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Posts posted by Raul

  1. Because it's not a fancy configurations file with a number you can just change and the magic happens, instead drops are set via massive JSON data that gets processed by hundreds of lines of undocumented overly-engineered code that no one knows for sure how it works anymore.

    It's not like Gato wants to hide it from you, much less like knowing the drops would make them drop more legendaries.


    To quote Alexander from a couple days ago:

    "I know how it works I think, but it still has some odd behaviors
    E.g. I dont know why it sometimes doesnt give a premium paint if its listed as an extra item"

  2. There's a big attitude contrast between "What is gato working on at the moment?" and "GATO IS NOT DOING ANYTHING, MONEY LEECHS", pro-tip: the first option works better.

    So, I will start this pointing that TacticSoft was letting the game die, sold it with a load of known cheats working, some cheats exist for years and they did nothing about it, didn't even ban anyone, not even to mention the fact that the game simply stopped working for hours 2-3 times per week, multiple more issues down the list and they were doing nothing about it and didn't even comunicate with the players anymore.

    At the time I'm writting this post, Gato ran a handful of banwaves, banned thousands of players and more and more waves are coming until we have the fix for these cheats, the game doesn't stop working for hours anymore, if some part of it stops, it is back up automatically in a few minutes (most of you won't even notice this), many other improvements done.

    I can blame Gato for underdelivering relative to their promises time-wise, I blame them for not looking deeper into what product they were buying from TacticSoft and being too optimistic about it. I'm still thankful as a player though, they have done in a couple months more than TacticSoft did in their last 2 years, and what TacticSoft did in the last 3 or 4 was mostly updates to slow down player progress, and by the way, when TS still owned the game there was only a fraction of the amount of topics ranting about this as we have now, people simply didn't care at all.


    On 7/14/2021 at 7:45 AM, AionionWindWeaver said:

    what do you expect from a game with a playerbase that barely getting 1k players online , lmao

    I bet Alex would love if they bought the game with that few players as you imply, lol, get paid the same and work on a simpler product.

    There are <1k on each arena server on purpose, while +90% don't play arena at all, the game starts distributing the players into more servers to avoid slow downs or issues similar to when we had 250 tokens special quest.

    We have millions of monthly active players, the playerbase have been growing for a while.


    You can ask me that sort of thing and I will help with what I know, this way you have some base to work on to make proper arguments against Gato, it's not the first time I'm saying this.


  3. On 6/30/2021 at 5:10 PM, JamAnime said:

    I would recommend Zarkares, for a beginner. Especially when it is a Epic torso. Other Epic torsos would be Windigo, Naga, GrimReaper, or an Armor torso. For right now, that interceptor is good.  You might not want to up it, until you save gold.


    Zarkares is worse than Windigo in pretty much every way, and Nightmare is so much better, Zark is obsolete, not really a good deal for anyone.

  4. You're already doing it the most efficient way. Some info:

    - You need 300.000.000 exp to reach level 250
    - OD6 gives 19.000
    - You need nearly 15.800 runs on OD6 to reach level 250
    - That will cost +110.500 fuel, and assuming each run will take 2 minutes on average it will take over 525 hours of farming, if you farm 4 hours per day, you will reach level 250 in around 130 days

    That doesn't consider exp events or exp you get from arena battles of course, which don't really make a huge difference.

    Every player who reached level 250 did farm campaign extensively at some point.

    I'll make a simple website to tell how much you need to farm, based on your level and etc...

  5. 1 hour ago, AionionWindWeaver said:

    Correct me if im wrong , but the actual legendary drop fix patch on packs here is that ascension relics in legendary tier no longer show up in packs , legendaries that cant be evolved into myth is still there though , kekw

    2 to 3 years ago TacticSoft made it so only items that reach mythical can show up in boxes, this was way before relics existed.

    They implemented it in a way that took a senior developer weeks to figure out :')


    Edit: Nevermind lol, they just made it so it doesn't drop useless epics, good old TacticSoft.


  6. 14 minutes ago, AionionWindWeaver said:

    back during the old days ,i would keep the music on for atleast a solid 1-2 years of enjoying the game ... , it's only the early days of mythicals that i would start turning off the music and have youtube play my own , now everytime i turn on the music back up...all the good memories of how awesome and addicting the game was on the early days and get hit with nostalgia with the force equivalent to that of a bullet train....too bad those musics don't play while you are enjoying the game anymore , just "oh great , 4 weeks of farming tokens and the legendary from the packs can't even evolve to myth" moments

    They changed it so packs only drop items that do reach mythical iirc

  7. 6 hours ago, STARWULPH said:

    Yes, need to ban the cheaters... but

    I think the real work is going on behind the curtains, trying to patch whatever hole is allowing the cheats to happen in the first place.


    And since this topic it's being used to post about players cheating, I'll have to stop it.

    We do not allow witch-hunts, and we all know there are many cheaters out there, Gato can either spend hours analyzing hundreds of reports, or invest that time on working on the root of the problem. Ban waves still happen anyway, from time to time.

    If you suspect or know someone is cheating, use the report form at: 


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