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Posts posted by W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T

  1. 31 minutes ago, SolarisHK said:

    Some fancypants energay, I wonder if these kinds of shitty energy mechs would still spam things like EMP or smth I don't know, hope your boiler's got high energy booties(stats to be precise).

    Fancy?? That mech has a repulser-and-hammer combo mounted on a Claw. Nevermind the legendary Blizzard Dissolver and two Hysterias with a hidden mythical Malice Beam, that "repulmmer" combo is easily avoidable if the mech had legs, a Faithful Steel/Bulldog, and a second Malice Beam to replace that second Hysteria...

    Because that... That mech is really painful to look at. There is no humane way how that mech can be a drainer. There just isn't.

  2. Just now, AtomusX said:

    Boiler mechs are the scariest type of mechs in my opinion. As opposed to energy mechs where they disable your weapons, you can still counter them with energy free weaponry, with heat mechs (boilers in particular) You either have the heat to withstand it, or you dont. Theres no inbetween considering even most boiler weaponry is energy free, (i.e. Vandal rage, heat bomb, desolation, nemo, ect)

    Well, it really depends on what rank you're in. Boilers and Drainers are best in the lower-mid ranks since mechs there are still developing stats, which makes them most vulnerable to heat damage or energy drain. Boilers start to struggle beyond that point, however, because mechs with more developed stats start to appear and become a problem to deal with if their cooling is decent to good. That's why most mid rank (ranks 8-6) boiler mechs have the Swoop drone, a drone that can do 110+ heat damage per shot and can make battles into nightmares for mechs that have ~300 cooling when used on a boiler mech (i.e Dual Corrupt Light + Swoop = 346 heat damage per turn).

    Without Swoop, boilers are prone to struggle against damage-based builds, so you're bound to find more explosive builds (i.e Dual Desolation) around those ranks than boiler ones. But if you do come across a boiler, expect it to have Swoop and be prepared to cool down a lot.

  3. Just now, AtomusX said:

    That's good advice, i appreciate it. I'll def look for a heat torso but i dont know which one would work the best. Im also working on another corrupt light but it's too weak at the moment to be put on my mech, I pulled a legendary dawnblaze from a premium pack not too long ago and decided to use that for a substitute while im grinding out a second corrupt light.

    For the heat torso, there's a small handful of very popular ones you can choose from:

    Molten Platinum Vest, Fractured Heat Armor, Windigo, Nightmare

    There's also Zarkares, but that torso is basically a heavier Windigo with less HP. It's definitely better than nothing, however.


    Also, if you want an example of what you could do for a boiler, here's a screenshot of my alt account's main mech (Flaminator + Corrupt Light Boiler):


    This mech is capable of reaching rank 13 easily and decent at keeping a spot in rank 12, thanks to the versatility of its boiler weapons.

  4. Just now, AtomusX said:

    In a good or bad way

    In the "might be time for a small adjustment" way.

    Your cooling is pretty low, which can be problematic if a boiler comes around with decent cooling, but that's a common thing with physical torsos on heat/explosive mechs that can be fixed with mods.

    Though what I find interesting is your weapon setup. Your mech looks like a boiler but has a Dawnblaze for damage. While the combo does tend to work sometimes, it's likely better to dedicate the mech to either heat (boiler) or explosive (damage). If you're going for a boiler, you can swap the Dawnblaze out with a Flaminator (for an alternate cost weapon to pair with Corrupt Light) or a second Corrupt Light (if you have one). That'll let you deal much more heat damage and cap damage without having to change much about your mech.

    Just be warned that Flaminator, while heat cost-free, gets... Uhhh... Rather energy cost-heavy when mythed.

  5. I know mythical torsos are the first thing that come to mind when it comes to the recollection of favorites from the legacy era, but I'm gonna go with Galaxius Model A as my favorite legacy torso. After my legacy account got breached and ransacked, I had to rely on items that I could get from the remaining handful of boxes I had. Galaxius Model A was the torso I got from those boxes, which was a wish come true despite the horrid circumstances in which I got it. I never got the chance to use it in a duel of legacy-only mechs, but the fact that I got it was good enough for me.

