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Merry Christmas!



Hi Pilots, 


We wish you all a very merry christmas from SuperMechs!


To celebrate, we have a couple of gifts for you. 


As some of you may have seen in your notification, everyone is able to collect a free christmas box. If you didn't get the notification, you can also collect it here


On top of that, there's another special treat for those who follow us actively. You can collect a free Snowball Perk - make sure to pass the link on to your friends as well!



Collect them soon as they'll expire in a few days. Enjoy the game and again, merry christmas!


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1 hour ago, Burn Baby Burn said:

nice! another 🖕 for kong players! thanks

Not really meant that way, just, we can’t offer that on kong. If we could we would :(



42 minutes ago, BONKEDShirö said:

How do I claim I'm on Android 

if you don’t have a notification yet you’ll get it in maximally about 18 hours time. 

You can also connect it to a .com account and use the link!

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1 hour ago, Alexander said:

Not really meant that way, just, we can’t offer that on kong. If we could we would 😞



if you don’t have a notification yet you’ll get it in maximally about 18 hours time. 

You can also connect it to a .com account and use the link!

@Polarity (your name is untaggable)

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Those are great gifts @Alexander !!! they really boosts the minimized expectations of the average player and not only ...
please concider my ''new arena backgrounds and new music thread '' I think deserves a reading ....also please concider the ''arena'' coding/filter  '' sudjest in which every mech that have 1 or more energy cost weapons should equip 5x en/heat modules in order to participate in arena . Believe me this coding will solve many unwanted stresses and burdains on arena and will make the game 100% more enjoyable  by giving it back its old strategic profile . With few words arena will be a place for rounders OR 100% energy frees 🤓 Please release us from this unwanted counter mechs stresss !!! From the other hand ....on future can be a''free arena'' where counters will included as well but with the half rewards /aps etc . I think this is pretty fair and will inspire the spirits ..
Thanks in advance.

Edited by TALΩS (see edit history)
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