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Posts posted by W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T

  1. 22 minutes ago, Spam said:

    I'll be back in a hour or so...

    Confetti... It's the greatest thing since... likes, there is nothing as good as confetti because confetti is bite sized, can  fit in your pocket, and best of all it comes in all color! ranging from red to blue to purple to gold, there really isn't much you can't do with mind blowing invention. How to make confetti: first get a computer, then learn to code, after that make a video game(or buy one) and make a forum for it, lastly add confetti to it for easter and never take it away! (no but seriously don't take the confetti away). 

    The best use for confetti! the best use of confetti is using it in a clickbait title in a forum for a small flash game so you can far- I mean make a good conversation and get a better reputation! this may be the best use for confetti but it can also be used to ruin peoples cakes on their birthdays. Though these reasons are a little dumb confetti can make depression go away in an instant(i'm not responsible if you send all your money on confetti and get even more depressed) yeah that's right no more depresion. 

    If getting your cake ruined and making you depresion go away aren't good enough then you'll be thrilled that there's more! confetti makes a huge mess that you have to clean up, and what better way to do that than asking your friends to help? While your friends help you clean up the tons of confetti you shot into the air you can bond and learn about each other and how much they'll hate you after this.

    I would like to conclude that confetti is the best and that I will never do this again because it took way to long, but confetti! these are the reasons you should go to your local store and demand them to give you confetti!

    @W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T I did it.

    Alright, that got me to laugh multiple times because I honestly expected it to be an advertisement for confetti... But the satirical bits got me.

    Enjoy the reaction, lol.

  2. Just now, Spam said:

    Maybe randomly a screaming god mode drops out of the sky instead of confetti.

    Or probably an interactive God mode that appears on the forum dashboard that can be dragged and tossed around and does the roar when you click on it... And even shoots its blasters at your mouse when you click anywhere on the screen but on it.


  3. 1 minute ago, Spam said:

    That could be good.

    But maybe instead of confetti it should rain dogs(the annihilation titans only)

    Oh dear god- Why those things? We don't know what the rear half of them looks like and possibly for a good reason, so it might be a good idea to avoid using them as confetti. 

  4. 20 minutes ago, Spam said:

    I just saw this after wondering what happened to this topic, but I think this is a good idea as long as it uses them without killing itself. But sm does need a little more than just bot improvement, the campaign story and campaign modes could use a buff and I saw an idea in the old forum about making side missions refresh every season and it seemed good as at the beginning of the game campaign is the main source of tokens and adding something like this is better for f2p's.

    I was just on the forum minding my own business, then the Smoky Coal Bear ad plays out of nowhere, I went to the tab to investigate and found out that the campaign mission I started a hour or so ago wasn't finished. So maybe making it so that campaign missions go on even when you are another tabs would be nice, also when you mute the music and sound, it should mute the ads so people don't get a heart attack.

    edit: it happened again, at this point I'm just giving them free money. 

    Here's a funny story that happened to me yesterday when I was doing some OD-8 farming.

    I was on mobile at the time, using my physical mech because of how satisfying it is to see a mech burn through OD-8 with 300 damage crits... Then the one and only ad pops up (usually happens on the first battle of a play session and doesn't happen again). I watch the ad and close it, as always... Then I suddenly see my mech staring at the entrance gate of OD-8, not moving at all despite having autopilot on.

    I tried pressing on everything but nothing got it to move, so I had to close the app then reopen it before the bot was back to normal. I'm not sure what happened but I think that the bot had an aneurysm over a simple set of coding in regards to positioning and movement on the mission map.

    To this day, it still surprises me how these bots are capable of using complex backfire weapons but are also incapable of understanding movement patterns that they've been doing non-stop when on auto.

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