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Posts posted by W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T

  1. 18 hours ago, Tirreggregars said:

    I'm F2P, but let's go into a hypothetical scenario:


    I just got 50 euros for my birthday and, being in lockdown, and with nothing better to spend it on, I open SuperMechs and buy 2,900 tokens, great. Now, I'm experienced so I keep the tokens, and wait until there is a good deal. It is now Saturday, increased drop rates, yay! The item looks really cool, but what does it do, idk, and for the sake of this argument let's say I'm not active on the forum, so effectively I am paying for something unknown. Now let's suppose, just for cleanliness, that you have saved up 450 tokens, amounting to a total of 3350 tokens. So you decide to spend your tokens on an item with an unknown increased drop rate, for a pack with no reliable legendary drop rate information, and for an item whose function you have no idea. Does this seem fair, no! It's not only unfair, but illogical and frankly disrespectful, if I paid to get packs, I would certainly wish to know and be entitled to knowing the chances of me getting what I want, and what the item I'm buying is. Hell, even casinos tell you the chances of winning, and even cigarette brands tell you it is dangerous. 


    To sum it up:

    Anything you can buy in a game should tell you the chances, be it packs, fortune boxes or base items. This includes increased drop rate packs, this means that if you have a 20% chance of pulling the new item, it should be stated on the pack. This should also extend to letting the customer know what they are paying for. I do not know any other service which you pay for, but do not have the vaguest idea what it does. For someone with little experience, the damaged armour annihilator, could be the phys version of bunker shell and magma blast.


    Please vote!

    To be honest, I think SuperMechs might be the only "gacha-style" game to NOT list the drop chances of boxes and/or packs... But the stats list would be a good "lifestyle-improvement" addition to the game since that would help you stay away from cash-traps that call themselves "good items" in the hopes of pulling a sneaky on you and making you waste your cash that could've gone to something better.

    Also, I think the drop chances improvement would also be helpful on fortune-box capable stages since that would really keep players from spending countless amounts of oil for pretty much nothing just because the game refused to tell you what are your odds of getting what you want... But I'm pretty sure that's just me who would like to see that.

  2. 17 hours ago, AudiGodzilla111 said:

    Since i joined this new forum, i've been very inactive so decided to make a topic, i hope this go well and no flame wars.

    So if you have read the title, i think you will sure say "Are you brain dead? Rank 1 is the best rank in the game of course!"

    I have think about this for since i left the old forum. Yes, rank 1 has a lot of cool, famous and good players, have very good droprates that the lower ranks can't have (i guess lol).

    But it also has some disadvantages like you must be very strong to get to this rank which led to you have to become a P2W to get there fast or become a F2P that grind super insane and they affect your time, money and mental health just to get rank 1 in a [REDACTED] game. With that time, health and money you can spend them for better things like buying a house, a car, get a better degree, get a job or even have a family.

    So I have been thinking which rank have the most entainment we can reach without grinding too much or spend money.

    My opinion is rank 15 because you don't even have to play for 30+ minutes per day to reach for it and rewards are decent too (you can get legendary with a low change but that is enough for me anyway, it is about 2-10%). Don't trust me? Just do an experiment if you have enough free time and see for yourself. 

    Don't judge me too much because this is just an OPINION.

    I honestly don't have an idea as to what rank is the best rank (look at my signature).

    But if anything, I've managed to get 3 legendaries in a row from rank 10 so far.

  3. 10 minutes ago, Den said:

    It's been 3day already but base still unable 

    The amount of time it takes for Alexander to respond varies on how busy he is, unfortunately, so it'll take a while for him to respond.

    The long wait time is specifically due to the amount of requests from people to have their base disabled, in case you were wondering.

  4. 12 minutes ago, rc said:


    You can’t be serious about the Avenger. At some point, it was decent in the past. Now days, it has been totally eclipsed by better torsos. Look at the top ranks to see what torso to divine.

    Avenger is still pretty decent but it just takes more skill and some good modules to use it properly against other E-M torsos in battle. (I also saw a rank 5 physical main manage to use Avenger and Brutality on Claws... But I can't seem to find them again.)

    But overall, Avenger and Zarkares have lost their spots in their best areas areas because of the Windigo and Naga takeover since Naga and Windigo both have more HP than Zarkares but better stats than Avenger while being lighter than both, making them supreme in just about every way.


  5. Just now, Ruben said:

    Well. Hopefully i wont be absent no more.

    Just be careful around the buffed MPV and LPV since they went from 44 physical resistance to 55 physical resistance and they now have 1,238 HP, so they're tankier than their 910 HP past selves.

    It may not seem like much... But they can have 179 physical resistance now because of Platinum Fortress.

