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Posts posted by W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T

  1. On 4/11/2021 at 4:31 AM, Berosanakoyar said:

    If the user has some sort of recoiler you re done for. Everytime you try to get close to them they will just use recoiler and savagery. (Personally i still think that the range of corrupt light and malice beam should be same as savagery/hysteria)

    Hmm... Wanna 1v1 me then? I don't have Corrupt Light or Savagery on my build, so things will be fair... Right?

  2. 2 minutes ago, Energy Reaper said:

    But how rare is protector? I never even have 1 in 4 account I make lmao.

    Maximum Protector? It's kinda common and rare at the same time.

    The Protector Drones? A bit too rare for E-Ms.

    Either way, it's too much RnG.

  3. 5 minutes ago, Soviet Union mech said:

    And you should put basalt dissolver or fbd dude

    I've got a plan to rework my whole heat build but I need one premium item... Reckoning. 

    With Reckoning, I can go energy-free, which will let me use my maxed EFA and let me equip my Fractured Basalt Dissolver.

    My planned build with current items + Reckoning once I get it.


  4. Just now, Soviet Union mech said:

    Yeah but I need rng free weapon dan

    About that-... There's no actual rng-free weapons because every weapon in this game has an rng gap, especially physical, which has the largest rng gaps of any weapon element.

    4 minutes ago, Soviet Union mech said:

    My void is now like u said



  5. 1 hour ago, Soviet Union mech said:

    How about my annihilation?


    Replace it with Mercy, Rock Recoiler, or BackBreaker whenever you get any of those 3 items because you'll need a 1-2 push weapon when you're using a Claw.

  6. On 4/6/2021 at 1:59 PM, JamAnime said:

    This weapon idea popped in my head in a split second like all do: Call it "Invisible Portal Mat or the IPM."  The idea of this mat is that it does no damage.  The benefit of it is if your opponent land on it they automatically teleport to another random spot. You can use it as your first move, to set up future moves. Here is an example: You have an opponent that has a falcon, and you have, you place it at a range 8 spot.  There is a 1/4 chance that they will land on it, to use the falcon.  They don't know the spot you used it on, yet they know you used it. So, they take a risk and land on it to use the falcon, and teleport to another spot that they can't use the falcon.  Now you can also land on it and be teleported on it.  So, after you used it 5 moves your opponent uses a knock back weapon that lands you on it, and you get teleport.

    Now the AIPM: The Advanced one.  It basically gives the advance to pick 2 spots of one they teleport and where they will go to.  No damage.  You choose 2 spots in one turn.  It either affects you or him.  So, which ever spot they land on they will be teleported. 


    This might be dumb, or not. I'm just throwing it out there.




    Decent idea overall... But there's just one small issue... Sure, it can counter some weapons, but it could also backfire and accidentally teleport them into the ranges of just-as-powerful or even more powerful weapons.

    I mean, it's a great way to avoid a Falcon Shot... But avoiding a Falcon shot just for the teleport to put them into the range where they can use their Rock Polisher instead doesn't sound like a great trade-off.

    BUT like I said, decent idea, so it has some potential.

  7. 6 minutes ago, ZERO said:

    and you areeeee


    Whiteout, the non-CoD: Ghosts multiplayer snow map and rank 9-8 heat jumper main player, at your service.

    6 minutes ago, Soviet Union mech said:

    it doesn't make any weakness to me

    Your build's pretty solid for the most part, so you just need to boost your cooling and get your drone to myth at least.

  8. 1 minute ago, Soviet Union mech said:

    Nvm I can't believe what will happen if I myth my void... 

    Void's a good stand-in drone if you don't have Tonto or Selfish Protector yet.

  9. On 4/9/2021 at 10:34 AM, Berosanakoyar said:

    Savagery and Corrupt Light

    These weapons are actually the opposite of overpowered. They can easily be combatted with good cooling and skilled movement/weapon usage or they can be disabled via energy breaking, which renders them useless since they won't fire when they need 16 energy in order to fire.

    Nice try at that, though, but as a divine Corrupt Light user that has gone full damage setup without it or Dawnblaze, I can safely say that Corrupt and Savagery are surely losing the kick that made them into a META back in 2018.

  10. 13 minutes ago, Spam said:

    That's fine, but could you send the essay in a dm or something so I can make a page about it in the confetti club.

    Btw the name is confetti blast, I got it mixed up with the perk which is confetti cannon.

    Confetti Drone's name is Confetti Airstrike, but the name isn't final so if you have a better name you can tell it to us.

    How does an advertisement for the items sound?

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