    But if we're really talking about mythical torsos, I'd say Dragon is my favorite. I mean, it's weird for a mythical torso and it sticks out like a sore thumb among the other mythical torsos because of how it looks like a basic dragon head and not like a truck or a really angry metal lizard-dinosaur thing. That, and it was the only mythical torso I'd ever gotten but never actually used because of what happened (whoops). At the very least, I can recall my days of Dragon by praising its successor - Ettin.

    Ettin may be a common-rare torso, but it's a cool common-rare torso. Don't @ me on that because there's no denying it.

  6. Reached rank 15 with a Chimera. So, I've now managed to reach rank 15 with 5 non-mythable torsos in total.

    For those who're curious about all the torsos (instead of just the Chimera) I've reached rank 15 with, here's a list of 'em:

    • Kraken
    • Redeemer
    • Typhoon
    • Horizon
    • Chimera

    Will I continue to try and reach rank 15 with other non-mythable torsos? Yes. Why? Because it's a fun little challenge that goes off of the beaten path of relying on mythable torsos for strength to push through arena.

    However, I won't use non-mythable torsos beyond rank 15 since plenty of E-M or premium items would be required to compensate for the subpar HP and stats that the torso has in comparison to mythable ones (like Windigo and Naga). That, and rank 12 is the deadzone for non-myth torsos due to how many mythical-wielding players appear there, not the legendary-wielding ones of rank 16-14. 


  7. 11 hours ago, Spoon said:

    It's garbage. If your opponent has good res, you will barely do any damage. Also, most people in top ranks have good stats and theres lots of counters in 1v1 and 2v2

    Stats are the prime reason why it's barely usable in the top ranks. While explosive resistance does cut Corrupt Light base damage significantly, Corrupt Light isn't about explosive damage (Dawnblaze exists for that "3-6 infinite use explosive weapon" role). 

    A target with high resistances can still be taken out if their cooling isn't able to take the punishment or their cap is low enough to where they'll be struggling to fight back without overheating or shutting down in the process and losing valuable damage opportunities in the process.

    However, with dual modules, mechs can have good stats, HP,  and resistances simultaneously, which are detriments to boilers as a whole since they aren't damage-based (their damage can be tanked easily), they can't resistance-break per shot (most boiler weapons do cap or cooling damage, which does absolutely nothing to lower target resistance), and targets with high heat stats can easily brush off the heat damage that they receive (rounded mechs with regular heat mods have decent heat stats but very moderate HP, so base damage from boiler attacks could actually kill them if they're heat-stunned enough; Heat Counters, on the other hand.. Yeah, boilers can't do anything to those things, even if the counter has regular mods).

    So, Corrupt Light is usable but, like the other used-to-be-reliable-in-arena boiler weapons, dual mods made it obsolete as a standalone boiler weapon in the higher ranks.

    10 hours ago, Spoon said:

    yeah the only reason it works in lower ranks is because most of the lower ranks dont think about mods. Everything should be upgraded rather evenly yet for some reason thats not taken into consideration much

    10 hours ago, AftoKrator said:

    Lack of consideration or simply because the drop chances of E-M stat modules are lower than the drop chances of Nightfall for low level players. 

    I mean, seriously, what's up with drop rates making those items rare to where you'll likely get your first E-M stat mod around the midway point of level 60 or 70, with that first E-M stat mod not being an engine or a booster but rather a Combined Storage Unit?  

  8. What a curious little weapon.

    Welp, anyway, there's only one way to find out why this piece of curiosity rivals the tyrant of long range energy-free warfare and I'm fully intent on putting it through all of its paces.

    Time to see if its status of being Burning Shower's nemesis lives up to the hype it bears. 


    ... Via countless cases of campaign bot abuse, of course, because those things are always a reliable source of consistency since they're too lazy to change anything about their strategies. 


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