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Posts posted by W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T

  1. Banned for using relateable in a sentence that sounds too depressing to be on a SuperMechs forums... Actually, scratch that.

    Banned for using relateable in a reasonable sentence that has the expected mood of a SuperMechs player that actually plays the game.

    @Killer gamer 22322 The game's depressing due to its current state. An actual player of the game would get depression from trying to find fun in this buffed mess of a game.

    Did you find this explanation to be helpful? No / No. (There is no yes. Just no.)

  2. 1 hour ago, SawzAll said:


         Since this content probably didn't get migrated from the previous forum, can people please share their builds and tips/tricks for beating the Octavious titans?  Thanks in advance!

    The key to getting maximum damage payout per run against Octavious is to use long-range, high damage weapons (4-8 weapons and scopes) in order to take advantage of the titan's pushing nature that is normally annoying for 2-4/3-6 builds. The titan basically helps you that way rather than inconveniences you.

    Alternatively, you can use one of the 4-8 advance weapons in order to use closer range weapons against Octavious, but you're gonna need 2 of them as they're 2 uses each and the titan's gonna be constantly pushing you away.

    Also, items like Delerium, Iron Frenzy, and the Greedy drones are really effective against this titan as their ranges fit well with the titan's pushing nature.

    Tip: If you're gonna use 2-4/3-6 builds against the titan but don't have a 4-8 advance weapon, you'll need to use rollers in order to close the distance (technically +1 space movement after the titan's double push combo if you go with full 3 movements per turn). Rolling Beats or Sparked Runners? It doesn't matter as to which of the 2 are used on the build as long as they're used at all... But Rolling Beats since more HP and HP is better in all cases against titans, especially physical variants where stats don't matter but HP does.

    Extra: I made a build that's capable of camping at far ranges when fighting the physical Octavious. It isn't the best build but it'll definitely be able to attack with high damage and resist break from 8 range. 

    It's a physical Octavious counter, basically.


    I also made this build to show an example of a 3-6 oriented physical counter that can be used to fight physical Octavious. Again, it isn't the best since it's just an example and I used Sweetie on the build since it doesn't need backfire to fire and it's a 3-6 weapon that isn't a top weapon, allowing me to fit a Mighty Cannon and Falcon on top... But Mighty Cannon can be replaced by another Falcon at the risk of making a 7 range blindspot.


    These shouldn't be taken seriously, however, since they're just there to give examples that could provide inspiration for other builds that can be made with similar format with different weapons and/or drones.

    Utilities can also be used but since the titan's gonna be doing the pushing on your behalf and you got rollers to move into 3-6 range for weapons of that range, they're not as needed.

  3. 5 hours ago, ChooseGeno said:

    banned for thinking I'm stalking you when in reality I'm replying to the latest posts

    Banned for not emphasizing that you were making jokes and not making malicious jabs at me.

  4. 4 minutes ago, Melanös said:

    This was the first build that got me to rank 1, I only had 1 devastation swarm at the time, so I used a rare item that wasn't bad, and looked similar. Good old hellfire supplied the bullets for the drone


    Meanwhile, this is what I left legacy with after the account breach that happened to me and the spare box opening that I did in order to try and save my account.


    Selfish Protector = One Shot

    Sacrifice Cannon = Railgun

    Desert Snake = Heat Orb Cannon

    Mighty Cannon = Advanced Physical Orb Cannon

    Naga = Galaxius Model A

    Legs = None

    Mods = Can't remember


  5. 2 hours ago, OKI DOKI said:

    This is me giving likes



    This is me with the new forum likes limitations


    when people in the forum wants 



    and I feel


    oops my bad , I though I posted in my own thread.  😞 

    I still don't get why the forums need like limits since even if people exploit them (for some reason), there's nothing really to gain on the new forums apart from an automated pat on the back and a badge saying that you won for a day.

    ... There's not even a weekly badge because I worked hard to reach #1 on weekly at the time that I earned it but there wasn't anything there on my profile for winning the week... But I guess that I will have to flex the fact that I, a loner, won on Valentine's Day... For now, at least.

  6. 7 hours ago, ChooseGeno said:

    not a good example, nightmare is above the other paperweights

    Example as in stock example. Stock Examples can be bad as long as they get their point across. 

    As for those examples I provided, I used Interceptor and Nightmare since Interceptor is the common face of physical torsos in SuperMechs and Nightmare is the common face of heat torsos since the game uses them as examples a lot but by player terms, Molten/Lightning Platinum Vest and Fractured Heat Armor + Rusty Energy Armor would be the definite example for everything since they're the best torsos in the game.

  7. 3 hours ago, ChooseGeno said:

    imagine using paperweights for huggers

    nope couldn't be you

    Did you notice the word "example" by any chance?

    Just asking since you noticed that I used an example torsos for example builds for examples on how to utilize Backstabber on a build that compliments its 1 pull per shot ability. 

    But yes, the Paperweights wouldn't be used on META builds since there's better alternatives to them in all rarity ranges like:

    Heat = Windigo (E-M) or Molten Platinum Vest and Fractured Heat Armor (L-M)

    Physical = Avenger and Battery Armor (E-M; Are replaceable by most heat torsos anyways) or Hollow Spectral Armor, Archimonde, and Hardened Platinum Vest  (L-M; replaceable by most heat torsos)

    Energy = GrimReaper (R-M) or Naga (E-M) or Lightning Platinum Vest and Rusty Energy Armor (L-M)


    Side Note

    I'm already seeing Anti-Avenger messages so I'ma say one thing -- Avenger is better than Interceptor due to much higher HP since they share the same energy cap and regen but Avenger sacrifices 150 heat cap and 38 cooling for +442 HP, which is pretty game-changing when it comes to the current formula of "more HP = higher chance of winning".

    Yes, they're both mediocre torsos but Avenger has a slight lead over Interceptor due to HP differences, something that is pretty hard to make up when utilizing Interceptor's low weight with the use of Fortresses/Platinum Plates.

    I just wanted to point that out as well as mention that I'm not biased towards Avenger due to its cool looks or the fact that it was my first myth reloaded torso... I've already admitted that it's a bad torso due to its stats and that its HP and slightly lighter weight than other torsos in its weight class are its only benefits.

    Thank you for reading my sidelined TED text.


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