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Have a great easter, pilots!

Hi Pilots,   On behalf of gato, we hope you will all have a great time with your family. Remember that some things are irreplaceable and value them! Now, if you've some time to have fun, everyone on mobile should be getting an easter box in their notifications. Some may have delayed delivery and for the next few days, anyone who logs on desktop or puffin https://flash.puffin.com/http://supermechs.com/?hideall will also get it (but it may be a few hours late there, sorry!). Pl


Alexander in gifts

Merry Christmas! 🎄

Hi Pilots,  Best wishes for these holidays and I hope you are all spending a wonderful time with your friends and families! For those that don't celebrate Christmas, I hope you are still enjoying this time of the year.  I hope by now you have found our Christmas portal. If you haven't, have a try as the rewards are definitely worth it. We will also be giving out the Christmas box, same like last year's.  You should get it in your notifications automatically - don’t worry, not ever


Marija in gifts

Merry Christmas everyone!

Hi Pilots,  First of all, best wishes for these holidays and I hope you are all spending a wonderful time with your families. Of course some of you don’t celebrate this holiday, but even then it’s always good to spend some time with your loved ones. 🙂  Many of you have already discovered our portal. I hope you’re all managing to get the rewards for that between whatever else you have planned today. We’ve now also given out a nice Christmas box again, it’s similar to last years’ except we


Alexander in gifts

Happy Easter Everyone!

Hi Pilots,   We at Gato Games hope you will all have a great time with your family, even if it may be via video chats seeing the current situation.  As a little gift from us, everyone on mobile should be getting an easter box in their notifications. Didn't get it? Don't panic! Some may have delayed delivery and for the next few days, anyone who logs on desktop or puffin (https://flash.puffin.com/http://supermechs.com/?hideall) will also get it. Please do pass that information on t


Alexander in gifts

Merry Christmas!

Hi Pilots,    We wish you all a very merry christmas from SuperMechs!   To celebrate, we have a couple of gifts for you.    As some of you may have seen in your notification, everyone is able to collect a free christmas box. If you didn't get the notification, you can also collect it here.    On top of that, there's another special treat for those who follow us actively. You can collect a free Snowball Perk - make sure to pass the link on to your friends a


Alexander in gifts

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