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4 hours ago, Purific said:

To what people are we sending our prayers to? Can you name them...

Possibly all the people who might get their last warning point for spamming topics, and people who were banned for life without a good reason.

PURPLE  Bring Back The Confetti! "Like and follow it'll give me a better reputation" - Spam


Stolen from @JamAnime

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19 hours ago, SawzAll said:

when people break them ...

... if people can't read the rules and follow them, it won't matter who's in charge of bans.

There is a huge difference about ...

- being banned for breaking the rules ✅
... and ...
- being banned for talking about the truth and facts ❌

... unfortunately both exist ❗


Not all and everything is correct, just because someone tells you or you think so❗

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36 minutes ago, bestplayeroftheworld said:

There is a huge difference about ...

- being banned for breaking the rules ✅
... and ...
- being banned for talking about the truth and facts ❌

... unfortunately both exist ❗


Not all and everything is correct, just because someone tells you or you think so❗

I'm a little afraid that somehow people who already have a ban tried to explain it in this way. You dance on thin ice ❗

Informers try to label everything they don't like or like, such as slander, deception, toxicity, or other things. It's such a court, without a judge. When you write that Malthael is a cheater, it's okay and no one gets a ban. When you write that Everclever is a booster, you get a warning about toxicity at best. In the worst case, you have a ban for a while. Until then, you will either cool down and no one is interested in the topic you have solved, or you will speak again and you have a lifetime ban.

Another thing to watch out for is whether you are moving strictly on a given topic. Praise and "like" comments are tolerated, but irony and criticism are warnings, or the topic is locked and done. LOL

Some historian or politician might call it a dictatorial regime, but this server calls it RULES. And nobody tells you to be here, you know ...

I thought of everything in a good way as an explanation for BESTY ❗

 Otherwise I have no problem with anyone ... 😉

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22 hours ago, Malthael said:

You convicted himself. If you were in Maria's place, you would give them a lifetime ban.

I would've done what TS/GG told me to do, and if I don't like their rules, I'd quit.  Don't presume to know what I would do.

But as for hackers?  If that's what the rules called for, yes, lifetime ban.  I don't have sympathy for people who went out of their way to hack something.  If you know the rules but decide to hack anyways, oh well.

3 hours ago, bestplayeroftheworld said:

being banned for talking about the truth and facts

I wasn't arguing for people to be banned just for speaking the truth.

However, I've also met people who claim to be "speaking the truth" who are actually not speaking any truth.  Wind Weaver was one of those.  Her "truth" was just the raw sewage of her own biased opinion.  And she also backstabbed people on the forum and on discord.  Yeah, such a great role model. </sarcasm>

I don't know about you, but I don't trust or befriend people who backstab others when they're not around, because I know they usually have no problem doing the same to me.  Good riddance.

You can call this toxicity all day long, but if you're going to defend people whose actions are indefensible, then don't be surprised if someone's brave enough to speak up.

I'm NOT saying I agree with every ban.  I wasn't there for all of them, and I didn't see all the facts.  But what I know about Marija now is that she is a good person, so I'll defend my friend.  Maybe she made some mistakes: who doesn't?  We're all human.  But I've made my choice.

Case in point, someone she recently banned from forum AND discord did it to themselves.  I saw that one and I completely agreed with it.  That's what happens when you try to dox someone. 

Understand that I've accidentally broken rules here also.  It happens.  I'm definitely not perfect.  But unlike some people who think the world owes them everything, I apologized for what I did, and they were merciful to me.  And that's probably why they got banned and I didn't: it's not because I'm some saint.  I'm not better than anyone else.  It probably has to do with how they treated the staff.  Oh well.

And unlike some people, instead of going into conspiracy theories about drop rates and other nonsense, I simply go test things out.  Why speculate when you can do research?

So I'm not here to claim that everyone was fairly banned.  Except hackers.  But what I'm saying is you might want to think about whether everyone who got banned deserved it or not, because I doubt everyone is as innocent as people seem to indicate.

Edited by SawzAll (see edit history)

"Play stupid games, win stupid prizes."


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4 minutes ago, SawzAll said:

I would've done what TS/GG told me to do, and if I don't like their rules, I'd quit.  Don't presume to know what I would do.

But as for hackers?  If that's what the rules called for, yes, lifetime ban.  I don't have sympathy for people who went out of their way to hack something.  If you know the rules but decide to hack anyways, oh well.


Everything happens as it should. I'm glad it's like this. I know you are a fair and zealous new player. I respect you. And if you respect others, we will all be happy.

