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HeIIfire last won the day on March 22 2021

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  1. Hi guys, been buisy this summer and haven't gotten a chance to be on much, but I got this yesterday it's not a quad core, but still happy to get. I also mythed my saw for some reason
  2. Hey guys, just got back from taking a break from supermechs. I don't have much to flex recently except a clutch. I know it's not much of a flex, but soon I might get around to wasting my L-M's for food like usual. Also, happy late forth of July!
  3. Lol, that would mess up the way that the game works. At the very most have a guaranteed legendary for beating insane mode only. Even then, just a little increase in legendary drops is perfectly fine
  4. Hello everyone it's been a while since I last posted here. Just putting it out there that we have one spot open for anyone rank ten or higher, and at least ten wins per season. Thanks, and have a nice day!
  5. Bruh what are you talking about, no such thing as pink diamonds and blue crystals, Are you missing your infinity stones?
  6. True, even then you should at least have a teleporter or a charge
  7. Haven't been on for a while, but here's some of my drops while I was gone
  8. Took a while, but finally finished this. Now I can work on my mods and second mech until I get Grim Cobra
  9. Highly low, anyone that knows me well knows that I wouldn't go back on it lol If you want, I can sift through my billion screenshots to show the part where I mythed them. I see what you're saying, but another one just turns up, I don't see the point in waiting, though I do regret using my mth magma to level up my storm weaver two levels (if you need proof Hyak and pavik watched me stream it)
  10. Well, this was a slap in the face compared to my usual fortune drops.
  11. I fused a magma at myth to level up a stormweaver
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