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    rc got a reaction from OKI DOKI in Exclusive Limited Time Offer   
    Good sale! I also liked the previous sale with the 15 premium packs.
    I’m beginning to notice a trend here. There are a lot more $50 deals and 15-premium-packs sales.
    With that said, I say goodbye to my precious... 💰💸
  2. Like
    rc got a reaction from Spam in why hasnt frantic been nerfed?   
    Yes, that’s a good thing. You wouldn’t like it if I were in charge.
    Diverse opinions aren’t the same as good opinions, such as your opinion about countering Brute:
    I seriously can’t believe you mentioned that.
    Anyway, I see what you’re saying about diverse opinions. A low-rank’s opinions on a low tier item would make sense. But there’s something you’re forgetting. Rank 1-2 were once rank 25. Just because people attain rank 1-2 doesn’t mean they forgot about their roots.
    But sure, diverse opinions as you say. I see nothing wrong with a low-rank’s opinions for lower tier items, as long as it’s sensible opinions. Despite saying that, I still think rank 1-2 opinions matter more.
    My point is about knowledge and experience. If you don’t have one or the other, you don’t have the whole picture. With that said, it makes sense people who possess these characteristics will be those in the higher ranks, not some rank 25.
    I disagree. Rank 1-2 is leagues beyond rank 3. I’ll use an exaggerated example: Rank 1 vs. rank 25. My point is rank 3 doesn’t possess the knowledge and experience to attain rank 1; discounting copying someone else’s builds.
    Good to hear. I look forward to seeing you improve on your logic very soon then.
    That’s incorrect. I don’t have to be rank 1-2 to trash Brute users. I can do it in rank 5!
    That’s interesting to note you’re picking on Brute only and not Spartan. Let me guess, you think Brute is better than Spartan?
    If Brute kills you in 2 turns, then you aren’t good. With you saying that, why don’t you get good before thinking about nerfing something. It sounds like you set yourself up for failure against Brute.
    With you saying that, it makes absolute sense that you struggle with Brute. Why don’t you think about your own builds instead of copying someone else’s build. That way, you can think for yourself instead of spoon-fed build strategies.
    And by the way, you saying that is the same thing as the Spiderman meme or playing chess against yourself.

  3. Thanks
    rc reacted to S_k in Mech híbrido   
    é melhor que o mech seja de apenas um tipo ((I think))
  4. Like
    rc reacted to Turtle in Goddamn this offer op :))   
    Spend your money on what you want.
  5. Like
    rc reacted to Tirreggregars in Guys, Super Mechs is dying   
    I will refrain from posting details here and I expected you, @SawzAll, to also not refer to alex's statement.
    However, no one was right and no one was wrong, lets leave it at that.
  6. Like
    rc reacted to S_k in Guys, Super Mechs is dying   
    @MasterChief I did not do anything wrong. 
  7. Like
    rc reacted to S_k in Guys, Super Mechs is dying   
    Sure, whatever you say, but that previous message you sent me saying I'm toxic and I don't know anything, you didn't send it to everyone who said SM is dying
    You asked the question, if you don't want to look for the answer, it's not my problem.
    We all know that you are angry and that you love SM, why don't you calm down and stop wasting your time? because this conversation is not going to get anywhere.
  8. Like
    rc reacted to Spam in Guys, Super Mechs is dying   
    not trying to criticizes you, but it's spelled it's
    Also we grammer user need to stick together online forums are the breeding place for bad grammer.
  9. Like
    rc reacted to Spam in THE SKY IS BLUE   
    The sky is not actually blue, but because the ocean reflects in to the sky and because blue light has the shortest wave length in keeps bouncing around in the atmosphere making it look blue, but the sky is not actually blue. Thank you for listening to my Ted Talk
  10. Like
    rc reacted to STARWULPH in QUIT ME THE BASE PLEASEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!   
  11. Sad
    rc reacted to Sempastian in QUIT ME THE BASE PLEASEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!   
    My ID is: 48421392  Plz, i have so much time waiting for quit it, i've writted so much times toi the support but don't quit the base, and i can't send quit base requests
  12. Like
    rc reacted to Spam in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
  13. Like
    rc reacted to W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T in Sacrifice Cannon   
    Basically, Frantic Brute and Spartan Carnage are capable of beating one another in terms of damage but Spartan Carnage has an edge due to having a 3rd shot.
    Wait- Was that a summary of this whole topic?
  14. Like
    rc reacted to Raul in new updape   
    Soon, as soon as more important things are out of the way, such as cheats that still need to be fixed, cheaters that still need to be banned, and etc... Progress it's slow for now, but we will get updates soon, mostly quality of life ones.
  15. Like
    rc got a reaction from MasterChief in Losing a turn every time?   
    You must be lagging to miss a turn, or multiple turns.
  16. Thanks
    rc reacted to Andernut in Maxed Mythical Listing   
    I realize I probably responded to you, it was a bit of a dig at the creator.  I went to recreate this thread (last January) on the new forums, I maintained and formatted all this information for a few years on the old forums website and found it copy-pasted here by someone else with no crediting the source (me).  Amusingly even keeping old links I had in the hidden tags as well.
  17. Like
    rc reacted to Nefertary Meriten-Mut in nightmare   
    It depends on the modules you have. If you have the new combo modules (heat /energy) you will need only 3 module slots and can increase the HP. But if you use traditional modules then you need more module slots and your HP is greatly reduced. Windigo is a little better, but not much better. And a problem that both Nightmare and Windigo have is that the phys resistance is better, but the heat resistance is relatively low, so be careful with that, because there is a lot of heat build on the Arena.
  18. Like
    rc reacted to Deathlokk in supermechs on pc   
    I use BlueStacks and I like it. 
    Just go to Bluestacks.com
    Anything I can get on my phone or iPad I can play on my desktop.
  19. Like
    rc got a reaction from Spam in Losing a turn every time?   
    You must be lagging to miss a turn, or multiple turns.
  20. Haha
    rc reacted to Deathlokk in Losing a turn every time?   
  21. Like
    rc reacted to Shared-NW in Again about Raid   
    really boring 🥱