Martial Arts GIF

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21 hours ago, Turtle said:

You could be banned on the old forum for little to no reason. You wanna explain to me what "!" means for a permanent forum ban? I'm assuming you should know.

If you're talking about Fluxeon's ban, it was for toxicity but mostly for supporting the DDOS attacks, the community manager we had at the time just didn't care sufficiently to write down the reason.

Good to note: Everyone at the time knew about the reason, it was extremely obvious, but some people just find it funny to say banned for "!". 😛 

Regardless of what the message says there's always a reason and when people suddenly get banned for supposedly no reason it usually means the staff have been watching your behavior lately and decided you're better off of the community, for a reason we may or not want to display.

Using myself as example, in the old-old-forum I got banned for spam, while in reality it was for months of harassment, attacks, and being unconstructive in general, but the reason only said spam because it just happened to be my action that triggered their decision to ban me. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Off-beat heat mechs ™image.png Spitfire

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4 minutes ago, Malthael said:


Everything happens as it should. I'm glad it's like this. I know you are a fair and zealous new player. I respect you. And if you respect others, we will all be happy.

I promise I'm trying to be respectful.  But understand that on the other side of the keyboard is someone who just doesn't think everyone who got banned or kicked was totally innocent, that's all.  I'm not here to piss on anyone's memory necessarily (though I did cite an example), but I'm also not going to think everyone who hacked is some poor innocent soul whose loss should be commemorated.  It just depends.

Edited by SawzAll (see edit history)

"Play stupid games, win stupid prizes."


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2 hours ago, Malthael said:

When you write that Malthael is a cheater, it's okay and no one gets a ban.

Not a single accusation post doesn't lead to a warning, and sufficient warnings lead to a ban, people make dozens of accusations towards CleverName and think it is favoritism when they get punished, but it's just math, it would be the same if anyone else got accusated as often.

Regardless whether your accusations are truthy, you will still get warned upon reported, the forum isn't the place for that.

Just. Report.

Off-beat heat mechs ™image.png Spitfire

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1 minute ago, Raul said:

Ani jeden príspevok o obvinení nevedie k varovaniu a dostatočné varovania vedú k zákazu, ľudia robia pre CleverName

veľa, nie je to favoritizmus, len matematika. Bez ohľadu na to, či sú vaše obvinenia pravdivé, stále budete upozornení na nahlásené.

Len. správa.

No matter what you wrote, I believe you understood what I meant... 😉

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6 minutes ago, SawzAll said:

I promise I'm trying to be respectful.  But understand that on the other side of the keyboard is someone who just doesn't think everyone who got banned or kicked was totally innocent, that's all.  I'm not here to piss on anyone's memory necessarily (though I did cite an example), but I'm also not going to think everyone who hacked is some poor innocent soul whose loss should be commemorated.  It just depends.

I guess Marija doesn't give lifetime bans also because she takes into account what the player has done for the community. Because the forum is only and exclusively for the community. Therefore, when Grosboss or Nefy get a ban, other higher principles are taken into account. I mean that in a good way.

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2 hours ago, Raul said:

If you're talking about Fluxeon's ban, it was for toxicity but mostly for supporting the DDOS attacks, the community manager we had at the time just didn't care sufficiently to write down the reason.

Good to note: Everyone at the time knew about the reason, it was extremely obvious, but some people just find it funny to say banned for "!". 😛 

Regardless of what the message says there's always a reason and when people suddenly get banned for supposedly no reason it usually means the staff have been watching your behavior lately and decided you're better off of the community, for a reason we may or not want to display.

Using myself as example, in the old-old-forum I got banned for spam, while in reality it was for months of harassment, attacks, and being unconstructive in general, but the reason only said spam because it just happened to be my action that triggered their decision to ban me. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Double standards also exist, where you can break forum rules blatantly and get away with it, im not accusing anyone here, im just saying they exist within forums and everywhere in general actually

I'm the real Turtle, simple as that.

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My God! When I made this topic, I had no idea this topic would draw this much controversy among a very, very few people on the forum, who has negative comments on this topic.

I didn’t intend for this topic to be about a debate. It’s merely a tribute to honor the fallen forum members. That’s all.


11 hours ago, SawzAll said:

I promise I'm trying to be respectful.  But understand that on the other side of the keyboard is someone who just doesn't think everyone who got banned or kicked was totally innocent, that's all.  I'm not here to piss on anyone's memory necessarily (though I did cite an example), but I'm also not going to think everyone who hacked is some poor innocent soul whose loss should be commemorated.  It just depends.

