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    epicspeedster got a reaction from OKI DOKI in OKI DOKI Progress Little by Little   
    yeah I don't make any kits legendary or epic, just use max rare 20 ones
  2. Like
    epicspeedster reacted to OKI DOKI in OKI DOKI Progress Little by Little   
    WOW, dude. I am humble and really grateful for it. It is so cool. That will go to my pc background. 
    Just added and it is looking pretty nice. 👍🤗
    cool, be careful because by the time reach like 900-920 the game will give you a warning that it wont accumulate more unless consume some. If you accumulate that will allow you to farm gold and reduce expenditure. You need to have a goal with them, Consuming them takes time and require to have some space around at list 5 slots free so the opening can work properly and if you have 10-15 slots free will be better but do not meat parts in need or lack of them. Just manage them. Also, converting parts if you do not have legends it is fast but you need to analyze what parts to use properly to no make a mistake making epics to L30 for legend creation using those that do not reach legend status. Remember, use parts that can move to legend state not in need and use epics no crossing epic state as first choice. Prepare ahead some epics to L30 then use the max boxes and will drop more epics and you can make many legends in the drop but need the space. Before you need to identify what part you want to myth and make the part L40. Remember, if you build 5 legends with the mix boxes you need to make space again. I recommend to have 10 slots free as minimum if you will decide to go in that way.  Gold, you will need to have some gold to L40 and L30 parts and transformation will cost 50,000. Your savings are fine and you can go for it but if you are  not in desesperado mode and can manage with 3 current mechs go for it. 
    Do not forget if you save other boxes like premium and silver and clan and rank etc will affect to the max limit accumulating.  Use daily for your L40 so can be in process to be max. Control your accumulation thinking in 800 as point to properly analyze parts or start to make L30. Do not meat the epics toward the L40 unless ran out of space and no more remedy than to do it. 
    You can make as much gold as me farming the difference it is rank if pvp a lot plus max bars at your current status. 
    Arena shop need to be properly manage. Do not click areas to level up  without think what is best at your current mech set ups.  Keep that bars low and and regen will grant more without stop and base gold too. Collect, collect and collect. Careful managing titan tickets if you have to collect them. Use 1V1 side base between OD4-OD5. Portal need to be also manage so you need to time to have enough bars for it. Analyze your accumulation rate how fast do accumulate.
    Do not get under pressure due to others players advances. Focus on yours and what will be best for you in your current life and what you can do or do extra apart of this game. Do not worry about people with tokens. You can be top player without buying them but careful in your items to max. 
     You won't regret. 👍 
    Below a picture of OD FARM first original mech

    Second original mech

    No rush. Do what you can for your own satisfaction. Enjoy the game building and see the progress of your mechs ranking them self and get experience fighting with their limitations. Do modules as you can get them. Modules it is the base to progress not all is base in the weapon. Modules are number one or will get stuck. 

  3. Like
    epicspeedster got a reaction from CleverName in OKI DOKI Progress Little by Little   
    made this because I was bored, pretty sure every mech is from OD Farm though
  4. Like
    epicspeedster reacted to Misty tiger in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    Kinda disappointed :c

    Thats sad :*(
  5. Sad
    epicspeedster reacted to Zylok in The old forum has fallen :c   
    Rest in peace TacticSoft including its forum 
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    epicspeedster reacted to SC2A in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    New mythical, ft.nightmare

  8. Like
    epicspeedster reacted to Liioh in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    22nd divine.
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    epicspeedster reacted to Atusiff in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    Another 10K views
    thanks my dudes

  10. Like
    epicspeedster reacted to OKI DOKI in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    I just maxed all of those parts except the drone. 🤗😋

    hmm, next boy will be energy parts🍺😎

    first victim 🥳

    c'est la vie 🍺🙃

  11. Like
    epicspeedster reacted to OKI DOKI in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    moving forward 

  12. Like
    epicspeedster got a reaction from ALFRExd in My attempt at a valiant   
    I'm sorry for it being lopsided, it was a first attempt
  13. Like
    epicspeedster got a reaction from Tirreggregars in My attempt at a valiant   
    I'm sorry for it being lopsided, it was a first attempt
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    epicspeedster got a reaction from Killer gamer 22322 in Any suggestions for this build?   
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    epicspeedster reacted to OKI DOKI in -Post your best fuses thread-   
    I do not get it. Why fuse parts when can make so easy legends from epic? You fuse those are no longer functional to your account like extra stuff no matter what can't use.
    For example, I fused those in the picture below because I have 3 claws ready and still one more, guardian energy I have 5, I had 5 rusty, i had 5 max, and 4 hardened vest so no matter what I can't use them and can be meat for a myth transformation.
    Now, if you are short in legends why you do not farm and make them since mix boxes give not useful epics.

    Looks this picture below. I have 3 epics to transform to legend for future myth parts. You need to use properly your epics. 

    Ok to do crazy things but with common sense. 
    Another example I have in this picture below with electrolyte, firefly, Viking hammer, recoil stomper, flaming hammer, EMP and heat bomb I made them for myth parts from epics. so easy to make legends if you farm but if you eat epics one after another to level up a part I get you but meat parts that you do not have available to spare like a platin, wow. what it is the rush to meat those?

  16. Like
    epicspeedster reacted to RaymondL1747 in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    fortune boxes are cracked 

  17. Haha
    epicspeedster reacted to ISayMeow in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    my beautiful sorrow... I finally maxed it. 

  18. Like
    epicspeedster got a reaction from Ad1tya in My attempt at a valiant   
    I'm sorry for it being lopsided, it was a first attempt
  19. Like
    epicspeedster reacted to HeIIfire in -Post your best fuses thread-   
    Well, I figured it would be cool if we all shared some of the fuses we've done, I'm not sure about you guys, but I've done some pretty sweet L-M fuses (not counting anything cheated!)
    Here are a few of mine to kick off lol
  20. Like
    epicspeedster got a reaction from HeIIfire in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    oh you want to see the amount of LMs she fooded?
  21. Like
    epicspeedster reacted to SawzAll in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
  22. Like
    epicspeedster reacted to HeIIfire in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    Hello everyone, back once again to flex yet another good L-M

  23. Like
    epicspeedster got a reaction from Red Knight in Immortal Blades   
  24. Like
    epicspeedster got a reaction from Shoultz262 in My attempt at a valiant   
    I'm sorry for it being lopsided, it was a first attempt
  25. Like
    epicspeedster got a reaction from Pink555 in My attempt at a valiant   
    I'm sorry for it being lopsided, it was a first attempt
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