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New portal ideas


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alright ppl, this popped into my head a few moments ago: certain type item portals. for example, a portal that only drops energy weapons or heat weapons, a certain portal that drops only modules, another one that drops torsos/legs, and so on. do you think this is a good idea or no?

One Mech to rule them all

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A portal that doesn't have a new item with terrible drop rates, but instead organizes existing items so that a certain category of items gains a buff to drop rates for maxed potential efficiency?

Yep, that sounds like an idea that should've been a thing from the start.

... Seriously, how is this type of portal not a thing yet?

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11 hours ago, MasterChief said:

alright ppl, this popped into my head a few moments ago: certain type item portals. for example, a portal that only drops energy weapons or heat weapons, a certain portal that drops only modules, another one that drops torsos/legs, and so on. do you think this is a good idea or no?

why not epic and legendary power kit? :D

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18 hours ago, MasterChief said:

alright ppl, this popped into my head a few moments ago: certain type item portals. for example, a portal that only drops energy weapons or heat weapons, a certain portal that drops only modules, another one that drops torsos/legs, and so on. do you think this is a good idea or no?

i don't know... i just kinda want more variety than type item portals

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10 minutes ago, Kirubi said:

How about a fortune box portal?
Guarantee fortune box at insane
A little adjustment at droprates (1 out of 11-13 Legendary drops?)
And low income on gold and exp since it gives Fortune boxes
i would say its like lottery 

Considering how this game has a steep difficulty spike with each tier, having guaranteed fortune boxes for insane only seems a bit unfair for those (including I) who struggle to get past hard difficulty due to supply drops and their refusal to drop HP kits.

Maybe add a guaranteed fortune box for first time completion and per every 5-10 runs of the portal?

Edit: Executed the second maybe of the final sentence for a smoother appearance for readers. You're welcome.

Edited by W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T (see edit history)

If you fail and don't succeed at something, you simply haven't failed enough. Through failures, one can pave a path to eventual success. 

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7 hours ago, W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T said:

Considering how this game has a steep difficulty spike with each tier, having guaranteed fortune boxes for insane only seems a bit unfair for those (including I) who struggle to get past hard difficulty due to supply drops and their refusal to drop HP kits.

yes i completely agree 


7 hours ago, W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T said:

Guarantee fortune box at insane

that does seem a little bit harsh. i feel like a 50-50 chance on normal, a  75 on hard, and a 100 on insane. that seems pretty even, right?

One Mech to rule them all

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5 hours ago, MasterChief said:

yes i completely agree 


that does seem a little bit harsh. i feel like a 50-50 chance on normal, a  75 on hard, and a 100 on insane. that seems pretty even, right?

Yeah, that seems fair.


5 hours ago, MasterChief said:

yes i know. its visible on your pfp. now, delete that post, it isnt relevant.

Who are you referring to? 

If you fail and don't succeed at something, you simply haven't failed enough. Through failures, one can pave a path to eventual success. 

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On 1/17/2021 at 5:19 PM, MasterChief said:

alright ppl, this popped into my head a few moments ago: certain type item portals. for example, a portal that only drops energy weapons or heat weapons, a certain portal that drops only modules, another one that drops torsos/legs, and so on. do you think this is a good idea or no?

It’s a good idea to expand the player base and help customers improve accounts, @MasterChief. I have a long standing belief that as F2P participation grows, revenue grows... Because out of x number of F2P pilots, x number of P2P customers emerge. To introduce many new players and return growth to what we once experienced, F2P must work well. Quality item portals are one way to involve newer players in the game in an instantly tangible way. 

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