  6. For what you missed, you likely missed:

    The 1st Buff Wave - Naga, Windigo, Nightmare, Lightning Platinum Vest and Molten Platinum Vest, Swoop, and Malice Beam.

    The Frantic Rework - All Frantics got damage reduction and minimum damage increase with increased energy cost/heat generation.

    Cheater Resurgence - Because that sequel just had to happen. Just look out for full Storm and/or Mystic paint builds with maxed premiums in the low/mid/high ranks. Basically standard procedure from the last time.

    Defense Matrix Release - A Maximum Protector but turned into a Fortress with extremely similar resistance amounts but with 186 splatted on top and +9 Kg added. Works well with MPV and LPV since it lets you equip a lot more Platinum Plates than if you had 3 individual Fortresses on the same build, which means more HP and more tanky builds.

    Whiteout's Triple Legendary Rank 10 Reward Streak - Got legendary Massive Shocker Feet, Quad Core Booster, and Spinefall in 3 consecutive rank 10 season boxes. I don't know why I pointed it out but it feels good to show it off sometimes, ya know?

    ... But other than that, you didn't miss much.


  7. 12 minutes ago, Ruben said:

    Well, i don't know if coming back to this game was a good idea but hey, it doesn't matter anymore.

    I left in 2020, everything in my account is a w.r.e.c.k and i need urgent help.

    Hmm... I could help if you want me to. Just name what you need help with and I'll (probably) have a solution.

  8. 5 minutes ago, MasterChief said:

    lol. it just so happens that i have a good torso and some weapons for the heat-hugger. here is the main and secondary so far:


    the secondary's stats are too asinine to show

    You just so happen to have the regen+cooling breaker of the 3 axes... Yep, that's gonna be a pain to fight.

    Oh, and if you want to talk about "ass" stats, my third mech is supposed to be an energy mech but it's bad at what it does.

    9 minutes ago, Ruben said:

    guess who's back on the battlefield.

    Welcome back to the warfront.

    Though I've never met you, I shall consider you a battle brother as well. 

    For the Emperor!

    (Warhammer 40k joke)

  9. 33 minutes ago, MasterChief said:

    first ever legendary fortune box drop... but it was on my alt :vimage.png.a66e61fdaa22d3da866da8b4fe88c77b.png

    Nice... Now construct a heat hugger.

    And it's still a good drop, regardless, because I got my Burning Shower from a fortune box, making us even in that missile launching fortune box regard.

  10. 19 minutes ago, SawzAll said:

    I got this while farming 1v1 campaign final boss in hard mode.  I already have 3 x monkeys so what will happen is I'll upgrade this over time until it's max, then swap it for the energy monkey i'm using for my physical mech.



    Now all you need is 2x Rock Polisher, 2x Damaged Armor Annihilator, and 1x Selfish Guardian and you'll have yourself the greatest META of current time. 

  11. 14 hours ago, Lord Curzon said:

    It's level 250 reward lmao

    I spent 2k tokens too on the new one but didn't get it ofc

    So you actually made it to the maximum level? As in the one level that's really hard to get due to how boring the grind becomes?

    In that case, congrats... but your soul may be shredded by now so you should probably get that checked out as soon as possible.

    13 hours ago, Quantum said:

    it was from a premium box, yes

    Congrats and welcome to the Maximum Box club, where having a Maximum Protector is really difficult because of how your resistance arena buffs aren't maxed out... Because of how you got it way too early by the game's standards.


  12. As the title says, I've created this topic to wish everyone a good Valentine's Day this year. 

    But since I don't actually have a date for Valentine's Day and no actual plans to do... I figured I would do a Q&A because why not? 

    As long as the questions aren't too personal, I'll gladly answer them.

    With that out of the way, I wish you all a wonderful Valentine's Day.

    And as a parting gift, have this Valentine's Day gif that I fished from the internet that I used back when I was using Amino.


    Oh, and these pictures of my drone sitting on the head of my heat mech (I'm also thinking of naming my Backstabbing Protector at some point).



    ...Alright, with all of the sidetracking aside, this is where I'm going to end the topic but I still want everyone to remember one thing while they're celebrating... And that's...


    To stay safe, Pilots!

    Damn, it really feels like I'm just spoiling you guys by doing this... Oh well. It's Valentine's Day, so it's just a one-time thing... I hope.


    Edit: I added in that new version of that first mech photo. Pretty neat, eh?

  13. 16 minutes ago, Electrick010 said:

    Do you think you can put CleverName build on a mountain?, like Mount Everest?.

    You don't have to do it so professionally but I'd like to see something random.

    Unfortunately, I can't do that...



    One CleverName just isn't enough, so I quadrupled your request by giving you four CleverNames instead of one.




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