh, and I can consistently keep rank 10 and possibly rank 9 if the circumstances are in my favor.

  15. 3 hours ago, Shoultz262 said:

    We now have 1 spot open currently. Looking for rank 10 or higher. We do wars and titans most of the time now, you are encouraged to do the same, but it's not a requirement. The requirement is still only 10 wins every season.

    Would you happen to be in need of a ex-Immortal Blades member, by any chance?

  16. Hello, pilots, and welcome to this quick guide that I made to help newcomers with a certain issue that tends to pop up a lot when it comes to building mechs -- What drone goes with what build and what is each drone good at doing?

    So, yeah, I'll go through each of the E-M/L-M  (drones below those rarities are either irrelevant or are precursors to one of the drones below) drones that are currently in the game and their current state, so the guide won't be accurate once one of the following drones gets a buff/nerf or simply gets removed.

    Without further ado, let us begin...

    Hurlbat (E-M)

    Strengths - Low weight, low energy cost, low heat generation, easy-to-acquire, and dual stat cap damage

    Weaknesses - Low damage, specific build type needed for maximum efficiency, no resistance damage, and rapid efficiency drop-off when climbing the arena ranks

    Best Build - "Cap Damage" Hybrid

    Void (E-M)

    Strengths - Low weight, low energy cost, low heat generation, and easy-to-acquire

    Weaknesses - Low damage and rapid efficiency drop-off when climbing the arena ranks

    Best Build - General Early-Game Physical 

    Tonto (E-M)

    Strengths - High damage, high resist damage, and high rank-climbing potential

    Weaknesses - Moderate weight, higher energy cost, higher heat generation, 2-4 range limit, and generally rare 

    Best Build - Mid-Range Early-Game / Late-Game "Fighter" Physical

    Selfish Protector (E-M)

    Strengths - High damage, low energy cost, low heat generation, and high rank-climbing potential

    Weaknesses - Moderate weight, low resist damage, backfire, and generally rare

    Best Build - General Late-Game Physical

    Selfish Guardian (L-M)

    Strengths - High damage (highest damage dealing drone in the game), low energy cost, low heat generation, and maximum rank-climbing potential

    Weaknesses - Heavy weight, low resist damage, backfire, and extremely rare

    Best Build - General Late-Game Physical

    Greedy (L-M)

    Strengths - Low weight (the lightest drone in the game), high resist damage, low energy cost, and low heat generation

    Weaknesses - Low damage, really demanding in terms of build type for maximum efficiency, mostly useless due to other drones possessing the ability to do as much resist break for more damage, and extremely rare

    Best Build - Hell if anyone knows...

    Solar Torch (L-M)

    Strengths - High damage, high resist damage, and high rank climbing potential

    Weaknesses - Moderate weight, higher energy cost, higher heat generation, 3-6 range limit, and extremely rare

    Best Build - General 3-6 Range Based "Fighter" Physical; Dual Spartan Carnage / Dual Frantic Brute

    DustMaker (L-M)

    Strengths - Low weight, low energy cost, low heat generation, and cooldown + regeneration damage

    Weaknesses - Low damage, specific build type needed, no resistance damage, rapid efficiency dropoff when climbing the arena ranks, and extremely rare

    Best Build - "Cooldown + Regeneration Damage" Hybrid

    Backstabber (L-M)

    Strengths - Low energy cost, low heat generation, and is the only drone in-game to have a pull ability (1 pull per shot)

    Weaknesses - Heavy weight, slightly lacking in damage, no resistance break, and extremely rare

    Best Build - General "Hugger" Physical/Heat/Energy


    If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions, feel free to comment... But until then, farewell for now, pilots! 





  17. 1 hour ago, Shoultz262 said:

    Don't really have a use for this now, but still pretty good.


    A Dual Desolation configuration can find a use for that if you ever want to experiment without the use of Backstabbing Protector.

    Although, Flame Spear's mainly for experimenting with range-oriented builds that don't have backfire items and focus on survivability rather than all-range builds that focus on aggression and all-out assaults on targets without much thought on self-preservation in your case since you already have a drone that can deal as much damage without the 3-6 range limits that the premium flying stick has.

    Oh, and I claim credit for getting you to use Backstabbing Protector since you did originally think of HeatPoint as a better drone for me until I proved you wrong by going with it. If that wasn't why you changed to Backstabbing Protector, I still claim credit nonetheless.


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