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Posts posted by W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T

  1. 3 hours ago, Aftokrator_SM said:

    Since the Massive Stone, Lava, and Shocker Feet do add resistance to the mech, why doesn't it just say so in it's stats??

    The Massive Feet are the first legs in SM history to provide resistance, so the lack of proper stat values would make sense since they're the first and only legs of their respective elements to do that gimmick.

    Basically, just like how the Claw is the only leg set in SM history to lack actual movement abilities... Only not kept track of rather than having the whole movement stats thing wiped from the overall stats of a build and the legs themselves.

    Yes, it's an SM thing. What did you expect from the game that features Overcharged Rocket Battery and its 999-999 electric damage for a heat weapon?

  2. 9 hours ago, A500G230 said:

    why are some of my guns shooting white balls


    Do you have the snowball perk equipped? That's the perk that makes all weapon fire (bullets, rockets, and lasers) into snow-themed weapon fire a.k.a the snowballs and snow beams.

  3. Fun Fact: There was once a visual bug that would occur if you used a recoiler right after using a pull weapon.

    If done correctly, your opponent's mech sprite will be separated from the mech's hitbox, causing things like your opponent going out of arena bounds or your weapon ranges getting botched and allowing said weapons to attack in ranges that they're not supposed to attack in.

    I managed to get the bug to occur with Burning Shower and Magma Recoiler but I think that bug has been patched since I've used the combo without any buggy results. I also had evidence of the bug's existence during the time but the old forums were recently deleted, so the evidence has vanished along side the old forums.

  4. Fun Fact: God Mode the Side Boss had near-infinite range blasters. The blasters themselves are not acquirable by players through legitimate means and were near-infinite because they were 2-10 range, meaning that the boss would have a 1 range blaster blindspot... Though, the boss's stomp would easily deal as much, if not more, damage as/than the blasters.

    Oh, and the blasters were rare examples of physical weapons that could do strong physical damage and do good heat side damage, making them ferocious weapons to fight against.

  5. forumfarewell.jpg.ba904afd327c1052c0166514ef476d38.jpg

    Context: I have already paid most of my condolences for the old forums through the "Old Forums has Fallen" post by Zylok, so this is the special thing that I mentioned that I would put into a topic of its own in order to make the text wall there a bit easier to read.

    In the image, my mechs of current time and of time's past are shown in chronological order (Mech 1 to 3: Whiteout / Mech 4: Shadeski / Mech 5 to 6: Avenger). Though, only the mechs of my reloaded main accounts are shown as my legacy mechs can't be reconstructed through Workshop Unlimited.

    As for the Tactisoft ideal, I honestly don't like Tactisoft in regards to game management and all that... But in regards to the forums, they did a pretty nice job with making a forum that was multi-functional... Though, yes, it did have flaws but for the most part, it was still alright.


    Link to the topic about the taking down of the old forums and the topic where I made a text wall for a final farewell to the old forums.



  6. So the old forums are actually gone, huh... I thought that it was a joke when I first heard of it on Discord but now that I see that it's real... I might as well say that I'm really gonna miss the old days I had on those forums, sentimental value and what not. So, here I go...

    The old forums was where I managed to connect to a side of SuperMechs that I wouldn't have seen without it. I managed to find a place where I could chat, voice my opinions/ideas, help others, and find ways to keep on improving myself. Yes, the new forums is capable of serving those exact same purposes... But it doesn't feel the same. Sentimental value, I suppose.

    Back when I first started using the forums, I was a rank 15 that was struggling to lift my feet to carry myself beyond my old limits of rank 12... But with the help and friends that I've gotten from the forums, I finally gained a foothold and some traction over which direction I was heading. I surpassed rank 11... Then 10... Then 9... And now here I am, a rank 8 who made it to rank 7 with a heat + physical lineup.

    I honestly never thought that I would make it this far because of how I had no one to guide me but now I can look back at the past and see how far I've managed to get because of everyone in the forums and everyone in Immortal Blades, giving me new ideas and useful tips that have gotten me to this point and will likely push me to rank 5 down the line. For now, though, I'll settle with rank 7 as it's the furthest milestone that I can achieve as of right now.

    But... Back to the point... I'll miss the old forums and the times that I had with it. It basically made me into the pilot that I am today...

    And to Tactisoft, even though this game has been a bumpy hellhole of a ride... It's been pretty fun as well. So... Instead of the usual finger that I stick up whenever fortune boxes drop rares or when RnG gets the best of me and gives me a loss, I'ma say thanks because even when newly baked Tactisoft-grade premiums end up causing hell for me in arena, you have also built me up from something simple and into something great... Besides, the game has usually been like this, so another round isn't all that new.

