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OKI DOKI Progress Little by Little


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4 hours ago, Pink555 said:

Oki doki cheers 

Base  is  buffed so great move from Alexander

Yes, for people who forget to collect during the day at lit one time and end up max out not doing more regen till is collected it does help. For me it is not useful since I collect all the time but it is ok in general. 75K of room storage help a lot to many players. I will like gold increase a bit more so new players can enhance mechs and move faster to high ranks and have better match diversity plus desire to play the game because can see progress and not abandoning the game because not hope in the way it is with lack of time to play since majority of players are minors and many have parental rules and control about playing for too many hrs. 

I need room so making meat with this one






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7 hours ago, OKI DOKI said:

Yes, for people who forget to collect during the day at lit one time and end up max out not doing more regen till is collected it does help. For me it is not useful since I collect all the time but it is ok in general. 75K of room storage help a lot to many players. I will like gold increase a bit more so new players can enhance mechs and move faster to high ranks and have better match diversity plus desire to play the game because can see progress and not abandoning the game because not hope in the way it is with lack of time to play since majority of players are minors and many have parental rules and control about playing for too many hrs. 

I need room so making meat with this one






Noice most people said me use this for heat scope but I still use massive stone feet

Hcaptcha scam

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1 minute ago, Soviet Union mech said:

Noice most people said me use this for heat scope but I still use massive stone feet

It does depend according your modules set up. Sure stone deal more phys damage no doubt but sometimes the heat version can help you out to maximize your mech orientation and seems to be heat. Do not do changes unless you do have enough gold and do not affect your current goal with gold, base and some parts under development or hoping to get. Just analyze what will be proper. I played with limitations always till step by step I am getting a bit stronger.  Do not rush because others are pushing you for the change. According your avatar you even have a bunker no Magma which also hold you a bit more to be effective to damage heat as resist and hp been mix. 

Use what you have and develop those parts if no more options according your way of play and gain gold for it. Sometimes is good to make the change and sometimes not. If you decide to change then develop the lava at the stone current level before switch part. No matter what all the parts I can see can be max out. I am not fan of rocket battery but can help you out to jump back. No worries. Take it easy and do not succumb to others pressure. Follow your strategy if have one. Do proper arena shop items to max, do enough pvp since help to accumulate gold and mix parts, do not go crazy with the base and just max base till get all mines then level them up one at the time one level to keep balance in budget because if you go all the way will be tuff on gold focus in one mine. You no need to increase factories to the max, if you are short in gold just level up to L2 and use rare option if need to craft something if not hold back in crafting and increase gold reserve. 

Do titan and raid always because will help you out in the short and long run and be part of clan one that it is not full of trouble makers. Check you modules as base to rank up because will get stranded for long if not proper modules around and level parts in equal level not just one part to L50 since is harder in gold. One level at time will make you stronger and will control gold usage. 🤗


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Hmm, first I need to know your mech and modules available but for sure modules hold you back big time. I had same issue with my 3 original mechs. Even now that I have enough I can't do some that I want to do in my style. 

Recommendation always from me will be to balance level up between them for gold control. Do not do modules that you won't use every day to save gold.

What I mean is that you can level up and item to L5 and is really easy and low cost then do the same for the others. Next step can be l10. Post L10 control to L13 because cost will increase. L15 to L20 will be a bit harder but easy to do. From L20-L25 you can still level few levels but by L25 keep it in 1 level at the time and collect gold the again another level per module till L50. As high you go more the cost and harder to pass the level slowing down but by the time L25 parts you will see the game change toward your favor against others.

If you can handle the base a bit, you can use 2 factories with rare items option in L2 if your base still lower than L15. Cost it is key to balance. 


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On 4/2/2021 at 2:12 AM, OKI DOKI said:

Hmm, first I need to know your mech and modules available but for sure modules hold you back big time. I had same issue with my 3 original mechs. Even now that I have enough I can't do some that I want to do in my style. 

Recommendation always from me will be to balance level up between them for gold control. Do not do modules that you won't use every day to save gold.

What I mean is that you can level up and item to L5 and is really easy and low cost then do the same for the others. Next step can be l10. Post L10 control to L13 because cost will increase. L15 to L20 will be a bit harder but easy to do. From L20-L25 you can still level few levels but by L25 keep it in 1 level at the time and collect gold the again another level per module till L50. As high you go more the cost and harder to pass the level slowing down but by the time L25 parts you will see the game change toward your favor against others.

If you can handle the base a bit, you can use 2 factories with rare items option in L2 if your base still lower than L15. Cost it is key to balance. 


Today i  have 8 million gold thanks to the  gpld event oki doki 

"CHHHHEEEEERRRRRSSS i like your word now

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Hi pilots and eggs 🧑‍🌾

As O.D FARM, OKI it is been under gold accumulation post improving heat and energy mechs and still incomplete under progress. Gold reserve increased from 20mill to 31mill and was delayed due to I had to develop few items not planned and drained another 7mill or more. Now focus to keep increasing gold to 40mill and maybe will go for more before start to craft parts to finish to develop energy parts and others. It will take at list another 10-15mill to do this so I need to increase gold at this point like it or not.  




I decided to go for some rounds in today offer. I got few items decent but not what I wanted like a curse. I forgot to screen capture for OKI but I got 1 explosive retreat, 1 bunker-good deal and first in a premium and my second and I will develop that one for sure, 1 mortalbullet, 2 red rain- not in use and I still have one in myth L1 and rain shower L1 doing nothing plus a new overload preventor. In this case for OKI I will say it was ok offer with the bunker and overload both parts I wanted not the primaries I want but wanted and will be in use. The others will seat there for long doing nothing. 








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23 minutes ago, Typhon4273 said:

Thanks, but why do you keep giving me free wins? Lol this was the 4th or 5th time I think


I get some wins on the road without issues. What happens is that I do test for modules, parts and change them for different structures and see damage in both ways and what hold in low and high. Some mechs or level I look for because are the right option for the test I do. I get wins straight or by one win and one lose or many lose then climb up in purpose of the test with stronger players against me. The problem is that I like test in chat but just few now help not like before. The 3V3 season does not help much test because takes too long to be more repetitive. Sadly the game does have the tendency to match with some structures and repeat same players like 5 of them one time after another like a carousel. 

That mech you see there it is a mech with low resist, energy and heat modules since I am testing with some low with the torso and look some changes in the others like Zarkares as example as combo partner. Before I was using vest energy, heat with phys, energy and heat parts for test and future development currently at epic and Legend L1. 

I lose like 300-400 on test and keep low wins to move up and control with stronger players playing at low rank to get wins on purpose instead like me base on test to proper power level of the rank. 🙂

The picture below can show I quit the fight when are too low in power, not the mech I need for test. As you can see Lose 1 then few stronger at full myth level. When I play at regular season 2V2 or 1V1 I do the test there all the time at top rank. 

It is about my mood of test and what I am looking for to check account.


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Hi 👋 

I am at work break 😩  but I was able to try to advance a bit in few items to be myth.

OKI still in the saving mode but those parts are in test current ly in use and was better to transform and make some room.

Heat and energy mechs still under development. No gold set for it or parts. 



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Super Mechs_2021-04-10-14-52-54.jpg

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