  22. Like
    rc reacted to SoulmortGTA in I did a Supermechs fanart !!!   
    I always liked super mechs, I started playing in 2014 at that time it was good, right, in my opinion the drawing looks good, I wanted to make a + - 3D fanart because I hardly saw anyone doing it before, I wanted something new "Yes" I thought * . and it was l! I liked the result, bye !!.
    * please, if there is something wrong with my English, ignore it *

  23. Thanks
    rc reacted to AftoKrator in Scroll Bar for Base   
    This might not be the same as what the title said but...... anyways. Also, I'm pretty sure this have not been mentioned before, but if it has, plz let me know. 
    So, once again today, i bought a total of 150 item in my base, meaning I had to click the plus sign for items like 150 times. 
    So I naturally thought, Wouldn't it be a WONDERFUL idea if there were some kind of scroll bar or typing space where we can either pull the bar to a designated number of items we want to craft or just insert a number of how many to craft...
    If it was a scroll bar, i'd make it like this: select scroll intervals (1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100) and have 10 scroll slots (so if the interval is 5, you can craft up to 50 items, or if the interval is 100, you can craft up to 1000 items) 
    If it was the insert space: have a drop-down menu containing certain number ranging from 10 items, 25 items, 50 items, 75 items, or 100 items. 
    Any criticism is welcome if you have other ideas and such.  
  24. Like
    rc reacted to Tirreggregars in Current Meta Builds   
    Backfire scopes r generally bad:(
    Bulldog is also quite bad, and no eng free options, and u will get energy broken by emp mechs so..
  25. Like
    rc reacted to Tirreggregars in Littlelost Your Lost 2   
    Hello everyone,
    The title says it all: Littlelost Your Lost 2
    This is just an idea, but with enough feedback within a week, it will be created.
    Minimum rank r5. 
    If you are above r10, feel free to contact anyways, and we'll see what we can work out.
    The goal of the clan is to develop players so they can later move into llyl.
    Minimum 50 wins in 1v1, 35 in 2v2 and 35 in 3v3.
    If you are a win grinder, contact me regardless of rank.
    In the clan there will be 3 grinder spots, spots for grinders, regardless of rank, so lower rankers can get relics.
    Please contact me within the week.
    And of course, grosboss has already approved of my creating this topic.
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