Let me make myself 100% clear to everyone, so there’s no further misunderstanding in my meaning. When I mentioned those who got banned on the forum, I’m referring to those who were unjustly banned. Obviously, this doesn’t include people who actually deserve a ban.


And another thing, it boggles my mind when people comment on a topic without reading everything that was discussed before joining a conversation. I highly encourage everyone to read what’s being discussed, and to ask questions if they need clarification. Speaking out of assumptions or ignorance isn’t a good premise to start a discussion.

Case in point:

On 6/15/2021 at 8:39 AM, Purific said:

To what people are we sending our prayers to? Can you name them...

Purific, if actually took the time to read what was discussed here, you’d have seen I mentioned the specific reason why I created this topic, as follows:

On 6/7/2021 at 6:36 PM, rc said:

Ah, I remembered your suspension on the old forum. If I’m not mistaken, it was due to posting a photo on the old forum in regards to a Super Mech’s in-game advertisement of a girl wearing a bikini. You can see that at the beach! Besides, it’s an in-game advertisement! Lol!

When I think about the reason behind your suspension, I question the justification for some punishments. Seriously, a forum suspension for posting an in-game ad of a girl wearing a bikini!

Raul, does that justify a suspension?


On 6/5/2021 at 5:44 AM, SawzAll said:

Back to your thread's intent: I'm not taking any "moment of silence" for people who got banned.  I don't wish them well, but I don't wish bad upon anyone either.  It just is.

On 6/15/2021 at 8:39 AM, Purific said:

To what people are we sending our prayers to?

And what’s this talk about “prayer” and “moment of silence”? Obviously, this is something you guys think about when there’s a memorial. But this isn’t what I was thinking about. Once again, to be clear, it’s about honoring or showing respect, as noted in the video that I used to represent this topic:

On 6/8/2021 at 12:10 AM, rc said:


In that video, nowhere does it mention or show “moment of silence” or “prayer”.


Sigh... I can be thankful that the current debate on here hasn’t devolved in the gutter. I can appreciate that, although I wish there wasn’t a debate occurring on here.

I’ll say it again. This topic is merely to show tribute. It isn’t a debate about the theme of this topic.

Edited by rc (see edit history)
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23 hours ago, Turtle said:

Double standards also exist, where you can break forum rules blatantly and get away with it

Maybe in the old forum due the lack of moderation in general (For a year it was Marija alone handling dozens of reports), in this one not really, as far as I've seen

19 hours ago, rc said:

Raul, does that justify a suspension?

I wasn't staff or even present at that situation and I'm only seeing one side of the story with no evidences or context whatsoever, I don't think it's honest at all for me to pick a position in that discussion, that's just now how we solve things.

But a safe point I can make is that only because it shows in an in-game AD, doesn't mean it is allowed in the community, companies don't have full control of what the ADs will show, they can only pick broad themes, gaming, programming, etc... Automatically this also means that only because something shows up in an in-game ad, doesn't mean it's supposed to be in the forum, the right way to handle that situation was to contact the administration, not make a public post about it anyway.

Off-beat heat mechs ™image.png Spitfire

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2 hours ago, Raul said:

Automatically this also means that only because something shows up in an in-game ad, doesn't mean it's supposed to be in the forum, the right way to handle that situation was to contact the administration, not make a public post about it anyway.

Did you even read my comments on the bikini ad? In regards to the bikini ad specifically, I ask you again is that considered suspension material? Feel free to answer those questions in PM if that’s what you want.

Edited by rc (see edit history)
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You can cure yourselves, all you need to escape the plague was to never embracing it to begin with, you are given that choice each time, i am not your cure to salvation, my wonderful relic of Mortal Pride, for you are your own infection, the helpless look on your faces is my favorite part for i have enjoyed it a thousand times already. - Herald Of The Ravens.


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3 hours ago, rc said:

Did you even read my comments on the bikini ad? In regards to the bikini ad specifically, I ask you again is that considered suspension material? Feel free to answer those questions in PM if that’s what you want.

You're really never going to make me position myself on something I know nothing about, sorry.

Off-beat heat mechs ™image.png Spitfire

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5 hours ago, Raul said:

You're really never going to make me position myself on something I know nothing about, sorry.

In regards to a swimsuit worn in public, I think it’s a straightforward question, regardless of the context.

If you want to take that position, that’s fine with me, considering what you discussed on SM Discord earlier.

To be honest, I’m not interested in having a debate on here. If you didn’t make your comments on SM Discord, I wouldn’t have bothered to call you out.

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