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Pavke last won the day on January 14 2022

Pavke had the most liked content!

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  1. My fight against @WarrMachine Code: 16488 I won, ggs
  2. My match against @bumbum replay code: 9EBC7 I won
  3. I have won both of the matches against @warrior5639 and @Lifeblood Deep Fight against Lifeblood: 67A5A Fight against warrior: 6C70D GG guys
  4. Can you check forum message I have sent to you and lifeblood? I'm not in SM server.
  5. My opponent and I cant find appropriate time for fighting. Time zone issues
  6. Most of the players play it on mobile where it's easily accessible
  7. Not using a teleport on a double valiant mech is literally the dumbest decision you could possibly make. He traded energy resistance for a quad, which i personally wouldn't do, I still stick by that you don't need that much energy cap on a douvle valiant mech. Based on my experience with those type of mechs I came to that conclusion. You still didn't reply to me, what rank are you? Some of the things you say are very questionable and won't be heard from anyone that is a rank 1 or so. Also, if you are out of arguments, sending memes about someone "coping" or whatever shit you meant doesn't help you. If you can't keep up, just leave the topic.
  8. What rank are you? OEMP first turn is literally doable sometimes. Why is your concern always around huggers? It's not like there are dozens of other builds in arena but yea let's build a mech to counter huggers only. Learn that not a single mech can win every fight. Perhaps learn how to read. Frero literally corrected your statement and said that teleport is needed lmao.
  9. To make it clear, I'm not saying every mech should use heat legs. If you have range 1 weapons (not swords or saws) then you most of the times go with heat legs to increase that heat resistance. Physical one is already high on its own with vest and a physical resistance.
  10. You are literally incorrect. The whole point of heat legs on mechs that are not heat is to add more resistance for heat so you take less damage from heat mechs INCLUDING huggers. All you need to do is shutdown + mercy and let the drone do the job. If you spawn at range 1 against a hugger you are dead 80% of the times anyways. Hope that your drone and mercy do good damage. Just because mech is physical doesn't mean you need to use all the items that are in the same element (in this case legs). If you really knew about meta as you say, you would know this already. I don't remember players being able to pull out a drone and do OEMP first turn? I thought we only had one action point, hmm...
  11. I disagree with few of the builds submitted, but you also sound like you have no idea what are you talking about. One submitted with 2x DAA is literally the best version of it. People use heat legs on most of the mechs to increase heat resistance. Also, I don't see any problem with teleport? Whats the problem with it lol Why would you even want more cap on double valiant mech? They are cheap to use plus the mech has over 400 regen. Even if the opponent uses OEMP first turn, you can still fire those valiants. Teleport is literally a must in this kind of build. It can happen that you are stuck in a corner where you can only use piercing fox, of course you would want to get away lol. It's also good for teleport hammer combo. Edit: You call few of the mechs that top 10 players used counters but you also submit this and say it's not a counter, like what???
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