    With that out of the way... I'ma end this post here with a final note... Though, to make it easier on everyone reading this, I'll place the note in a topic of its own.


    For now, I wish all pilots a good day and good luck with their season rewards...


    From the "Discount Ultra Gladiator Rank 12" to the "Hollow Spectral Heater Rank 7" pilot,

    A.T.O.M/Avenger/Shadeski/Whiteout/Leberecht Maass/{{W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T}}



  7. Fun Fact: All Level-Up boxes are premium boxes that drop a guaranteed epic card with a chance for a legendary card instead.

    The only 2 exceptions of this are the level 200 and the level 250 box, which provide a guaranteed Platinum Plate (level 200 box) and a Maximum Protector (level 250 box), respectively.

    So, leveling up in SuperMechs is mainly make-or-break based on RnG as you could potentially get a premium item early on in the game or get nothing but useless epics through the later level milestones that take from days to weeks to reach for said boxes.

  8. Fun Fact: Backstabber is capable of doing a unique animation "bug" where it will fire its grenade normally but the grenade will land in front of the target yet do the 1 pull as normal.

    This is best done if you do a teleport behind your target when you have one final action point before the drone shot. If done right, the Backstabber will follow you but stop to fire the grenade, only for the grenade to do pull instead of push like what physics wants to you to believe.

    Side Note: Also, I had trouble logging in today, so my bad for the sudden silence.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Soviet Union mech said:

    I have 3 backfire items actually check the replay and look at my 2nd mech 

    I... Only counted 1 backfire item. The Overcharged Rocket Battery on your second build.

    29 minutes ago, Soviet Union mech said:

    Why you guys don't look it, Im 100% lose :v

    I guess the replay was set in your opponent's perspective when the code was made.

  10. 41 minutes ago, Soviet Union mech said:

    Yeah just don't care about it



    Replay code C3E4A

    You ironically don't have any backfire items... Which is somewhat rare in rank 10 matchups because either side will likely have at least one backfire item that's likely gonna be a drone.

    I'm rank 9/8 and I use three backfire items on my 2v2 lineup... Backstabbing Protector, Overcharged Rocket Battery, and Selfish Protector. (First two items are on my heat mech and the third item is on my physical.)

    ... Yes, backfire items are both powerful and really popular in arena.

  11. 1 hour ago, Energy Reaper said:

    Fun fact: If you have max 4 goldmine lvl 20 it can produce 36.5M gold in 1 years. That more than enough to coin it need to restart a new base lvl 1 to lvl 20 twice.

    That is both interesting to know and vaguely disturbing.


    Fun Fact: Most, if not all missions, allow you to "move" into the barrier ends that surround the mission map entrance. Though the space glows green when tapped upon, your mech will only walk up to the barrier end and stare into it. It will then become red if you try to tap it a second time.

    I believe this also works with indestructible obstacles like sandbags. 

  12. Note: This idea may or may not have been done in the past and may or may not have a pre-existing thread... But until the existence of a thread with the same topic has been revealed, I suppose that this will be the thread for random facts.

    Have you ever discovered something weird or perhaps... Random about the game but have wanted to share it with the community without sounding insane? Well, if the answer is yes, you came to the place with that exact purpose in mind!

    Any random SM fact is good enough to be a part of this thread, so don't hold back on discoveries or oddities... As long as they're within the confines of the forum rules (yes, rule-breaking is bad), I mean.

    Other than that...

    Good luck on your journey to find the most random of facts, pilots!


    Oh, and I might as well start the chain of facts with one of my own...

    Fun Fact: The Massive Feet leg series share the same design scheme as the Cyber Armor torso series. 

  13. 1 hour ago, Misty tiger said:

    You mech looks KINDA weak...

    That's my energy hugger mech, which is still a work in progress...

    But here's my main mech, in case you're wondering about what which build type I main.


    It's mostly maxed outside of hook (Heat; Epic), teleport (Common), and a few modules:

    2x Iron Plates (Max Epic)

    Heat Engine (Max Legendary; Will Knock Out for an Energy Engine)

    Cooling Mass Booster (Max Legendary; Will Allow Me to Replace Heat Engine with Energy Engine once Maxed)

    Maximum Protector (Mythical Level 42/50)

    Other than that, I'm mainly focusing on my heat and physical build since they're my first and second mech in my lineup but I'll work on my energy third once I'm finished with the first 2.


  14. 6 hours ago, Misty tiger said:

    You call that close r you on crack my guy


    It seems that I've managed to fool you with my ways of sarcasm.

















    Oh, and energy still needs a slight buff because of dual modules or dual modules need a nerf because of how they almost cancel out heat and energy damage.

    Tactisoft did a whoopsie when they released those things, is what I'm trying to say.

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